
Ch 1: The beginning of the story

Mom I am cleaning the litterboxes! Take out to trash too. Okay I will. Ashley Nicole Lynne Willey!! Okay I will. Give me a second.

Hey there young lady. Ashley just ran away. Wait? I can't tell you love anime. She looked back. Umm so? The man smiled at her. This man is creepy. Hey?

Where do you think you are going? Just than a woman appeared. What now her love for the fictional realm is strong. Is going to be her then? Yes, I believe so. A white light appeared around Ashley. What is happening? Where am I?

She ended up in her fanfiction. This was the part of the fictional realm. This was when her character Lisa became a weapon. She was very strong weapon. But she was a shy and an extremely passionate person.

Sadly she was too scared to go to the death academy. She didn't want to let her mister down. She found turn into many types of death weapons. But she normally is a sword. When she hides she is a sword.

Ashley was about to meet her character. Once she meets her she will she be able to use her powers. But only after three months of being in the fictional realm. Lisa saw a Keshin.

The keshin was being chased down by Maka and Soul Eater. Lisa about to run into Maka and Soul when ran into Ashley. Are you okay? I am fine. Who are you? I am Rena. I think a false name would work for now.

And you? I am Lisa. The Keshin was about to attack Lisa. Look out! What do you mean? Hey?! O no. What do you mean? There too people are over there. What? Watch out!

Ashley pulled Lisa's arm in time. Are you okay Lisa? I am okay. But what about you? I am okay. What are you both doing here? She wants to join your school. What?! I am so sorry about that.

What do you mean? We want to join the Eater class together. Why would you want to join the eater class? I need to join it is for my own reasons. Plus she is a weapon.

How did you know that?! Well it is hard to explain. But I can tell you when I can find the right time. For now I need to speak with Lord Death. What for?

I can't tell you. Why not? I need to ask him something alone. If you say so. Lord death? Maka what is it? This person wants to speak with you alone. Is that so? Yes, she does.

Okay then bring her over. Yes, sir. Ashley was at the death academy with Lisa. I am not sure about this. Do you think that I am ready for it? Well of course I do. I am not really for it.

Lord Death is waiting for you. Is he with anyone right now? No he is alone. That is good. Ashley was on her way to see him. Are you here lord death? I am here. What did you need to tell me alone?

He has a weapon. Please tell him to leave first. I don't even have to skill to harm anyone. But I do have something important to you. But the reason will clear when we are alone. Very well.

You may go now. Fine I will. Maka is outside if you want her. Maka sweetie daddy is coming for you. Ha ha aha! Now that is both stupid and funny. What do you want to talk about?

The thing is I need to return home but I don't know how I got here. What do you mean? I was just taking out the trash when a strange man and woman talked to me.

A strange man and woman? Yes, I have never seen them before. What happened next? The next thing I know is that I am here. That is all I could remember. Well Lisa found me where I ended up. So this is why you wanted to talk to me alone. It is.

I am not from this world or anything close to it. Where I am from the sun and moon don't have faces. No sound comes from them either. I see. The way I look isn't how I look before.

There are a lot of things that are different. Hmm I understand why this needs to be Secret. I try to find a way to turn you back home. But I don't think that you should join the EAT class.

You should join the NOT class. But I believe that the EAT class would be better for me. Hmm? How so? I feel that I need get in the EAT class for some reason. Could it be for a reason?

Do you think that this is why you were brought here? Yes, I do. Very well then. I will have certain students teach you how to fight. Thank you sir. It is nothing. Umm can someone help me?

I will have DeathStar help you. What about Maka or Soul? Well they have to train Lisa. O yeah? That is what happened in my story. Well can I have someone that won't peek on me?

Ha ha aha! That is funny. There is something else. What is it? Where I come from this is an anime. Basically a TV show. What?! Are you serious? I am very serious. She isn't lying sir.

I don't feel like she is lying. Hmm? Where could she be from. Where the sun and moon don't have faces and don't make sounds. I don't know where that is.

What if she is from another world? Are you thinking that she is from the real world? I believe so. But if that is the case won't this be not real? I think it still is.

But for now we need to know more about this. Yes, sir. What is her last name? She didn't say sir. What is her first name? She said that is was Rena. Well her name isn't that for sure.

How can you be sure? She needs to be careful about what she tells us. Rena must be a code name or a nickname. Rena wants to be a Mister. But she doesn't have any fighting skills. What can she do?

Hmm? What if we have the EAT and NOT classes Misters train her. But I don't think that would work. You might be right about that. But what can we do?

Rena doesn't seem to be hiding anything from us. Why would she not want anyone else to know about this? This could be her instinct telling her to do so.

The less people who know this about her the better. Yes, sir! Let Maka train Rena but tell her to see what Rena can do first. Yes, sir. Maka can you hear me? Yes, I can. I need you to train Rena.

Why do you need to train me? Let's see what she can do before you training her. Okay? Umm when will she be here? Very soon. A half an hour. Finally I got out of the school.

Now where is Maka? Two and a half an hour later. Hey Maka! What took you so long? I got lost. Deathstar didn't show up so I had to find a way out of the school and here alone.

There wasn't a map either. Rena? Hey Lisa! What are you doing? I am training with Soul Eater. I see. I heard that Maka is your teacher. She is my teacher. What can you do?

I don't know what I can myself. Just then Angel wings appeared on her back. She then started to fly. Aaaaa! Get me down from here! She then attacked them with her angel feathers.

Calm down! I can't calm down. Maka Sweetie I am home. Maka's dad got her down. Ashley attacked him by accident. I am so very sorry. I have never been able to that before. Are you serious? Yes, I am.

Her first powers were angel wings to fly and defend. She could even make a shield out of her feathers and winds. The angel's shield. Great defends by using them.

But you only need to control them first. Okay? Her angel wings start to speak to her. But no one could hear them. Just stay calm when you need us. All you need to is think and we will come.

Okay? After a month she had to leave. Why do you to go? I had a dream about something that might have gave me some answers. It's about why I am. Well good luck miss Rena. Ashley nodded

Thanks Lord Death. She went through a door that was shining. Wow!! This so cool!! Where am I? Could this be the safe zone? I made it look like a home or a hotal. But this is a hotal for sure.