
Chapter 1: Musium

The Musium is the gateways to other places, which resides in countless ancient Supercities known as Dungeons. They are the treasures of an ancient race which had constructed the supercities within mountains, oceans and even the sky. Over time the power source of these cities known as Omni-core became unstable and corrupted organic matter, turning it crude and unsightly. These became know Omni-beasts, prolonged exposure to the Omni-cores mutates and rewrites DNA. The ancient race was brought to it's knees, the populace turned to Omni-beasts.

The Corrupt Omni-cores still power the cities they reside in as well as the Musium gateways. The Planet in which the ancient race resides is known as Ventus and is orbited by the 4 moons: Centa, Taurus, Faus and Tulga. A race emerged on each moon, However each race has physical as well mental differences. They have abilities which can surpass the other races in certain fields.

Tulgons are a race of beast like humanoids who strength and ability knows no match. They reside on the 3rd moon of Ventus, Tulga. The moon is made up of mostly Jungles, mountains and a large quantity of cave systems. The moons continents are split by 1 ocean. The ocean is unarmed by the races, it splits 2 clans of the same race apart from each other. Each clan has 1 Musium gateway which resides in an old abandoned mining colony.

Centa is the first and biggest moon of Ventus. The Race which resides there are that on humanoid stature, in-which have split of in 6 factions. The biggest faction goes by the name of Centurion. Within their territories they hold 2 Musiums.

Faus, the smallest moon and the most dangerous. A layer of asteroids and comets sits over planets which rains down a Super-material known as Corgaxium. The race are known as Molemen. They live underground within supercities. They rise above the ground to mind resources from asteroids and comets. They have 1 Musium which resides in the fortress known as Dorfle.

Taurus is home to descendants of the ancient race. They harness the power of Omni-cores stones for their solider know as Magus. The planet is like a Desert with pockets of jungles and lakes. They currents have 5 Musiums however 3 are unlinked with the Omni-cores.

Each race, as well as the faction which resides within that race have a joint organisation known as The Ventus Exploration Guild. The government, clan leaders and race leaders help fund the organisation to produce warriors and explorers known as Protectors. The Protectors roles are to defend against Omni-beasts as well as explore the forgotten cities of Ventus. Recover relics and destroy corrupted Omni-cores.

Just a quick story. If anyone likes it might continue it further.

Jacob_Wood_0073creators' thoughts