
Judgment of the Endless (MarvelxDC)

A man, if we can call him that, wakes up from a millennia of peaceful slumber. Why? He was tired of sleeping ofcourse. He needed that zing~ in his life. Ofcourse, his previous history with interacting with mortals wasn't all that great. He had seen the best and worst of mankind and everything in between. Why wake up at all then? Well, who knows, read the book to find out. Our MC is thrown billions of lightyears and galaxies away by dear ol' papa, you know as a way of showing his support. What a great father. Did I forget that the papa is the creator of EVERYTHING and NOTHING. He even has a fancy title for himself, The Celestial Weaver.... Anyways... Our MC crashes on earth in a certain kingdom of a certain world. "Let's some tea," he says. Blah blah blah, sh*t happens and some more. You know what, just read the damn book. WARNING- Events in this piece of art are strongly AU so uhhh read with full knowledge of that.

Kojo_Supreme · Anime & Comics
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77 Chs

Chapter 2: A rude landing

"...." Speach

'....' Thought

*....* Effects

[....] or (.....) Comments


It was a beautiful day in the quiet outskirts of what seemed to be a normal peaceful village. 

Peaceful it was until seemingly out of nowhere a man fell from the sky, leaving a trail of fire in his wake. The inhabitants of this peaceful village stood in awe and vigilance at the approaching figure. 


With a mighty crash that shook the earth, the man came to a halt. The onlookers had their hearts in their throats as they waited for the dust to clear.

Finally the figure came into view, sitting in a crater of his own making. 

[Image here]

*Cough cough*

"Damn," the figure grunted out. 

"A little more gentle next time you old geezer."

With shaky and rigid movements the man stood up, surveying the strange land he had found himself in, surrounded by strange people in robes and spears. A strange day it was for him.

[A few moments earlier]

'This is farewell my son, now go forth and spread your wings.' 


In an instant, Darius was flung lightyears away at speeds faster than light itself. Galaxies, stars and planets were all but a blur. Like a blazing comet, he hurtled through space and time, all while spinning like a ballerina with no equilibrium of balance. 

He crashed through realities, breaking the very fabric of existence but it all mysteriously went back to how it was the moment he passed.

Beings all scattered throughout watched attentively the sceptical that was before them, Never before have they ever seen such a bizarre sight but non approached the speeding man. They instinctively knew he was a being not to be messed with.

The Concepts the likes of Destiny, Chaos, Time, Sorrow, Order, Space and many more watched as Darius zoomed by.

'He has awoken.'

'I wonder why.'

'This is quite intriguing, finally something worth watching.'

'True, the cosmos tell me things are about to get interesting.'

'Judgement, you finally returned to me, oh how I have waited for your waking.'

The last one, Destiny, held her abstract hands to her 'heart' and a smile bloomed on her non existent face. The other Concepts smiled sheepishly knowing knowing things would become interesting. In more ways than one






[First person POV]

What a Father I have. Flinging his own son across the multiverse to god knows where. I couldn't tell you the amount of planets and stars or even galaxies I had zoomed past. Not to mention the number of asteroids and comets I had to smash through.

As if waking me up wasn't bad enough, no, he just had to throw me away. *Sigh* My mental energy is already drained already.


My tumbling body came to a sudden halt, a couple thousands of miles from a blue planet. Huh, this one looked familiar for some reason. I believe the natives call it Earth, a stupid name I believe. 

Suddenly my body resumed its earlier motion and accelerated towards the gigantic blue planet. I simply had no control what so ever over my own damn body, Father must be adamant about me residing here.

As I approached the planets atmosphere, the air around me burned with an intensity so bright a normal mortal would be blinded by it.

A fiery trail followed closely behind as I got ever so nearer to the ground. For reasons unknown I got excited. Maybe it was the idea of the new adventure or maybe the new interesting things I might witness the foolish mortals do.

In my many years of existence I had come to one conclusion. Mankind as a whole is stupid. No matter the world or reality, they always find a way to damn their own species. I have never encountered a more selfish, destructive, and foolish species than mankind.

Their thirst for power, their greed, their ignorance, and their pride have brought nothing but chaos and destruction. They seek to conquer and control, unaware of their own insignificance in the grand scheme of things.

I had the feeling this world would be no different from the rest. But however, I'm here to enjoy myself and not act as Judge. Only when the situation need be will I retake my post as Judgement of The Endless.


Oh would you look at that, the ground seems to be drawing nearer and my body does not seem to be slowing down one bit.

*Bang* *Boing*

I suddenly crashed into something invisible. Oh its a barrier I see. This one doesn't seem to have an ounce of magical power in it, what sort of sorcery have the mortals conjured up this time. I looked down but saw nothing, what was the point of a barrier if there's nothing to protect.

Wait..... I see something, tall structures and flying contraptions. Ahh~~~ an invisibility barrier, nice.

Bouncing off and accelerating with the same speed as before, I was shot a mile or two away from my initial landing spot approaching a small village at the edge of a forest. This one however, was different from the tall structures hidden away by that accursed barrier.

It was composed of huts made of mud and straw, fishing boats by the dock, children and elderly roaming about. What a sight to behold, but unfortunately for both them and I, my fast paced descent shattered the once peaceful ambiance of the small village.



"Cough cough, damn old geezer"

"A little more gentle next time will you," damn that hurt, and no, it was not because I was thrown lightyears away and finally crashing into this dirt and stone filled ground. No no no, what truly hurt me was the fact that I landed on my staff. 

My Rod of Equilibrium, funny name I know, was my most prized possession. Imbued with the power of balance, capable of maintaining equilibrium in any situation and helping me in my role as a judge of all things.

As one would expect, it hurt like a fuck ton, no seriously, this thing hurt. A lot.

"Arg," I grunted as I slowly stood up from the crater I had made. What I did not expect though was to be surrounded by spear wielding women with bald shiny heads. Since when did women start shaving their heads.

What happened to the long luxurious flowing hair, the beautiful well crafted braids, the sturdy and resilient locks. What strange world have I found myself in.

[Few moments earlier.... again]

In the depths of the Vibranium mine underneath Wakanda, Shuri, princess and genius inventor, was hard at work on her latest creation. Suddenly, a strange tremor shook the ground beneath her feet, causing her to drop her tools with a startled yelp.

"What in the name of Bast was that?" she exclaimed. Wasting no time, she rushed towards the main console, tapping furiously at the various screens and systems. Within moments, she had accessed the security footage from Wakanda's protective barrier.

As Shuri watched, she saw a brilliant streak of light crash into the energy field that surrounded Wakanda, causing it to flare and crackle before dissipating the impact. She held her breath, heart pounding in her chest as she watched the figure emerge from the rubble. It was unlike anything she had ever seen before.

Shuri knew she had to act quickly. With a steady hand, she tapped a command into the console, sending an alert to the Dora Milaje, Wakanda's elite all-female special forces team.

Meanwhile, she left her laboratory, taking an express elevator to the surface. She took a futuristic looking jet and headed towards the crash sight, having alerted her father and brother before hand. As the doors opened, she spotted the Dora Milaje already surrounding the fallen figure.

Despite their rigorous training and discipline, they too seemed awestruck by the being in their midst. Shuri approached with caution, her senses alert for any sign of danger.

[Present] [No more flashbacks.... probably ]

[First person POV]

Finally picking myself of the ground and dusting myself of the non-existent dirt on my clothes. What? These robes cost a fortune to craft. You don't believe me? Let me give you the details of just how 'expensive' these garment were.

My garments were a testament to my divine nature and infinite power. They appeared to be made of a fabric that seemed woven from starlight and stardust, shimmering with ethereal beauty. In fact, that's the very same material they were made from.

My robe was long, reaching the ground with a dramatic train. It was adorned with intricate patterns and symbols that glowed with a subtle, inner light. These symbols represented the fundamental aspects of existence and her role as the embodiment of balance. 

The belt, my favourite part, was made of a material that seemed to bend and twist light itself, constantly shifting and shimmering.

Anyways, enough about me. Let's focus on the bold women before me. 

From the sky above, a oddly shaped contraption descended. It look remarkably similar to those jet thingies the humans I interacted with before had made. This one however was odd in shape and in size.

I'm no stranger to modern societies and sci-fi themed cultures. C'mon, I'm The Wanderer for Father's sake. The contraptions I had encountered before where much smaller and less hefty than this one. One could say they were slick. Mmm human slang does not bode well with me.

The jet/plane thingy reached the ground and from its doors emerged a young woman. Dark in complexion as compared to my pale white. She had a very interesting sense of fashion. No more to be said on that matter. 

"State your business foreigner!"

The woman, no, girl spoke with a clear voice, barren of any fear or cowardice. I like her. Despite her seemingly young age, she knew how to stand her ground as futile as that may be.

Things were about to get interesting around here. []~( ̄▽ ̄)~*

Well, that was faster than I thought. Anyway, one more chapter out of da way. Thanks to anyone who's reading this (If there are any). Dont forget to like and subsc--- *Cough cough* Wrong platform. What I meant was, comment your suggestions and ideas. Any help woud be appreciated

Kojo_Supremecreators' thoughts