
Chapter 7 Do They Ask for Your Opinion?

Translator: 549690339

"The second choice?"

Bo Siyan repeated these words meaningfully and countered with his own question, "So you'd prefer me to seek revenge against you rather than show gratitude?"

"What I mean is, Mr. Bo, you could choose another way to show your gratitude. For example... give me a blank check?"

Don't wealthy people always like to solve problems in a simple and crude way? She liked it too!

Ning Xia looked at Bo Siyan with full of expectation, only to see him hooking his lips with what seemed to be a trace of a smile on his handsome face. His thin lips parted, "Did I ask for your opinion?"


The man's face drew near, close to Ning Xia, and she could clearly see a shadow spread instantaneously across the depths of his eyes, each word pronounced with emphasis, "Do I look like I'm easy to talk to?"

A thick sense of danger flooded over her abruptly, and the temperature around them seemed to drop to zero.

Ning Xia's heart pounded wildly, feeling as if the next second would be her last. She swallowed hard and hurriedly attempted to remedy the situation, "I-I mean... Mr. Bo, you are so wise and brave, tall and imposing, extraordinarily handsome, for 'what's rare is cherished,' and it would be a waste of heaven's gifts for someone like me to be paired with you, against all reason. I'm just thinking of your well-being."

Bo Siyan's dark and profound gaze fixed on her face for a few seconds. Just as she was about to suffocate, he finally spoke, "What you said does make some sense."

She dodged a bullet...

Taking a deep breath, Ning Xia pressed on, "You agree that it makes sense, right? Since that's the case, does that mean we can avoid..."

Before she could finish, Bo Siyan cut her off, still with that same condescending demeanor, "Though you're not worthy of me, rest assured, I won't reject you."

A mouthful of old blood almost sprayed out of Ning Xia!

Who's rejecting who now? She was rejecting him, for goodness' sake!

"Or is it that you find me lacking?" Bo Siyan narrowed his eyes, his body exuding a dangerous aura.

...Was he the worm in her stomach? How did he know?

"No, no, no, it's me who is not worthy, I couldn't possibly waste away someone like you," Ning Xia said with tearful eyes, her hands clutched to her chest like Xishi nursing her heart.

"It appears you are rejecting my proposal!"

The corner of Bo Siyan's lips curved sardonically, malice in his eyes, radiating a deadly energy as he bore down on Ning Xia, his words measured, "I am here today for one of two reasons, to either show gratitude or to seek revenge. Since you don't want my gratitude, it looks like I'll have to settle the score with you."


Bo Siyan straightened his body, his slender and long fingers leisurely undoing his cufflinks, folding up the sleeves of his military uniform methodically to reveal his strong arms.

All the while speaking casually, "Do you know the fate of the last person who crossed me?"

Ning Xia shrank back unconsciously, her eyes full of fear watching his hands, she gulped and stammered, "What, what happened to them?"

"The grass over their grave is now as tall as you are."


Bo Siyan's smile was cruel, chilling Ning Xia to the bone, his voice, like Asura from Dark Night, slowly creeping into her ears, "I'll give you three seconds to choose, do you want gratitude or vengeance?"

With his words sounding so terrifying, what choice did she have?

Ning Xia still wanted to struggle, "Mr. Bo, could you give me a little more time to think, just a little bit."

Bo Siyan paid no attention to her feeble protest, his voice coldly counting down, "Three."



"Hold on, brother!"