
Ps; I wish...

A girl with genius mind, Ivelyn was being taken away from her parents’ house forcefully one day when she have make a plan for her summer holiday. Later on, she end up in the adopted family house that multiple times better. At first she promised herself to make the ‘brother’s’ life a living hell. She planned to make him regret take her away from her hometown. Making the older a walking zombie is her first step of revenge. Make him have headache each and every chance she get. But, only after a few her attempts to make her revenge happen, her brother transfer her to a school. In his defence, he want to make her forget about those silly joke on him and at the same time she can get busy herself with something without making troubles under his care. At least, not during working hours. On the premise she went to the school, Ivelyn put a few... No. No. No. Correction. Better say it a lot of conditions to follow if he want her to stop her revenge. Her life since then were more exciting than she thought and she make a lot of things behind her brother’s back. * * * A rising male idol, Noah, want to live his life before he need to replace his family’s legacy. There is a huge burden were put on his shoulder since he was young as he is the only child in his generation. He want to experience a freedom life before being old sitting behind the desk thinking about his responsibility for those around him. So, he make a deal with his old man to let him do his things until the time come. When being a student and an idol at the same time, Noah need to balance his days between studying and working. Noah need to complete his study with flying colours and have enough attendance to graduate from school. But, due to his busy schedule, he keep miss his class. In order to complete his study, he stay in the same grade for another year. But, when his father heard the news, it make him enrage and decide to intercept. He transfer his son to another school with strict rules to set him straight and be responsible with his own life before others. * * * At first, Ivelyn have a lot of misunderstanding about the boy that keep bothering her. But on Noah side’s, he can’t believe that he will meet his dream girl a lot more everyday. One after another coincidence encounter, the both of them shocked when they found out what were prepared for them both. They learn about each other with their real backgrounds. They both become clueless.

Nicky_ns · Teen
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28 Chs

Chapter 8

Woke up from a sudden loud noise and a little shake, Ivy open her eyes at once and close them again as they were hit by the bright light in which make her regret her decision to do so.

She cover her eyes and rub them as it sting quite a bit and as the same time she unconsciously move around just like her habit every time after she closed her eyes for too long. This happen often including at every time she woke up from her sleep. Her back felt stiff and she felt uncomfortable.

All of a sudden, Ivy thought was struck by the reality. She open her eyes widely and shocked at the fact that she is not in her bedroom with those light and loud noise from the outside. She did not recognise any of the surrounding. Her eyes fall on the very same person she tried to run away from.

When Ivy tried to search for the last memory she can recalled. It leave her gasped in shock and become speechless in her seat.

Ivy can't believe that she let her guard down and the situation she tried to avoid all these days actually happen. Not only that, she thought that it only happen in those drama on the television but now it fall on her too.

Ivelyn can't believe that I fall in the scheme of this man that sit just majestically just in front of her. He was smiling from ear to ear as if mocking her for fall into his trap. His smile make Ivy seethe with anger.

"Y- You!!! Where in the hell is this? Oh God. I can't believe that you would stoop this low."

"Yup. It is me. Your brother, Isaac. The one who won the bet. So, get yourself ready for a new environment and life. Deal? And we are in my private plane. We just crossed the border, leaving for Country S capital city." shrugged his shoulder arrogantly as if what he just done towards her was nothing and answering Ivy's questions calmly at once.

* * *

Back to a few hours ago.

Ivelyn wake up later in the morning. She want to erase the memories of the day before. It cause her have nightmare and uneasy to sleep all night long. Feeling a little down, she decided to go to the city.

Her main goal of the day was to seeking new job that would make herself occupied for the whole summer. It is preferably to find a job that prepare a hostel for their workers and a little secluded and not many known by public.

It will be the best if her new workplace being surrounded by anyone who familiar with her or her other family members. That way she can really hide herself from being found and taken away.

If possible she want herself being surrounded things that would make her less guilty and be free from any anxiety. Her head felt heavy and her heart had been pounding like they were about to burst out of her ribcage. She can't possibly back off right now even if she want. She need to fight her way out if there is no one who can help her to face that man, Isaac Wang. If only she had more power to control her life better, nobody can found her whereabouts ever since she know her past.

After done taking her bath and complete her facial routine, Ivelyn decided to fill her empty stomach that keeps on growling. Last night, she skip her dinner just to avoid any confrontation with her parents.

She hate being force into something she don't want to and don't want to be rude to her parents. She don't want to hurt them with her words. So to avoid any more drama, to protect her pride and dignity, she prefer to not talk and face them at all.

Peeking her head out of her bedroom door's Ivy to check out her surrounding first before she tip toeing to the kitchen. She want to make sure that there is nobody at home since her parents should be at their workplace.

When she walks around the house, she knows that there is indeed no one other than her. Instead of feeling afraid of being left alone in the house, she felt comfortable and peace.

Reaching her destination, Ivy open the fridge to take out some apple juice. She felt thirst and famished, needing a quick sweets drink to boost her energy. On taking another glance inside the chiller, she unexpectedly found a full box of her favourite.

Strawberries. The huge bright red fruits as if calling her name to take them and be consumed by her. They seduces her and make her have no other chance to back off.

In the end, Ivy ended up eat almost half a box of the fruits before she decided to stop.

It all thanks to the alarm coming from her phone. She forgot to erase from her line up reminder as it is the alarm to remind her to hurry and reach the café where she used to work.

But now, everything is just history. I meant the job part where she decided to resign on impulse.

Does she regret it? No. Perhaps a little, but she would resign them sooner or later anyway. Her schedule would clash most of the time and it is going to make her life a lot headache if she continue.

However, for now, Ivy's main goal for the day is that to find a job. Anything will do. Of course, as long as it is legal and she knows how to handle the job, she will take it immediately. She would not being too choosy, as she just want some time off from everyone at the moment.

Leaving the house once she finish doing the dishes, Ivelyn lock the door before turn around and make a move to the bus stop.

In a simple clothes and sneakers shoe, Ivy walk down the road unbothered by her surroundings while playing with her phone. She was happy with the new messages she just received. It makes her heart bloom with the news. It was only a matter of time when she get to show to the world her abilities. The glee excitement on her face make her eyes sparkle.

If only there are boys around her, they will take a second glance just to satisfy their thirst of seeing the girl face again. They might even tried to strike a conversation to woo her just to show the world that they own the girl's heart. Unfortunately for them, Ivy is not that easy. She would put everyone on friend zone just to keep herself from being hurt.

As soon as she reach the bus stop, she had a feeling that there is eyes watching her every moves. Sneakily, Ivy, take a quick glance around her and she can see there is a black sedan parking on the side of the road, twenty meters away from her.

The car make her conscious that she is being followed as she recognise that very car. It was belongs none other than that man. The one she hate and warn not to show up in front of her.

"Tsk... That man is indeed stubborn. As stubborn as a mule. He keeps want to interfere in my plan. And now he want me to be followed around. He really want me to start a serial crime on him and his followers."

When the bus arrived, Ivy decided to just get on it. She change her mind on finding a job as long as those people keep on her track. For now, she just want to go taking a walk anywhere.

As long as there is air conditioning around, she would spend her day and keep herself busy. And that anywhere is a mall. Malls are the best place to spend ones time during summer as they will keep their air condition on full blast just to cool everything inside.

Only after she forgot about being followed than she can come up with another plan later. Unknown to her, as soon as she put up her guards down, she would no longer had the choice to make herself.

Walking into the biggest and crowded mall, Ivelyn take the escalator to the floor that sells girls clothes. She want to take a look at the new trend and styles for summer. Going through them will help her to forget her trouble mind and mess up life.

When there is nothing to her liking, she take the escalator again to another floor and decided to stock up her skincare product. Since it is summer, it means that she need a lot of sunblock to avoid being too tan before new semester began.

She just want nothing much with thick make up in her high school. As long as she look good, she would happy to study and work on her grade. After all she only want to graduate as soon as she can and not attracting too much attention.

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