
Protective Custody - The Demon King (EDITING)

(MATURE CONTENT) Diviya just lost everything she holds dear to her in the span of a lunch date with friends and not in a good way. Now with the entity that’s hunting her, she has no choice but to run and go into protective custody. A program run by the Demon King himself. Diviya was not prepared for what she was about to walk into. Join her as she navigates this new world and get to the bottom of who is after her and what happened to her parents, Adopted and Biological all the while dealing with all the responsibilities that comes with being mated to the Demon King. ****************************** The Demon King is a beautiful beast, part human, his human part immortal, also he is part demon, a beast of a Wolf and a Vampire. He transforms beautifully and effortlessly from magical being to magical being each having different abilities and he have mastered them all. With the impending prophesy looming over his head the Demon King had a major problem with love. He knew all too well what love can do to someone, he like so many others thought it made them weak, he always vowed he would never fall in love, he vowed he would never allow himself to be weak again and he would never mate. He paid the price once and he would not do it again. As such he never had any serious relationships or any sort of meaningful courtships since. In the end he certainly was not ready when a gorgeous little fighter who was in need of protection just struts into his life drawing all sorts of foreign emotions out of him. Can he stick to his plans and firm belief in never mating? Dive in and find out… *************************************** Excerpt: He easily captures her lips, kissing her soft and gentle at first, as if savoring every detail and imprint of her sweet lips. Her lips were so soft, she taste amazing and she smells so damn intoxicating. He simply could not get enough and it did not take too long before he got a bit greedy wanting more and demanded entrance which she quickly granted and he dove into the kiss. She was delicious, he ravaged her sweet perky lips and mouth. His hands runs down her sides caressing her body as he touch and feels his way down. Stopping to caress her luscious butt, giving a gentle squeeze and he made a noise of pure pleasure at feeling her and touching her like this. He was feeling the strangest things, emotions that have long since been dead are awakening. Diviya let's out a little noise of her own when he grabbed her butt, she was overcome with need. Her core throbbed, she then lifts a foot wantonly desperately needing friction between her legs and Adonis' hands slid to the back of her thighs just below her butt, cupping her and he lifts her not breaking from their kiss. Diviya instinctively wraps her legs around him as she tightens her hold on his neck while she plays with the hair at the nape and kisses him wholeheartedly following his lead. Tongues gliding and trashing against the other one second, then the next lower lip being bitten and teased, they moved as one. Their tongues danced beautifully tasting their fill of each other. Heat coursing through them. Adonis turns with her in his hand and he leans his butt half way sitting on the edge of a huge high table in the middle of the closet. When suddenly Diviya's lower half of her body took on a life of its own and it started to grind into him, feeling his hardness against her core, reveling in the delicious feeling that act elicited, she did it again. Adonis hissed at the sensations, and the kiss got hungrier, wilder…. #R18

Sherryann_Martinez · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
67 Chs

Loved, Nurtured and Molded

***WARNING - Strong Content***

The Demon King wasted no time and neither did Dracul.

Dracul steps forward and searched James for a house key while The Demon King did his thing.

He had sprung into action as soon as the Demon King said, "Ezif".

Locating the house key Dracul made his way to James home and got busy planting bugs.

The Demon King did his deep dive and was most disappointed and at the same time horrified and deeply disturbed at what he found.

Turns out little old James here do belong in a noose but it was not for being apart of this witness case.

Nooo little old Jamezy here was a serial killer and a rapist in the human world.

Those poor women, the Demon King was disgusted. He bends over and lifts James, then releases James from his frozen state.

Looking James dead in his blue eyes the Demon king grits out, "don't make a sound."

He compelled James then shoved his hand in James's chest cavity.

He then grips James heart glancing around for an audience, he saw no one and this man deserves to die this instant.

The Demon King tug on the heart a little as if urging James to come closer and he hastily obliged.

Then Adonis leans in and says venomously, "You deserve to die a horrible death, I should torture you till you beg for the end to come swiftly, but I understand that your parents did enough of that to you already for sixteen years of your life non stop since you were a baby."

"They were horrible to you and for that I am sorry, I truly am. No child should have to suffer that faith."

The Demon King takes his other hand and grabs James neck.

James frantically struggles against it all and to make matters worst he couldn't make a sound.

He was compelled not to.

All he could do was suffer through the excruciating pain in his chest area.

His eyes bulged out of his head, veins pops up making themselves known on his forehead and neck.

He was really struggling.

That was a bit of torture by itself.

The Demon King thought James had suffered enough for lifetimes, his parents are horrible people. At such a tender age children should be loved, nurtured and molded in the right way.

But instead he got the total opposite which in turned truly affected James's psyche.

James was abused and …. And much more, it was too disturbing, the Demon King did not dwell on it too long, he continues.

"But for what you did to those women and ….". He couldn't bring himself to finish.

The Demon King was beyond enraged, this pathetic excuse for a wolf should be ashamed. "Death is your only way out of this."

The Demon King then pulls his hand out of James's chest still gripping unto the heart.

The heart including the pericardium and all the arteries attached to it came out.

The Demon King lifts it eye level for James to see his heart before he crushed it with his bare hands.

Then James fell to the grown with a thud just as Dracul was hastily making his way to the Demon King.

"My king, you have to come and see…" Dracul was showing respect in front of others, however he quickly realized that it was just Adonis. The suspect was laying still on the ground with a hole in his chest and Adonis' hand all bloodied.

Then Dracul thought obviously Adonis saw in James's mind what he was busy coming to tell him? Or was it much worse?

Spinning around the Demon King nods to Dracul's un asked questions, then says "get the Royal Elite Squad down here and the Doctor, also call in ambulances."

In the home of James Donavon, there were six underaged, human girls. Locked in cages in a room that was sound proofed.

They were repeatedly abused in more ways than one.

The Demon King sighs, and made his way to the house, Dracul followed while he was on his phone making the necessary calls.

James body still lay on the pavement.

The Demon King needed a minute, James' mind and it's contents and memories were so chilling and dark.

The Demon King was affected.

He thought of Diviya trying desperately to level out his mind from the darkness of James'.

And now he needed to see her even more so, he was really ready to wrap things up and head back.

In James' house Dracul went straight back to the girls while Adonis went to use the washroom to wash up.

Dracul assured the girls that help was on the way and they would soon be taken to a hospital to be checked out and treated for any injuries, new and also render the best care possible for the old wounds.

Dracul saw some fractures looking like it was broken in different places and healed a few times.

Also cuts and bruises looking the same. In this case as if they were slashed and healed a few times.

Dracul went on to explain that arrangements would be made as well to reunite them with their families.

In the washroom….

The Demon King feverishly cleans off himself, he could not bring himself to regret taking the path he took today but he just can't shake this nagging feeling of disappointment, more in himself though.

With the turn of events and the realization hitting him like a ton of bricks. Out of the four they have 'spoken' to today, only one were truly considered guilty, and that was Ryan.

He had assume that they would have found more of these suspects to be guilty and full of info as he didn't think it was the long standing ones would be the ones who betrayed him.

And it wasn't the ones who recently started. Under a year.

He chide himself for being so arrogant and to top it off he was already suspecting Beta Drew and he was a huge betrayal.

Which was more the reason to broaden the net.

Nevertheless he still got vital information from Ryan and Riley. Hopefully pretty soon some good leads. He had the best on the case. The Royal Elite Squad.

In the end he couldn't bring himself to totally beat himself up about it. Because had he casted a broader net maybe he may have never come across James and that bastard needed to be found.

Nevertheless finishing wash up and ridding himself of all traces of blood as best as he could, he head towards the room with the girls.

Just as he made his way over to the next room, the Elite squad came in.

Three of them and apparently the two from the car was already inside with Dracul and the girls helping free them from their cages.

Soon the Doctor came rushing in and quickly started with the first one of the four girls already out of their cages.

Soon enough the ambulances came, sirens blaring. The medics quickly rushed in rendering assistance to the Doctor immediately.

Seeing things under control Adonis told Dracul that he was taking the car, it was already minutes to seven at night and he NEEDED to see HER.

He left Dracul and made the short drive to the Castle.

Desperate to lay eyes on her.


Diviya Mason

Diviya laid flat on her back, feet stretched out moving left to right just down by her ankles, her hands to the side of her and she looks up to the sky lost in thought.

She was on the grass in the garden. The light from the white LED garden lamp post cast a beautiful pale glow on Diviya's skin making it shine radiantly and look so smooth. Her eyes gleamed.

The grass was cut very low and almost very even and full. She actually took it for those fake lawn types till her trimmed low, flaking clear polished, nails had dug into dry dirt.

She had dust her fingertips out.

It was so peaceful and quiet out here, she felt the light late evening breeze on her skin causing goosebumps. But she was not cold, it was a hot summer evening.

It was almost dark at after 6pm. She knew it was time that she go back inside the castle but she can't seem to pick herself up.

Michael had left her awhile ago as he got called away. But they had finished their tour and ate breakfast.


Michael and Diviya had sat right by a concrete bench not too far away from where she lay now. With a round stone table in the front of it.

She had asked Michael to call and ask someone in the kitchen to reheat her left overs and send them along with some juice.

And she had ask Michael to have breakfast with her, he then requested blood. Surprisingly she was not disgusted by the thought of someone drinking blood.

Though it was not the norm one might argue, but then another might argue that, that depends on perspective.

A soft smile appears on Diviya's face then she scrunched her nose as she recalls his reaction when she ask him to have breakfast with her.

Michaels eyebrows shut up in shock and wonder as he wonders if Diviya wanted him dead.