
Judgment of the Endless (MarvelxDC)

A man, if we can call him that, wakes up from a millennia of peaceful slumber. Why? He was tired of sleeping ofcourse. He needed that zing~ in his life. Ofcourse, his previous history with interacting with mortals wasn't all that great. He had seen the best and worst of mankind and everything in between. Why wake up at all then? Well, who knows, read the book to find out. Our MC is thrown billions of lightyears and galaxies away by dear ol' papa, you know as a way of showing his support. What a great father. Did I forget that the papa is the creator of EVERYTHING and NOTHING. He even has a fancy title for himself, The Celestial Weaver.... Anyways... Our MC crashes on earth in a certain kingdom of a certain world. "Let's some tea," he says. Blah blah blah, sh*t happens and some more. You know what, just read the damn book. WARNING- Events in this piece of art are strongly AU so uhhh read with full knowledge of that.

Kojo_Supreme · Anime & Comics
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79 Chs

Chapter 17: Hide n Seek

"Zuri! Where are you girl!?" Shuri's voice rang out in the palace garden.

"C'mon, come out already..." Apparently she's been playing hide and seek with the panther pup.

"This isn't fun anymore."


[A few moments earlier]

The following day, the palace was alive with a sense of excitement as Shuri announced her plans to play hide and seek with Zuri.

The gardens, with their myriad of hiding spots and lush greenery, provided the perfect setting for their game.

I watched from a distance, a smile tugging at my lips as I saw the enthusiasm in both Shuri and the young panther pup.

"Alright, Zuri," Shuri said, crouching down to the pup's level. "We're going to play a game. I'm going to hide, and you have to find me, okay?"

Zuri tilted her head, her dark eyes sparkling with curiosity. She let out a small purr, as if to signal her understanding. Shuri giggled and gave the pup a gentle pat before standing up.

"Okay, count to ten!" Shuri called out playfully, though she knew Zuri couldn't count. Still, the pup sat down, its ears twitching as it watched Shuri dart off into the garden.

I leaned against a nearby tree, chuckling at the sight. Shuri, despite her brilliance and scientific mind, had an incredible knack for connecting with creatures, especially Zuri. It was heart warming to see them bond this way.

After a few moments, Zuri stood up and began to sniff the air, her little nose twitching as she tried to catch Shuri's scent.

With a determined look, she started her search, moving stealthily through the garden. Her small size allowed her to navigate through the underbrush and around the towering plants with ease.

Shuri had hidden herself behind a large cluster of flowering bushes, peeking through the leaves to watch Zuri's progress. The pup moved closer, her ears perked up and tail flicking with anticipation. Shuri stifled a giggle, her eyes shining with excitement.

Zuri paused for a moment, then pounced towards the bushes with surprising speed. She wriggled her way through the leaves, emerging on the other side to find Shuri waiting with open arms.

"There you are, Zuri!" Shuri exclaimed, scooping the pup up and twirling her around. Zuri let out a delighted purr, nuzzling against Shuri's cheek. "You found me!"

I couldn't help but smile at their interaction, glad I was able to save the little pup.




After a short rest, Shuri clapped her hands and grinned. "Alright, Zuri, it's your turn to hide now. Let's see if I can find you!"

Zuri's ears perked up, and she let out an excited purr. Shuri stood up and covered her eyes with her hands, counting out loud, "One, two, three..."

Zuri darted off into the garden, her small, agile body disappearing into the foliage. She moved swiftly and silently, her instincts guiding her to the perfect hiding spot.

"Eight, nine, ten! Ready or not, here I come!" Shuri announced, uncovering her eyes and looking around. She scanned the area, trying to pick up on any movement or sound that might give Zuri away.

Shuri started her search, moving through the garden with a determined yet playful expression. She checked behind bushes, peered into the flower beds, and even looked up into the trees, but there was no sign of Zuri.

The little panther had hidden herself well.

"Zuri, where are you?" Shuri called out, laughing as she continued her search. She could feel her excitement growing with each passing moment. It wasn't often that she was outsmarted, and she relished the challenge.

After several minutes, Shuri paused, placing her hands on her hips and looking around in mock frustration. "Alright, Zuri, you win this round. Come out, come out, wherever you are!"

A few more minutes of fruitless searching Shuri became even more increasingly frustrated, not willing to accept defeat.

"Come on out already..."

"I have your favourite ball with me, *Squeak* *squeak*" she squeezed a small rubber ball in her hands hoping to attract the pup's attention.

"You won't find like that," I decided to voice my input. It was clear who the winner was but Shuri being the stubborn brat she is couldn't accept it.

"Darius help me~" 

"No can't do princess."

"Please, she she only listens to you."

"That she does, but I'm not helping you find her."

"Grrrr, I give up." Shuri resigned to her fate, accepting defeat. I chuckled at her misfortune. "She is closer than you think," I gave her a small hint.

"I don't want a hint, I'm tired."

"You sure?" I said looking up into the trees. Lying on a branch and watching us with curious eyes was Zuri. She had been there for a while now, enjoying Shuri's inability to find her.

"Very sure," Shuri replied.

"Your loss," I said, reaching my arms outwards. A fluffy jet black ball of fur fell into my open arms and snuggled into my chest. "She was here all along, hahahahaha!"


The angry princess threw a pebble at me in annoyance.

[Later that day]

[Time - 8:21PM]

The royal family gathered for dinner in the grand dining hall of the palace. The room was warm and inviting, filled with the delicious smell of freshly prepared food.

T'Challa sat at the head of the table, with Shuri to his right and their mother, Queen Ramonda, to his left. Darius, their new friend and advisor, took a seat across from Shuri.

The table was set with a variety of traditional dishes, from savoury stews to sweet fruits. Zuri, the young black panther pup, lay curled up at Shuri's feet, her small body rising and falling with each gentle breath.

"This looks wonderful," Darius said, smiling as he took in the spread before them. "It's been a while since I've enjoyed a meal like this."

"You're in for a treat," Shuri replied, passing him a dish of spiced vegetables. "Our cooks are the best."

As they began to eat, the conversation flowed easily. They talked about the day's events, sharing stories and laughter. Darius was particularly interested in hearing about Shuri's latest inventions and experiments in her lab.

"So, Shuri," Darius began, his eyes twinkling with curiosity, "what new gadgets have you been working on?"

Shuri's face lit up. "I'm glad you asked! I've been developing a new type of energy shield. It's lightweight and can protect against almost any attack."

"That sounds impressive," T'Challa said, nodding in approval. "You'll have to show us a demonstration soon."

Queen Ramonda joined in, her voice warm and proud. "Shuri never ceases to amaze me. She's always pushing the boundaries of what's possible."

The evening continued with more stories and laughter. At one point, Zuri woke up and started exploring under the table, much to everyone's amusement. The pup's playful antics brought even more joy to the gathering.

As the meal came to an end, T'Challa raised his glass. "To family, friends, and the future of Wakanda," he said, his voice filled with sincerity.

"To family and friends," everyone echoed, clinking their glasses together.

Darius looked around the table, feeling a deep sense of belonging. Though he was a powerful primordial, here in Wakanda, he had found a place where he could enjoy life's simple pleasures and make a difference. It was a feeling he cherished and one he knew he would hold onto for a long time.


[Imma try make things more interesting in the next chap, also introduce a well known character. Time I expand from the whole Wakanda thing]