
Judgment of the Endless (MarvelxDC)

A man, if we can call him that, wakes up from a millennia of peaceful slumber. Why? He was tired of sleeping ofcourse. He needed that zing~ in his life. Ofcourse, his previous history with interacting with mortals wasn't all that great. He had seen the best and worst of mankind and everything in between. Why wake up at all then? Well, who knows, read the book to find out. Our MC is thrown billions of lightyears and galaxies away by dear ol' papa, you know as a way of showing his support. What a great father. Did I forget that the papa is the creator of EVERYTHING and NOTHING. He even has a fancy title for himself, The Celestial Weaver.... Anyways... Our MC crashes on earth in a certain kingdom of a certain world. "Let's some tea," he says. Blah blah blah, sh*t happens and some more. You know what, just read the damn book. WARNING- Events in this piece of art are strongly AU so uhhh read with full knowledge of that.

Kojo_Supreme · Anime & Comics
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79 Chs

Chapter 10: Tea party at the palace

'What the hell is going on?'

The Jabari king was in a state of shock and disbelief. 





[Throne room]

[4:23 AM]

The tension that had once gripped the throne room of Wakanda had given way to an air of cautious optimism. The conflict that had occurred a few hours prior, marked by the intense battle between the Jabari tribe and the royal family, was still fresh in everyone's minds.

Yet, only just a few hours after the whole ordeal, the throne room was transformed into a place of diplomacy and reconciliation.

King T'Chaka, resplendent in his traditional royal attire, sat at the head of a grand table that had been set up in the centre of the room.

The table was adorned with an array of delicacies, freshly brewed tea, and intricately designed porcelain cups. Seated beside him were his children, T'Challa and Shuri. 

Across from them sat M'Daku, the formidable leader of the Jabari tribe. His demeanour was as strong and imposing as ever, but there was a glint of anger and annoyance as he regarded the royal family.

Alongside him were several key members of the Jabari, their expressions a mix of curiosity and caution.

At the center of the table, commanding attention with an almost otherworldly presence, was the godly figure of Darius. His robes, seemingly woven from the very fabric of the cosmos, exuded an aura of power and serenity.

His eyes, deep and knowing, watched over the gathering with a sense of benevolent authority, and mostly curiosity.

As the tea was poured and the initial pleasantries exchanged, it was Darius who spoke first, his voice resonating with a divine timbre that silenced the room.

"Kind of you to join me this early in the morning," he began, his gaze sweeping over the assembled individuals. "Let's begin this little meeting of ours shall we."

[A/N I'm writing this with half closed eyes, tired as F]

T'Chaka nodded, raising his cup in a gesture of solidarity. "We have all witnessed the cost of division. Let this gathering be the first step towards a stronger, united Wakanda. M'Daku, your bravery and strength are invaluable to this nation."

M'Daku inclined his head slightly, his expression serious. "The Jabari seek respect and a voice in the future of Wakanda. We do not wish to be sidelined or ignored."

Shuri, ever the diplomat, smiled warmly. "Your contributions and perspectives are vital, M'Daku. We can achieve so much more together than apart.

The Jabari's strength and the technological advancements of the royal family can create a powerful synergy."

As the discussion continued, the atmosphere gradually lightened. Stories were shared, and laughter began to punctuate the conversation.

Darius, who had initially maintained a reserved presence, began to share wisdom and insights from his divine perspective, along with some minor jokes here and there further bridging the gap between the two factions.

"The true strength of a nation," Darius mused, "lies not just in its physical power or wealth, but in its ability to embrace diversity and work towards a common goal.

Wakanda is blessed with both immense resources and a rich tapestry of cultures. Embrace this, and no challenge will be impossible to overcome."

As the formalities began to wane, the atmosphere in the throne room grew more relaxed.

The lingering tension from the previous conflict dissolved further as the tea flowed and conversation became more casual.

Darius, whose presence had been primarily guiding and serene, leaned forward with genuine curiosity.

"I have watched over many realms and cultures, but I find Wakanda to be particularly intriguing. Tell me more about your people and your ways."

T'Challa, always eager to share the wonders of his homeland, responded with enthusiasm. "Wakanda is a land of great beauty and advanced technology, thanks to our unique resource, vibranium. It is the backbone of our technological advancements and the key to our prosperity."

Shuri chimed in, her eyes sparkling with pride. "Our technology is some of the most advanced in the world. "

Darius nodded, absorbing their words with keen interest. "I have sensed the energy of vibranium. It is unlike any other substance in the universe. How do you balance such power with the everyday lives of your people?"

M'Daku, who had been quietly listening, decided to share his perspective. "The Jabari choose to live differently, more in harmony with the natural world.

While we respect the power of vibranium, we also see the strength in maintaining our traditional ways. This balance, I believe, is what makes Wakanda truly strong."

T'Chaka, sipping his tea, added, "It is this diversity that enriches our nation. The different tribes, each with their unique ways, contribute to the mosaic that is Wakanda.

We have our challenges, but our unity is our greatest asset."

Darius smiled, clearly impressed by their unity and diversity. "It is rare to see such harmony between tradition and innovation.

I would love to hear more about your daily lives. How do you celebrate your heritage?"

Shuri's eyes lit up. "We have numerous festivals throughout the year. One of the most significant is the annual celebration of the Panther Goddess Bast.

It's a time when we honor our ancestors, engage in traditional dances, and showcase our technological advancements. It's a blend of the old and the new."

T'Challa nodded, adding, "And our culinary traditions are just as rich. We have dishes that have been passed down for generations, each tribe adding its own flavors and techniques. It's not just about food; it's a way of bringing people together."

M'Daku chuckled. "The Jabari have their own traditions, of course. Our celebrations are more centred around the mountains and the spirits of our ancestors. We have rituals that connect us to the land and our history."

Darius seemed fascinated. The reason why he became The Wanderer was to experience the vast variety of culture each world had to offer. Each reality had its own fair share of events that led to what they were today.

It was his greatest past time to witness intelligent life evolve and diversify. Of course with evolution came the multitude of problems every civilization encounters at some point.

As the conversation continued, the royal family and the Jabari shared more stories and laughed together, bridging their differences with understanding and camaraderie.

Darius listened intently, occasionally sharing his own insights from other realms, drawing parallels and offering wisdom.

"I believe any animosity you might have had between you has be cleared, right?" Darius said with slitted eyes, half closed and half open. A viscous smile playing on his lips, challenging anyone who might disagree with his words.

Along with his smile that would only belong to the devil, a suffocating pressure emanated from his body threatening to crush those that had different views.

Even the seemingly stubborn King of the Jabari had to bow his head in defeat, seeing no hope in raising a second opinion

"Good. I hate to see children fight. I absolutely detest it," he said with a frown on his face. Old memories resurfaced on the forefront of his mind, unpleasant memories. Right about the time when he decided he has had enough and went to sleep.

"For as long as I live in this land, no fighting of any kind shall take place. Any unsolved disputes you might have you bring them to me." Darius declared with a heavy tone. 

"Disobey and I shall be your Judge, Jury and Executioner." 

"Am I understood?"

All the denizens in the room nodded their heads in conformation. They were afraid. Afraid of the power Darius seemed to hold.

'He sure does change his emotions quite a lot.' Was what the majority of them had on their minds. 


[That's the end of the introduction. The main body of the story now begins. This is were all the fun is😁 This was honestly hard to write not gonna lie, hopefully the rest will be easier]

So that's it for my background bit. From here onwards the real story begins. So cheer me on as we embark on this journey Together. Comment your suggestions and views on what you might wanna see.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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