
Twin issues

Author's POV,

All the children were sitting down on the chairs in the ice cream shop happily enjoying themselves, while at a far corner, was a group of teenagers chatting among themselves while taking ice cream and from afar, people would know that they have been best friends since forever.

Those teenagers were none other than Xander, Xavier, Christiana and Providence...

" Hey xan, look at this old couple looking at us" Xavier informed his brother

" Duh, don't you know they're looking because they admire my handsomeness? They are just wishing I was their child but poor them, cause I'm already taken by the king's family with this extra luggage called a twin" Xander said proudly

"Xander, I said there were looking at us and not you. You are too proud of yourself and I'm not an extra luggage, mind you" Xavier responded while looking at his brother incredulously

" And perhaps, if anyone were to be the extra luggage, it would be you because, I allowed you to leave our mother's womb first because I was so caring and strong, I knew that if I came out first, you would just die in the belly so, I saved you, little brat" Xavier continued.

"Xavy, are you trying to console yourself with this explanation? You can continue but all you said is a lie. I'm the first because I fought for it, I fought my way out of the belly so you can't just belittle all of my hardwork," Xander responded fiercely...

The girls were watching the banter between the boys and they were laughing among themselves because this was the real entertainment for them.

" You don't fight in the belly idiot, everything is not about fighting" Xavier tried to correct his brother's way of thinking.

" You see Xavier, this is why you are the second to come out of the womb, don't you know that we have to be violent to get somethings? If I sat down in the womb with you waiting for something to happen don't you know we would take up to ten years in that place? It was because I was kicking and jumping and punching around. Appreciate me because I fought for your safety and well-being." Xander argued

" If you were fighting for me, you were supposed to allow me to come out of the womb first,brother I was the one that pushed you out because I knew that if we were to fight for the first position, we would have both died so, brother not everything is about fighting" Xavier responded back

Before Xander could respond, his phone rang, when he checked the profile of the person calling him,he froze and turned to his brother.

He picked up the call and put it on speaker...

"Hey big bro, whatsup? Why are you calling me by this time? Is there any problem?" Xander ranted very fast...

" Xany, you tell me whatsup why am I seeing a video of you and xavy arguing online" Elijah said very calm and collected.

The two boys in question looked at themselves before turning to the two girls at their sides.

"Xan, are you there, I need an explanation now" Elijah repeated himself

"Big bro,it wasn't an argument we were just sharing opinions about the eldest child" Xander replied but he regretted ever replying

" The eldest child? Wow then who am I? The youngest child? You are both fighting for being the eldest child when you are both twins? Even me being the eldest I know how it is.Do you think it's enjoyable being the first born? Let me tell you something, the first born is the one that bears all the burdens of the house, the first born is the one that takes care of all the other siblings, the first born sacrifices everything for the younger ones. I am supposed to be having fun with my friends now but I'm currently in dad's office now. Do you think I want that? Do you think I just love to work? The answer is no. When I'm through with college, I would take over the business from Dad, I studied business management not because I love it to an extent, it's because I have to do it , I have to work so you guys would enjoy your lives, it's because I love you guys and I don't want you to suffer, I want you people to be free and have fun.Now look at yourselves and tell me the first born among you" Elijah summoned the boys.

The boys were rendered speechless because after that speech from their brother, they were enlightened and they found out that they were fighting for responsibilities. They looked at each other and said at once

" Xander is the oldest one"

" Xavier is the oldest one"

" You haven't gotten my point yet, you are twins and you are supposed to help each other with the responsibilities, you are supposed to see each other as equal, if I were a twin, I would give God all the glory because I wouldn't bear all this responsibilities, your twin is your equal not a burden, you are supposed to love yourselves because you shared the same womb with each other, it's supposed to bring a unique bond between you guys that people would be jealous of anytime they see you together. Guys, I don't want to hear or see anything inappropriate about the both of you again okay? I have to go now, what about my babies?" Elijah asked

"Lijah, we are fine" the girls answered together like twins.

"Oh my cute babies, I missed you lots, I would look for a free time to come home and pamper you girls. I hope those naughty twins are taking care of you well" Elijah asked curiously

"They are trying their best, but we miss you lijah!! We missed you so much to the extent that I was crying when I heard your voice. It's been too long since we've received any calls from you brother." Tiana cried out to her brother.

" Sorry sweetie, I will try my best to call you guys more often."

"Bye big bro we love you" all the siblings and Providence shouted together

"Ah bye speak to you chipmunks later" Elijah said before turning off the phone and facing his work...

After the call, the twins looked at the two girls and they dragged each of their ears.

"How could you take a video of us. That's bad, you children are being very dubious" the twins said to each girl.

"Ouch we didn't do anything!!! We didn't take our phones to make a video of anything!!!" Tiana said for the both of them

" You guys would pay for what you did to us we would report you guys to your boss" Providence added

"It was just a lady that made a video of you guys arguing and you decided to judge us without thinking, you would pay dearly for this" Tiana said while smiling to the twins faces.

" Please, please don't do this to us please we are sorry, we are really sorry for misunderstanding you guys, please don't do this to us " Xavier begged for mercy

"Xavy forget it, we are doomed" Xander said patting his brother's shoulder

"Oh then we would forgive xavy and say that you were the only one that dragged our ears mercilessly" Tiana said to Xander and Providence nodded her head in affirmation

Before Xander could say or do anything, Xavier said

"No I asked for our forgiveness not only mine, we are twins and we have to help ourselves, if you can't forgive him, then don't forgive us" Xander said boldly

Everybody went quiet for a while and even the old couple wiped tears from their eyes. Providence and Tiana were rendered speechless that they could only look at Xavier incredulously, Xander was the most shocked of them all, he couldn't believe it that his own brother could stand up for him in such manner, he was moved to tears and he just had to hold it in but the next words Xavier said broke him finally.

"We are one" just that sentence was enough to make tears flow from Xander's eyes because from the time Elijah advised them, he was already thinking about it and he was already feeling remorseful and as Xavier stood up for him, the feeling it gave him made the tears fall from his eyes.

When Tiana and Providence saw that Xander was crying, they choked on their breath and felt as though they were dreaming even Xavier was shocked and from that point he knew that his brother's arrogance and pride were all a facade and inside of him, he was a softy bear. Xavier hugged his brother and said

"Shhhh cry baby, it's enough, big bro would take care of you and he would never leave you alone okay?" Xavier said coaxing his brother playfully

Xander was so embarrassed because everyone started laughing at him

"Xavier stop it" Xander said bending his head

"Let's go home now because cry baby here needs a new environment" Xavier said acting like a Dad...

They all went into the car and Xavier went to the driver's seat as usual...