
Protective Custody - The Demon King (EDITING)

(MATURE CONTENT) Diviya just lost everything she holds dear to her in the span of a lunch date with friends and not in a good way. Now with the entity that’s hunting her, she has no choice but to run and go into protective custody. A program run by the Demon King himself. Diviya was not prepared for what she was about to walk into. Join her as she navigates this new world and get to the bottom of who is after her and what happened to her parents, Adopted and Biological all the while dealing with all the responsibilities that comes with being mated to the Demon King. ****************************** The Demon King is a beautiful beast, part human, his human part immortal, also he is part demon, a beast of a Wolf and a Vampire. He transforms beautifully and effortlessly from magical being to magical being each having different abilities and he have mastered them all. With the impending prophesy looming over his head the Demon King had a major problem with love. He knew all too well what love can do to someone, he like so many others thought it made them weak, he always vowed he would never fall in love, he vowed he would never allow himself to be weak again and he would never mate. He paid the price once and he would not do it again. As such he never had any serious relationships or any sort of meaningful courtships since. In the end he certainly was not ready when a gorgeous little fighter who was in need of protection just struts into his life drawing all sorts of foreign emotions out of him. Can he stick to his plans and firm belief in never mating? Dive in and find out… *************************************** Excerpt: He easily captures her lips, kissing her soft and gentle at first, as if savoring every detail and imprint of her sweet lips. Her lips were so soft, she taste amazing and she smells so damn intoxicating. He simply could not get enough and it did not take too long before he got a bit greedy wanting more and demanded entrance which she quickly granted and he dove into the kiss. She was delicious, he ravaged her sweet perky lips and mouth. His hands runs down her sides caressing her body as he touch and feels his way down. Stopping to caress her luscious butt, giving a gentle squeeze and he made a noise of pure pleasure at feeling her and touching her like this. He was feeling the strangest things, emotions that have long since been dead are awakening. Diviya let's out a little noise of her own when he grabbed her butt, she was overcome with need. Her core throbbed, she then lifts a foot wantonly desperately needing friction between her legs and Adonis' hands slid to the back of her thighs just below her butt, cupping her and he lifts her not breaking from their kiss. Diviya instinctively wraps her legs around him as she tightens her hold on his neck while she plays with the hair at the nape and kisses him wholeheartedly following his lead. Tongues gliding and trashing against the other one second, then the next lower lip being bitten and teased, they moved as one. Their tongues danced beautifully tasting their fill of each other. Heat coursing through them. Adonis turns with her in his hand and he leans his butt half way sitting on the edge of a huge high table in the middle of the closet. When suddenly Diviya's lower half of her body took on a life of its own and it started to grind into him, feeling his hardness against her core, reveling in the delicious feeling that act elicited, she did it again. Adonis hissed at the sensations, and the kiss got hungrier, wilder…. #R18

Sherryann_Martinez · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
67 Chs

Lust and Desire


Little sexy scene…

Soon Diviya and Vanessa had settled in the living area. They sat on the couch facing the flat screen TV. Vanessa just flicks channel after channel while Diviya gets down on her delicious meal. It was chicken Alfredo pasta.

Breaking the silence after a moment Diviya asks, "did you just prepare this meal?"

Vanessa lights up, "yes I did, when I heard you moving in earlier, I was already preparing my meal for today and just did some extra purposing to bring you a plate when finished." She explains honestly.

"Thank you again, this is delicious, I love it and you are a life savor, I was literally contemplating making myself something to eat because I was hungry." Diviya admits.

"Sure don't mention it." Vanessa was happy to be here for Diviya knowing exactly what she needed at this time and happy at the possibility of having company of her own from now on.

Diviya and Vanessa had fell into light conversations, nothing of much substance really just keeping the atmosphere light and easy, after Diviya had finished her meal and washed up.

All the while Diviya was oblivious to all that was happening around her…

Just outside three guards were all uneasy, they were all wolves and they had a rush of lust and desire for the pretty little thing they had the pleasure of meeting a while ago. This was an intense all-consuming feeling.

Their minds were flooded with fantasies about having their way with the beauty upstairs that was probably in bed before Vanessa had visited her one of the guards mused to himself.

There were more thoughts of pounding into her mercilessly until they explode with pleasure releasing their seed in her. These were thoughts of another.

Then the other thought about making sweet and slow love to her, they were all losing their minds needless to say.

They were overwhelmed with a raging lust and desire.

They felt it creeping up their bodies slowly taking them over completely. Consuming them whole, taking over all rational thoughts and understanding.

This was all so new to them, no one should incite this level of lust and desire from a wolf other than his true mate. They all tried to hide it from each other only looking at each other for signs from time to time and trying to discern if the other were having the same reaction.

Nobody spoke. This is strange. They all struggled but they also knew the rules.

But…Sadly they were all on edge and their wolves were trying to come out, raging with desire.

Meanwhile Michael and Carlton made their way straight to the castle to meet with the Demon Alpha, both of them struggling in the same way though still different.

"Her scent is different," Carlton spoke up and Michael immediately agrees.

"We have to inform the Demon Alpha of this development." Michael states.

"Agreed, I have had a hard on from the moment they pulled into that car park and I got a whiff of her scent." Carlton admits wryly.

Chuckling Michael agrees it was the same for him the moment they pulled in, for him though he had the urge to drain her dry" he confesses embarrassed.

"She is definitely not human."

"I agree, but I don't know what she is and you heard her neither does she because she thinks she is human."

"Yea I picked up on that when you were talking with her about fragile humans."

"This can be a major problem, if someone is not strong enough to control themselves around her."

Michael was feeling a bit guilty as it just occurred to him that maybe he should not have left her alone given the circumstances, with three horny wolves at that.

But he eventually convinced himself that Diviya will be ok she had two guards and everyone knew the rules so no one would risk death.

Of that he was certain.

Meanwhile earlier in Velia Gizem after FBI Agent Ward contacted Carlton, his contact on the inside to ask for aid….

The Demon Alpha grips her tightly, she was down on all fours, ass up in the air while the Demon Alpha slams into her one more time, balls deep he is buried releasing his powerful seed into her with a grunt, his divk bucks in her pulsing pxssy.

He pulls out of her and heads to the bathroom while he says over his shoulder, "be gone before I get back."

While in the shower he realizes, that little session still did not relieve him of this feeling, this tense strange feeling. He has been feeling this way since getting word of a new witness that needs his services. An uneasy feeling that was slowly creeping up his veins, making its way to his throat to stifle him.

He didn't like it one bit and so the Demon Alpha thought screwing his long time sex buddy Sadie would help distract him.

Truth be told, it did but only for a brief moment. He was surprise he even release.

He scrubbed and rinsed off suddenly feeling dirty. Dried and threw on a black t shirt and a black sweat pants. He walked unto his patio and inhales deeply, looking out at the beautiful view in front of him.

The stunning gardens, with elegant parterres and marble statues at the base of each fountains, creating an ornate and majestic atmosphere. A lovely circular pool, a hothouse, and some of the finest oak trees.

He stares out blindly not looking at any one thing in particularly wondering what is about to happen next, why is he feeling so uneasy.

Something is up and he just can't put his finger on it. This nerved him. He shifts and passes his hand through his black hair absent mindedly a few times when his Beta interrupted him with a knock to his door.

He strolls back inside then crossing the room the Demon Alpha lets his Beta Drew Blackwell in.

Sauntering into the room clad in a washed out blue jeans, baby blue shirt that fits him snuggly, his muscles are well toned, brown combat boots, straight nose, short ash brown hair and with slight mischief dancing around in those grey eyes the Beta began "I have bad news and more bad news. Which would you like first?"

Not it the mood because of this strange feeling he is experiencing and now out of all patience the Demon Alpha lets a low menacing growl escape his lips. He really was not in the mood for this.

The power alone that radiated through his room from the growl was enough to make Beta Drew flinch then take a few steps back before he went on.

"Ok fine, bad news first. Cathia's planned trip is still happening and she is due to arrive in two days." The beta says while trying to sound nonchalantly, like he was not and still is not affected by the share power pulsing in the air.

The Demon Alpha wanted to vent, he was sick of this, her and her brother's relentless attempts to get him to agree to a marriage with Cathia, with claims of showing unity and living in peace.

As far as the Demon Alpha knew, they were already unified and living in peace, their attempts to lock him in marriage is weak and feeble.

Yet still he has to show his kindness through and through and be welcoming and endure for a day or two, till she is off again. He is not quite sure what she and her brother hopes to gain by this union, but he doesn't care less.

All the Demon Alpha knows is that it is never going to happen.

"Yes and the other news?" He responds lifting a perfectly crafted black eyebrow.

His Beta tensed, eyes darts around the room a little too suspiciously when he blurts out, words tumbling over words "two witnesses are missing."

"WHATT?" The Demon Alpha Roared.

The room turned ice cold and the darkness started to howl and cackle as it moves through the air.

Beta Drew internally shook and cowers under the power and force of it all, so much so that he stutters, "two witnesses are m missing and their guards were f found unconscious at the entrance of the witness's home." The beta got out in one petrifying go.

The room temperature drops even more, someone is actively messing with him? He could not believe his ear, this is a direct attack to him personally. Messing with a witness is death and everyone knows the law— fear and respects the law.

No One would dare defy him!

"Tell me, what do we know?" The Demon Alpha asks.

"Nothing yet but I have men on it."

"Ok let me know as soon as you have something, I want competent people on this and get the best trackers and track them, NOW!" The Demon Alpha spoke deadly calm.