
Chapter 8 Ning Xin_1

```Lin Bao was an Inner Strength Stage 3 expert, and Lu Chuan had a tough fight with him last night. In the end, he had to resort to the immensely draining Heart-Shattering Palm move to defeat him.

And Lin Hu was even two levels stronger than Lin Bao, so with Lu Chuan's current ability at Qi Cultivation Level 1, if he were to face him, there would be almost no chance of victory.

He sighed helplessly, saying, "Thank you for making the trip to tell me this."

Chu Mengyao looked at Lu Chuan, feeling a touch of guilt. She had just learned that it was his ex-girlfriend who paid Lin Bao to deal with him and realized it wasn't Lu Chuan who had caused the trouble. Feeling a bit embarrassed about her earlier attitude, she said, "I'm sorry, I was a bit rude earlier. Don't take it to heart."

Lu Chuan smiled, "I know you meant well, and besides, with you being so beautiful, I can endure even the worst attitude."

Chu Mengyao rolled her eyes, "Smooth talker."

Then she put on a serious face, "Also, don't think that flattering me will get me to plead with Long Tianya on your behalf. Long Tianya is very sensitive. If I step in, he will definitely suspect something about our relationship and then you'll die even faster."

Lu Chuan nodded, "Don't worry, I won't make things difficult for you."

He knew that Chu Mengyao had taken a great risk to come and tell him this news. As Long Tianya's future daughter-in-law, she was surely surrounded by watchful eyes. If Long Tianya found out about her unbroken engagement with Lu Chuan, Chu Mengyao herself would be in a lot of trouble.

Chu Mengyao stared at Lu Chuan for a while, then asked, "What do you plan to do?"

Lu Chuan wanted to say if you would sleep with me one more time to let me breakthrough to Qi Cultivation Level 2, I wouldn't be afraid of Lin Hu. But thinking it over, he realized Chu Mengyao would never believe that and might even get angry, so he changed his answer, "I'll just have to face it head-on, what else can I do?"

Chu Mengyao sighed, "If you really get beaten to death, for my grandfather's sake, I will burn paper offerings for you on the first and fifteenth of every month."

Lu Chuan's expression turned stiff.

Thanks a lot!

Chu Mengyao looked up at Lu Chuan, her expression becoming hesitant.

Lu Chuan thought to himself, she's probably going to ask me about my final wish now that I'm facing danger. If that's the case, I'll just say my last wish is to sleep with her one more time. Then, I could use the opportunity to advance to Qi Cultivation Level 2, and wouldn't need to worry about Lin Hu anymore.

But he heard Chu Mengyao slowly say, "I know this is a bit much to ask of someone who's practically a dead man, but I still want to ask, would you be willing to offer one last contribution before you die, and help look at my best friend's illness?"

Lu Chuan almost spat out blood.

"If you don't want to, forget it," Chu Mengyao quickly added.

Lu Chuan laughed at himself, saying, "Let's go. Since I'm about to die anyway, I might as well leave a good impression in your heart."

After all, you were my first woman!

Chu Mengyao looked grateful, "Thank you. I'll make sure she burns paper for you too."

Lu Chuan: "..."

On the way, Lu Chuan asked, "What illness does your best friend have?"

Chu Mengyao answered, "To be precise, it's not an illness, but a burn scar on her arm. It's been there for many years. She's seen many doctors, but there's been no way to remove it. The scar has made her somewhat self-conscious, and I was thinking, with your amazing medical skills, maybe you could eliminate it."

Lu Chuan couldn't help but laugh, thinking to himself that she had indeed found the right person.

After a while, Chu Mengyao drove into a villa complex.

The two of them arrived in front of a luxurious villa, and Chu Mengyao used her fingerprint to unlock the door and walked in.

Looking at the luxurious and extravagant decor of the villa, Lu Chuan couldn't help but reflect, "One day, I too will live in such a grand villa!"

Chu Mengyao shouted, "Xin, where are you?"

A voice that was ethereal yet a bit coquettish and pleasant came from upstairs, "Eh? Yaoyao, have you come? Are you here to ask me to spank your butt again?"

Chu Mengyao instantly looked at Lu Chuan with a face full of social death, and shouted indignantly, "Hurry up and come down, I brought a doctor!"

Lu Chuan looked at Chu Mengyao in astonishment, thinking to himself, her best friend calls that self-conscious?

Chu Mengyao, feeling a bit embarrassed, turned her head away from Lu Chuan.

Soon, Lu Chuan saw a stunningly beautiful woman with a mixed-race appearance come downstairs. She was wearing yoga pants and a small tank top with a sleeve over her arm, flaunting her enchanting figure and pale, delicate skin, and had wavy short hair. What caught his attention immediately were her luscious, pearlescent lips, which he considered the most sensual he had ever seen.

When the woman came down, Chu Mengyao introduced her, "This is my best friend, Ning Xin."

Lu Chuan nodded at Ning Xin, quickly shifting his gaze away, because with just a tank top on, one could easily glance into the cleavage, and he really felt it impolite to stare.

Chu Mengyao then introduced Lu Chuan to Ning Xin, "This is Lu Chuan, the one I told you about who helped control my cold symptoms."

"He should be able to remove the burn scar on your arm."

Ning Xin sized up Lu Chuan for a moment, then suddenly said, "Yaoyao, you've been tricked by this guy, haven't you? How can someone like him treat illnesses?"```

Lu Chuan's brows furrowed as he looked at Ning Xin and asked, "Miss Ning, what do you mean by this?"

Ning Xin's face was full of disdain as she looked at Lu Chuan, saying, "I hardly think a lecher like you can cure illnesses. Isn't your mind filled with only those sordid thoughts?"

Lu Chuan immediately retorted, "We have just met, so how can you tell I am a lecher? It seems to me you're just looking to pick a fight!"

Ning Xin sneered, "When I came downstairs earlier, your eyes looked at my legs three times, at my butt four times, at my chest three times, and when I got close to you, you stared at my lips for a full five seconds, even swallowing your saliva. If you're not a lecher, what are you!"

Lu Chuan, caught red-handed, immediately showed an embarrassed face and thick-skinnedly said, "My eyes are my own, I'll look where I want, what business is it of yours!"

Ning Xin huffed, "You're not only lecherous, but also shameless. There's not a single good man among you!"

Lu Chuan's face darkened as he looked at Ning Xin. He hadn't expected Chu Mengyao's best friend to be so hostile towards him, especially when they had just met less than five minutes ago.

But soon, he began to smile.

Ning Xin, puzzled, asked, "What are you laughing at?"

Lu Chuan said, "I admit I am a lecher; every guy likes to look at a beautiful woman, but unlike you, who's hypocritical and pretentious, it's really laughable!"

Ning Xin immediately clenched her fists, grinding her teeth as she said, "Who are you calling hypocritical and pretentious?"

Lu Chuan gave a mocking smile and said, "You verbally say all men are no good, yet you wear tight yoga pants and a tank top to attract men's gazes. Isn't that the very definition of hypocrisy?"

With a speechless look on her face, Ning Xin said, "I just finished practicing yoga. If I don't wear yoga pants, should I come down naked?"

Lu Chuan's gaze was sharp as he questioned, "Your hair is so fluffy, obviously freshly blow-dried, and you have the scent of shower gel on you, which means you just took a shower not long ago. Your yoga practice was over already. You could have chosen more conservative clothes to wear, so why did you still put on yoga pants?"

Ning Xin suddenly became flustered and said, "Because... because my other clothes aren't dry yet!"

Lu Chuan scoffed, "There's not a single piece of clothing drying on the balcony, your excuse is too fake, isn't it?"

He didn't allow Ning Xin a chance to speak and continued, "You crave men's attention, but once a man shows up, you act like a thorny rose, as if you're afraid they won't realize how tough you are. This shows that you want to get close to men, but for some reason, you fear being disliked by them. So, you just act fierce and aggressive to cover up your true feelings."

"It's no wonder Mengyao says you're insecure; it looks to be true. If I'm not wrong, the reason for your insecurity is the burn scar on your arm."

"You're beautiful and alluring, the perfect goddess in a man's eyes, but that burn scar makes you feel less than perfect. You fear that after people see your scar, they will dislike you and no longer adore you as before. So, you instinctively become opposed to men, but deep down, you still desire them, so you can only make inappropriate jokes with your girlfriends to ease your inner longing."

"Your eyes are shining unnaturally, your cheeks flushed, and your breathing is irregular. These are signs of an excess of female hormones. If I'm not wrong, you must often watch adult films to satisfy your desires, right?"

Hearing Lu Chuan's words, Ning Xin's face turned an even deeper shade of red, mixed with annoyance, her teeth tightly clenched, her fists trembled slightly as she roared at Lu Chuan, "You're talking nonsense!"

Then she looked at Chu Mengyao as if seeking help and said, "Yaoyao, please kick this shameless guy out, he's just a charlatan. I don't want someone like him treating me!"

At that moment, Chu Mengyao was dumbfounded, their argument had truly been an eye-opener for her.

She looked at Lu Chuan in disbelief, feeling that most of what he said about her friend was accurate. Indeed, Ning Xin had a habit of watching adult films and often dragged her into watching them together.

To prevent the two from continuing their argument, Chu Mengyao grabbed Ning Xin and said, "Xin, don't be like this. Lu Chuan's medical skills are really impressive. If he was a swindler, he wouldn't have been able to suppress my cold ailment. Stop questioning him."

She then looked at Lu Chuan, "And you, why must you expose her shortcomings? She's a girl; can't you just indulge her a bit?"

Lu Chuan didn't want to make things difficult for Chu Mengyao and said, "Fine, what I said just now was nonsense, don't take it to heart, I apologize."

Ning Xin hummed, "For Yaoyao's sake, I won't hold it against you. But I really want to see if you have the ability to heal my burn scar."

Lu Chuan took out the bottle of Wound Healing Ointment he had left behind and said, "Your burn scar is a minor thing to me. Just a little of this ointment I personally brewed will guarantee your skin returns to its original state."

Ning Xin glanced at the medicine bottle in Lu Chuan's hand then snatched it, "I hope this medicine is as miraculous as you claim."

She then turned and went into the room, even closing the door behind her.

Lu Chuan's eyes widened as he looked at Chu Mengyao, asking, "What is she doing? Why did she go inside?"

Chu Mengyao said, "Xin really doesn't like other people seeing her scar, please be patient with her."

Lu Chuan shrugged, "Forget it, I won't lower myself to her level."

Time passed, but Ning Xin had not come out of the room.

Lu Chuan felt that something wasn't right and said, "If she used my ointment, her scar should have been healed by now, but why is she taking so long to come out?"

Chu Mengyao was also puzzled. Without Lu Chuan bringing it up, she would have thought it was normal.

Just as she was about to push the door open and check, the door opened and Ning Xin came out.

At this moment, her face was flushed, her eyes hazy, her body looked weak and limp. She glanced at Lu Chuan and complained, "Your medicine didn't work at all and made me feel hot all over. You... you're just a swindler!"

Lu Chuan, seeing Ning Xin in such a state, felt a sudden sense of dread and quickly asked, "How did you use the medicine?"

Ning Xin said, "I just poured out a little, diluted it with water, and drank it. It was really hard to swallow."

Lu Chuan slapped his forehead and exclaimed, "Oh no..."