
Judgment of the Endless (MarvelxDC)

A man, if we can call him that, wakes up from a millennia of peaceful slumber. Why? He was tired of sleeping ofcourse. He needed that zing~ in his life. Ofcourse, his previous history with interacting with mortals wasn't all that great. He had seen the best and worst of mankind and everything in between. Why wake up at all then? Well, who knows, read the book to find out. Our MC is thrown billions of lightyears and galaxies away by dear ol' papa, you know as a way of showing his support. What a great father. Did I forget that the papa is the creator of EVERYTHING and NOTHING. He even has a fancy title for himself, The Celestial Weaver.... Anyways... Our MC crashes on earth in a certain kingdom of a certain world. "Let's some tea," he says. Blah blah blah, sh*t happens and some more. You know what, just read the damn book. WARNING- Events in this piece of art are strongly AU so uhhh read with full knowledge of that.

Kojo_Supreme · Anime & Comics
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79 Chs

Chapter 7: A little fear won't hurt, right?

[Don't mind any grammar mistakes I might have made, I wrote this on 4 hours of sleep]


[??? POV]

The day had started off peacefully as always. I had been doing my daily tasks of patrolling the inner palace although there was no point in me or anyone for that matter doing so. This place was a fortress.

But who am I to decide what I do and don't. I stood in the courtyard after completing my morning shift, the sun shone brightly onto my head from up above. 

It was at this time that something I would have never dreamed of ever happening. From the sky, a comet or what looked like it hurled its way towards the palace.

Normally one would be scared shitless if such a thing happened but no, I had faith in the barrier that surrounded Wakanda. True to my expectations the comet simply bounced off the surface of the barrier.

'Is that supposed to happen?' I asked myself. Shouldn't a comet or anything for that matter explode when impacting a hard surface at such speeds?

I'm no rocket scientist but I believe that's what should happen. The mysterious object made its way towards the edge of Wakanda, in the direction I believe was the Border Tribe.

Roughly quarter of an hour later I witnessed the King, dressed in his Black Panther suit, accompanied by his son the prince and a squad of royal guards all rushing towards the royal airship.

They boarded it with haste and shot towards the presumed location of that mysterious object. I wonder what could possibly require the attention of the King of all people.

Sure the impact may have rocked the very ground we stood on, sure the rumbling knocked a few of us to the ground but that doesn't call for the kings attention.

'I have a bad feeling about this.'

[A couple hours later]

"All rise," I shouted at the arrival of the king. Behind him were the prince and princess, the Dora Milaje and a white man in long robes.

A brief exchange occurred between the king and the representatives of the Border and Merchant tribes until one of them asked the mysterious man's name.

Things took a very unexpected turn from then on. First the lights turned off, random music began playing in the background. To top it off, the man started singing. Singing!!!

It was a catchy song not going to lie.

However, hell broke loose at the utterance of his last note. I declaration of his name, Judgment of the End. The throne room was bathed in a light so bright I couldn't see my own hands.

An unbearable pressure bore upon me, forcing me to my knees. Resistance was futile.

My body felt heavy, my bones creaked in agony and my heart nearly burst under the pressure.

I couldn't even master the strength to look up at the figure of now named Darius. I instinctively knew I would regret doing so.

"Silence," his voiced boomed. Gone was the gentle carefree tone he spoke with before.

"I come not with bad intentions. Show me due respect and no harm shall befall you."

"Test me and you shall regret it." With those final words the pressure boring on us was lifted. Instantly the sound of bodies tumbling to the ground filled the room.

"Justtt wha.. what happe--" The words failed to escape my mouth as my vision was engulfed in darkness.

[Darius POV]


Maybe I overdid it a lil bit. I forgot just how weak mortals were. [A/N More like how strong you were]

I looked around the throne room, bodies lying on the ground in various positions. What surprised me however, was how the king fell unconscious while still being on one knee.

The will power is admirable. Well its to be expected, kings are the face of a kingdom. A weak king is a weak kingdom.

'So what's the plan with this world?' I asked myself. What was I going to do here. Be a messiah? Nah, that's too much work. Be a hero fighting the great demon king or something similar? Nope. Been there done that.

Be a villain? Can't be one even if I wanted to. Curses to you father. ~Sigh~ Fine then, there's only one thing left for me to do. Have a normal life. How hard can that be.

All I have to do is find a wife, have kids and live a happy lif---.

"Shit." I couldn't help cursing out loud. This might be a problem. In what reality would a being such as I have a normal life let alone find a worthy enough lover. 

"That's for me to worry about later." 

This people sure are taking their sweet time waking up. Oh, I'm still radiating some of my power. Hehe silly me.

I withdrew my aura and made sure non of it was leaking out, something impossible to do since this vessel wasn't made to contain all of my power. 


With a snap of my fingers, the fallen warriors and council men and women began waking up. Their first reaction of course was panic. Can't blame them really. 

[3rd POV]

"Wakey wakey," Darius said in a sing song voice.

The denizens of the throne room slowly but surely got onto their feet. The much weaker and older of the bunch needing help from those nearby.

"What happened," asked the king. His eyes scanning across the room making sure everyone was oky.

"You fainted that's what. I gotta say, it was a pitiful sight to behold." They all jumped at the sound of my voice. Their bodies trembling involuntarily from brief trauma they had gone through.

"What did you do!" Oh~ that's a surprise. Even after my show of strength he still manages to raise his voice towards me. Interesting indeed.

"Oh nothing much. I just bathed you you in a very minuscule amount of my power, the tiniest amount you mortals are able to bare. That proved to be too much even for you." 

"Fear not however. I have no ill intentions towards you or your nation." 

I've always had a way with people. No matter what past we might have had, if I wanted you to be my friend you would be my friend. 

"How are we to know that your words hold any credit," the River tribe representative said with a shaky voice. It's clear he was being very mindful with his words and tone.

"You don't." I simply said with a smile. "You'll just have to trust me."

The council was skeptical, as to be expected.





Time quickly flew by and before I knew it night had arrived. The talk with the council was semi productive. We discussed a few things, made a few promises and agreements here and there.

And here I am, being escorted by one of the palace guards to my room. All I had asked from the council was a place to stay and in return they have my protection.

Not an ideal or equal exchange I know, but they simply don't have anything that would interest me.

Plus I don't plan on staying here for long.

We arrived at a grand door in the far corner of the palace. I would have settled for anything outside the palace but beggars can't be choosers unfortunately.

The room was what anyone would expect if they had walked around the palace a bit. 

The floor had black shiny tiles, a huge bed made the centre piece of the room. Of to the side was a fluffy red couch with a coffee table next to it. The rest is too much to explain.

Just imagine what royalty would sleep in if they were from an advanced future. Floating lights, sensors for everything and all of it being controlled from a single console.

"Please enjoy you stay sir," the escort said in a professional tone.

"Thanks. Here, something for your troubles," I said, flipping a coin in his direction.

"Keep it close to you at all time." He nodded in response, his gaze fixed on the coin in his hand.

What did I give him you wonder? It's nothing but a one-time good luck charm sure to bring good fortune to those who have it. Generous ain't I.


I'm tired.....

I dragged my weak body towards the bed. Its plump pillows and cozy looking sheets seemed to be calling out to me. If there was anything I loved more than anything in this world sleeping.

[A/N I love sleeping, I could be sleeping right now but no, I have chapters to write]

Approaching the foot of the bed I let my body go limp and let gravity do the job. I was out cold before my head hit the bed....
