
Protective Custody - The Demon King (EDITING)

(MATURE CONTENT) Diviya just lost everything she holds dear to her in the span of a lunch date with friends and not in a good way. Now with the entity that’s hunting her, she has no choice but to run and go into protective custody. A program run by the Demon King himself. Diviya was not prepared for what she was about to walk into. Join her as she navigates this new world and get to the bottom of who is after her and what happened to her parents, Adopted and Biological all the while dealing with all the responsibilities that comes with being mated to the Demon King. ****************************** The Demon King is a beautiful beast, part human, his human part immortal, also he is part demon, a beast of a Wolf and a Vampire. He transforms beautifully and effortlessly from magical being to magical being each having different abilities and he have mastered them all. With the impending prophesy looming over his head the Demon King had a major problem with love. He knew all too well what love can do to someone, he like so many others thought it made them weak, he always vowed he would never fall in love, he vowed he would never allow himself to be weak again and he would never mate. He paid the price once and he would not do it again. As such he never had any serious relationships or any sort of meaningful courtships since. In the end he certainly was not ready when a gorgeous little fighter who was in need of protection just struts into his life drawing all sorts of foreign emotions out of him. Can he stick to his plans and firm belief in never mating? Dive in and find out… *************************************** Excerpt: He easily captures her lips, kissing her soft and gentle at first, as if savoring every detail and imprint of her sweet lips. Her lips were so soft, she taste amazing and she smells so damn intoxicating. He simply could not get enough and it did not take too long before he got a bit greedy wanting more and demanded entrance which she quickly granted and he dove into the kiss. She was delicious, he ravaged her sweet perky lips and mouth. His hands runs down her sides caressing her body as he touch and feels his way down. Stopping to caress her luscious butt, giving a gentle squeeze and he made a noise of pure pleasure at feeling her and touching her like this. He was feeling the strangest things, emotions that have long since been dead are awakening. Diviya let's out a little noise of her own when he grabbed her butt, she was overcome with need. Her core throbbed, she then lifts a foot wantonly desperately needing friction between her legs and Adonis' hands slid to the back of her thighs just below her butt, cupping her and he lifts her not breaking from their kiss. Diviya instinctively wraps her legs around him as she tightens her hold on his neck while she plays with the hair at the nape and kisses him wholeheartedly following his lead. Tongues gliding and trashing against the other one second, then the next lower lip being bitten and teased, they moved as one. Their tongues danced beautifully tasting their fill of each other. Heat coursing through them. Adonis turns with her in his hand and he leans his butt half way sitting on the edge of a huge high table in the middle of the closet. When suddenly Diviya's lower half of her body took on a life of its own and it started to grind into him, feeling his hardness against her core, reveling in the delicious feeling that act elicited, she did it again. Adonis hissed at the sensations, and the kiss got hungrier, wilder…. #R18

Sherryann_Martinez · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
67 Chs


The Demon King could smell the werewolf's fear and he could bathe in the scent of that fear, fear was just seeping out of this werewolf. And his beasts relishes it.

It fed them.

It has been awhile since he'd tasted fear like this. Things were a bit quiet in these parts.

So the Demon King was all for it.

He welcomed it.

He was in front the guard in the blink of an eye and grabs him up off the ground by his clammy hair.

Then he wraps his palm around the guards neck and yanks him up and closer to him as he moves backward.

The chains pulling the guards hands back and his feet are completely stretched till the werewolf groans in pain, teeth gnashing.

The guard stretches his neck back trying to put distance between them but it was of no use. Then his face fully contorted into utter fear and horror of what's to come when he felt the Demon King's grip on his shaft.

He felt nails digging into his scrotum to the hilt and he was already writhing in so much pain stretched like this.

He begs, "p please, p p please I I I d didn't m mea mean to." Struggling to get words out through the pain.

The Demon King growls dangerously and loudly, the sound echoed off the walls and his face was transformed into pure rage, his breathing heavy, his veins bulging, his muscles flexing as he holds the guard in a death grip by the neck and one hand on the guard's shaft.

His eyes a blood red, he snarls.

"Lies!" The Demon King hissed in his face, squeezing down on his neck tighter.

"You wanted to sink this into her, not so and now you didn't mean to?" The Demon King could barely get those words at the start out.

It scorched his throat and somehow him as well. He could not even think about it.

Someone else with her in that way, he closes his eyes, he will start a war.

Of that he was certain.

"I I I..."

The werewolf had no excuse and he knew anything he say will make matters worst, so he shut his mouth after whispering he was sorry.

"What was that," the Demon King tilts his head to the side as if waiting for a response. He hesitantly loosens his grip.

Anger was still coming out in waves.

"I I am s sorry." The guard says.

"What's your name? " The Demon King asks.

"P Perry Miller Alpha," answers the guard weakly.

"Well Perry Miller, not as sorry as you will be, the Demon King says then let his claws extend right where they were.

Currently clutching the guard's scrotum and penis to the hilt.

Perry lets out an agonizing scream and starts flailing and thrashing about almost beating up, desperately trying to move, trying to ease the pain. But to no avail.

The Demon King still had him stretched, and did it again.

The Demon King retracted his claws and reposition them then extend his claws, a hand still around Perry's neck and Perry was turning blue now.

He squeezes the other hand that clawed the scrotum, penis dangling. Then twist his wrist, Perry lets out a weak growl at the sudden jolt of pain. He was still experiencing violently painful throbs from the first clawing.

The Demon King pulls back with full force yanking the penis and scrotum right off.

Just some strings of flesh were left behind and blood squirts out of the wound laboriously. Perry completely pales even further as he screams and howls.

His eyes were shut tight as tears flows freely and he was still struggling to breathe.

He drooled. His face was a mess of tears, snot and saliva.

He was breathless and panting now but it was not for any good reason.

Then the Demon King simply lets go of his neck and steps back letting him fall with a sickening sound to the ground.

Then he held up Perry's ripped off penis and dangles it in front of his face, scrotum attached or what's left of it. "Is this it, what were you planning on doing exactly?"

Not waiting for an answer, the Demon King squashes it in his hands, letting the gushy remnants fall to the ground and proceeds to smash it with his boot.

Talk about over kill.

Perry drags himself up against the wall leaving a trail of blood as he goes. Letting out pathetic whimpers of sobs and just curls up in a ball as he shakes violently from the pain.

He went into shock.

Then he passes out.

The Demon King then yells to the guards, "get the doctor, I need him ALIVE for his EXECUTION!"

He was disappointed Perry passed out so quickly on him, he soured briefly thinking he should have tortured him slowly at first.

Nevertheless with that he storms out of the cell and made his way to his room in the castle, he was still so angry.

The Demon King had stormed into the dungeon to do one thing when he heard of this and he very well did it, but it was not enough he felt.

It was about the pain for the Demon King because he knew the guard will not live long enough to regret not having a penis.

But still deep down he felt it was not enough.

Anyways he was content and the cherry on top that Perry WILL be executed.

Plus maybe, just maybe people need reminding.

At this moment the Demon King has not given one thought to the missing witnesses until now, he was really distracted today.

Nowhere in his mind was these witnesses, given the day he had.

And his worry sets back in about being distracted.

The Demon King gathers himself to walk back into the castle and up to his wing.

Where he would be close to her and where all rational thoughts leaves his mind.

Moments later the Demon King was in his castle.

Reaching his wing he stops at the entrance, he didn't want to go too close to her just yet he needed tonight to sleep with his thoughts.

However his beasts instantly felt calmer. His once raging mind became as still and as quiet as the night.

She was close enough and that was enough to calm them.

He stopped at one of the guess rooms closer to the entrance, he took a quick shower then he went straight to bed allowing the darkness to consume him.

He was out in no time.


Almost 20 hours earlier, back in the human world after FBI Agent Ward hands off Diviya….

FBI Agent James Ward stares at the black Mercedes as it pulls out of the parking lot and disappears down the highway in the opposite direction he and Diviya had came from.

He looks on till the vehicle was out of sight, then he sighs and took in some much needed breaths. Then he pass his fingers half haphazardly through his brown hair and leans his head back.

Then he takes a couple more deep breaths.

He needed to regroup and think before he make any moves and he was also tired.

He needed a course of action.

Agent Ward decided to keep his promise he made to a detainee while at the Police Station.

He had promised Jack Pierre that he would release him with a warning and drop off five hundred dollars cash if he were to drive a vehicle and park it for him, leaving the keys in the glove compartment.

Agent Ward knew it was a huge gamble, but in that moment he trusted that kid detainee more than he trusted the Officers in that department and he had good reason not to.

And not just them in that department, there are one too many corrupted cops out there.

Even in his Bureau, they were all over the law enforcement.

Agent Ward had given Jack the address of where they would pop up after they made it out of the tunnel. It was in a secluded parking lot.

Then Agent Ward pulled rank stating he knew this kid and he would just let him off with a warning because as it turns out he'd graffitied some walls.

Agent Ward then decides after this he would head over to his sisters, she is actually the reason he was even in Kahuna Heights to begin with.

He and his sister grew up in Kahuna heights but they weren't that close. They had different mothers, his father cheated on his mother and they had Juanita Jameson. She had her mothers maiden name. Their dad's was Joshua Ward.

They grew up in different homes and was raised a lot differently. Sadly her mother was a drunk and died in a car accident she caused while driving under the influence.

And even more so she took four innocent lives with her.

Juanita started using drugs way before her mother died and she tried to get sober a couple of times but would always relapse.

Then when her mom died and it was just her with some help from their father and him. However not as often as they should have.

She quickly relapsed again and started using.

Now He was back here in Kahuna Heights because she begged him to come take her to rehab and promised she would stay this time and do all the steps to the end…