

PART I Y/n has an ordinary life like another 18 year old girl, but her life changes when the most famous boyband in the world, BTS, move to her neighborhood. Her best friends are Army, but she isn't. Instead, she's Kim Taehyung's (V) best friend and, of course, nobody knows it. How will her best friends react? And the boys? Time passes soon and summer comes. We all know that in summer everything changes, and it's not different for Y/n and Jin. PART II Summer ends and it means a new beginning for Y/n. She's accepted in an international project where she'll have the possibility to leave her country to study somewhere else. But, what will she do when she finds out that she got assigned in Yonsei university? When she sees Jin again, she'll have to put their friendship together as well as her new life. But, will they be able to become friends again? Or what they feel will keep putting them apart?

niniscoffee · Teen
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41 Chs




I chose my own apartment over the student dorms. I needed my own space and my parents supported me with the idea. We found one that looked pretty good and I would only have to catch a bus to go there, it was perfect.

I opened the door. The floor was made of wood and the walls were white. The living room was in the middle, the kitchen was in a side. The bathroom and the bedroom were next to each other, behind the living room. It was small, but perfect for one person.

I unpacked my suitcase, putting all the clothes in the closet and my beauty products in the bathroom. I didn't take a lot of things with me, I put a picture of my family on a small white table in the living room, next to the sofa.

Everything was perfect.

It was 6 in the afternoon, I didn't know where to go or what to do. I decided to order some food. I would take it as a dinner, even though it was pretty early for me.

When my stomach was full I grabbed my phone and I send a message to Taehyung and my group chat with Jungkook and Hoseok. I asked them how was their day going, I didn't know how to tell them that I was in Seoul, everything felt like a dream.

I thought it for a moment, before I entered to Seokjin's chat. We didn't talk since the day they left. I could still hear his voice in my ear, the words 'Don't forget me' echoing inside my head. What was that supposed to mean? I thought we were friends, we ended up good, after all. After our conversation in my room, he was strange. He acted weird around me. It was because he knew I liked him? No, I didn't think so. He knew it already.

Did I lose something?

I talked with them for a while, but I couldn't tell them the truth. I decided I would do it after my first week there.

It would be better if I wait.

Or maybe were just excuses to avoid Seokjin.