
The Tragedy Induced by the Spoiled Fish

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

"Wait! Why did it suddenly become my child?! I've never even slept with you before!" Mu Heng exclaimed just as the atmosphere between Ji Ziming and Pei Ge was getting weirder.

"You, you, you! Don't even try to make me a scapegoat! I was drunk as a skunk that time, so where would I get the energy to make a baby with you?! Don't treat me like a fool! Wanting me to take responsibility for something I didn't do; dream on!"

Pei Ge frowned at the sight of Mu Heng pointing his finger and shouting at the pregnant woman. She really wanted to correct his attitude, but the fiasco she had caused earlier today prevented her from doing so.

Sigh… Hotheadedness really is the devil. I must not be rash next time and not jump to conclusion easily.

Just look at you today, Pei Ge. After dragging a certain someone to the OB-GYN, asking him to take responsibility, and even scolding him about irresponsibility, what happened in the end?