
Chapter 225: Stealing the Nation's Fate_1

Lu Chuan was startled and immediately gathered his Spiritual Power, looking back with a wary expression on his face.

Unexpectedly, the person behind him was not a guard of the Kitahara family but a beautiful woman dressed in a light orange gauze kimono, her hair draped down, her eyes enchantingly beautiful, and her lips looked invitingly soft.

The kimono worn by the woman only reached her thighs, giving the appearance of a skirt, and her long legs were adorned with white stockings, adding to her seductive charm.

When Lu Chuan first saw this woman, he found her somewhat familiar.

Without thinking much, he charged over and subdued the woman, grabbing her fair neck and said, "You'd better behave yourself. If you scream, I'll kill you right now!"

The woman was a bit nervous and said, "I... I won't scream. I'm not from the Kitahara aristocratic family. If you're thinking about attacking the formation of the Kitahara family, I can pretend I didn't see anything."