
Judgment of the Endless (MarvelxDC)

A man, if we can call him that, wakes up from a millennia of peaceful slumber. Why? He was tired of sleeping ofcourse. He needed that zing~ in his life. Ofcourse, his previous history with interacting with mortals wasn't all that great. He had seen the best and worst of mankind and everything in between. Why wake up at all then? Well, who knows, read the book to find out. Our MC is thrown billions of lightyears and galaxies away by dear ol' papa, you know as a way of showing his support. What a great father. Did I forget that the papa is the creator of EVERYTHING and NOTHING. He even has a fancy title for himself, The Celestial Weaver.... Anyways... Our MC crashes on earth in a certain kingdom of a certain world. "Let's some tea," he says. Blah blah blah, sh*t happens and some more. You know what, just read the damn book. WARNING- Events in this piece of art are strongly AU so uhhh read with full knowledge of that.

Kojo_Supreme · Anime & Comics
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79 Chs

Chapter 6: Throne room musical[Edited]

[A/N Just skip this chap. Looking back at it again I donno why I wrote it. Nothing important happens here anyway.]

[Skip it]

[Skippppppp it] 


In the command centre of the airship stood T'Chaka the king, T'Challa the prince, Shuri the princess and Darius, our enigmatic MC

Darius was occupied looking around the beautiful ship, for something so advanced it sure lacked a proper cockpit. The entire ship seemed to be controlled mostly by the beads on the captains wrists. 

The interior as sleek and technologically advanced as the exterior. The walls and floors were made of a lightweight, reflective metal that seemed to absorb and reflect the light.

In the center of the room is a large, semi-circular console that seems to hover above the ground. The console was filled with holographic screens and touch-sensitive controls, all adorned with intricate Wakandan designs.

It was the ultimate luxury cruiser.

"You people sure do have an eye for aesthetically pleasing things, this is simply beautiful," praised Darius as his hand ran over the circular console. 

"We thank you for the praise your Lordship, but all the credit would go to my dear daughter here." King T'Chaka praised his daughter for her ingenuity and talent. Surely there was no ther Wakandan as bright as her.

"You sired a talented heir indeed Mr King, same could be said for your son. Do try to avoid addressing me with such formality, Darius will simply do."

T'Chaka smiled, feeling proud of his 2 children.

[Darius POV]

I was enjoying this, maybe a lil too much for someone who just woke up. ho can blame me though, I haven't had a proper conversation in such a long time.

I quite liked the way these people carried themselves and richness in culture they seemed to have, evidenced by the multiple references to their traditions all scattered about.

Even this advanced ship carried rich element of their culture. From the way it was designed, the layout of ship and the multitude of decorations. A story could be told from most of these.

The king was a man of advanced age, strands of grey and white hair hear and there. Despite that, he held more vitality and strength than anyone here, besides me of course. His posture told a story of the tough years his been through.

With my eyes his history, character and all his actions were as open as a book. However, I chose not to look at that information. I wanted to learn everything about a person without the aid of these accursed eyes.

Only when I decide to take up my old title will I use them again.

The son, T'Challa, stood by the corner there seemingly scrutinising my every move. A little creepy to be honest. I don't swing that way. No way.

"If you could stop staring that would be greatly appreciated thank you," I advised the young prince.

"Same goes for you princess."

Shuri, the young bright girl coughed at my statement. A couple of times in fact. Maybe she developing a cold, who knows.

"Oy Okoye, come here for a few minutes." I was curious about the bald woman. Not because she was bald, no, because she was the second strongest here and seemed to command a fearsome troop of women. As if women weren't fearsome enough.

"What may I help you with? Make it quick, I don't like talking to colonisers." Damn, from polite to ruthless. This woman didn't have a filter at all. Haha, she got my attention for sure.

"Okoye!" the king barked. I could tell his heart rate went up a few notches fearing for what might happen.

"Its alright Mr king, this is the type of conversation I prefer compared to your royal formalities. Casual is the way to go. Shuri over there seemed to have gotten the idea," I said with a smile adding a slight comment about the princess' way of dressing.

T'Chaka nodded stiffly at that. Maybe I should tone down the teasing a lil bit, I'm not sure his heart can take much more.

Back to Okoye, I asked her, "You are quite the skilled warrior Okoye, a formidable opponent for even veteran male warriors. Do tell me, what's the purpose of all that strength?. What do you fight for?"

My question got the attention of everyone around us, Okoye herself was surprised. Not the ideal question one would ask at a first meeting for sure. 

"What do I fight for?"

[A couple minutes later]

A few minutes later of smooth travel and we finally arrived at the grand palace. And grand it was indeed.

Soldiers littered the courtyard like uniformed ants, all split into organised groups. Troops of soldiers would run by with an instructor at the forefront. More ships and jets were parked in the courtyard, pilots and mechanics often seen entering and exiting those that were grounded.

This place was amazing. The palace had a sleek, elegant yet futuristic design to it, clearly this was a place for a king. It was humungous to top it of.


The air ship landed with a soft thud, mush more graceful than the last time. We disembarked from the vessel and walked down the ramp, slowly. It's all about the theatrics.

"My King!"

A well built man came rushing towards our group, "The council has assembled and awaits your presence my king," he said urgently. Well there goes my plans to get some rest. *Sigh* Hopefully this council isn't full of arrogant senile old men. I have a very bad history with them.

"It would be an honour if you would join us Darius," the king said. Like I have any choice, actually I do but you know what I mean. I'm a guest here and must act the part.

"Sure, lead the way," I said.

We walked past a neat line of guards standing either side of us, what I nice procession if I do say so myself.

The halls of the palace were huge, unnecessarily so. Walls were decorated with various ornaments, carpets, artwork and a multitude of vases. The ceiling was was littered with floating light balls and other decorations.

I have to give credit to the designers of this place and the cleaners. This place must not be an easy place to keep tidy.

We came upon a grand door, a scene of what I believe to be a panther leading a group of people into a mountain. Wonder what it means. My mouth was left hanging when we entered the throne room. 

"Why do you need such a big room for such a small group of people," I asked to no one particularly. Honestly, mortals never cease to amaze me.

"All rise." A random guy to our left shouted out when we entered the room and the once seated council members stood from their posts, the guards also stood at attention. Once T'Chaka had taken his seat they all bowed and took their respective seats

"Thank you all for gathering on such a short notice but the situation required it." T'Chaka began.

"Indeed it was a bit urgent, what news have you brought us your highness. Have you found the cause of the huge tremor that occurred earlier today," said a woman with brick red clay in her hair.

"Indeed I have. The cause is standing right there," he said pointing towards me.

"Ehhh, aloha? The name's Darius nice to meet ya," I said. A cheeky smile couldn't help clawing its way onto my face. I'm sure I blinded some with my radiant smile and teeth.

"What is the meaning of this T'Chaka, why have you brought a white man into Wakanda?" A man with a circular disk in his mouth said. The hell!? Why on earth do you have a disk in your mouth mate.

I stared at the man with curious eyes. However my expression must have been terrifying because the man started shivering when he laid his eyes on me. 

"This man was the reason why Wakanda shook. Apparently he crashed into our barrier and somehow survived without any injuries." The rest of the council stared at the king with condensing glares. 

"Oh stop looking at me like that, see for yourself. Shuri." 

Shuri, who had been sitting by her brothers side as a princess, extended he left hand and from it a projection appeared showing the events that insured. It showed my embarrassing fall, the crash, the bouncing and finally the man shaped hole in the ground.

The council turned to me with aghast expressions, shock clearly written on to their faces.

"Just who are you?" The disk man said with a shaky voice.

"Who me? I'm nobody but if you really wanna know----"





[T'Chaka Pov]

"Who me? I'm nobody but if you really wanna know----" Darius said, drawing out the last part. I feel like something is about to happen. I looked at my wife, Ramonda, wondering what her thoughts were on this man.

She had her eyes fixed on the man, an expression of displeasure plastered on her face. Huh, wonder what's the matter with her. Maybe she senses something from him.

As the daughter of a Shaman, Ramonda has a keen sense of supernatural things and Darius is as supernatural as they get.


Darius suddenly clapped his hands together and said, "Lights." The lights all went off.


Out of nowhere, Darius had a spotlight on him.


"And actionnn!"

*Doom* *Doom* *Doom* *Doom* *Doom* *Dooodoom* *Dododoom*

Drums started playing in the background, a catchy beat followed soon after.

[The following has been censored by author-san]

Darius began singing. Singing!!. Is he serious right now. The council members all had their jaws hanging loose from the shock. "Is this a disney movie?" I heard my daughter say and couldn't help but agreeing.

[3rd person POV]

The representatives of the Border, River and Merchant tribes all ground their teeth in annoyance. They did not take kindly to Darius provocation.

[Censored again.....]

♪' Oh who am I?

 I'm Darius, the name's Darius Nightshade,

 The Morpheus of the night.

 The son of the East and the West, 

♪' I'm Darius, Judgement of the End.


[So deleted the singing bit, don't even remember writing it, that's how tired I was. Anyways toddles]