
Protecting the Aster

Frost has never been like the other Protectors of Earth. He was the last one to be found and is thousands of years younger than his fellow embodiments of the seasons. His body has more limitations than his counterparts and he's the smallest out of all of them. And his passion for the Earth and its inhabitants could rival any of his peers and he just wants to help protect them alongside everyone else. But when humans start digging into aspects of the Protectors that they shouldn't be, can Frost help his friends in not only protecting the Earth and its inhabitants from forces that humans can't see, but can he help protect the humans from themselves? Because somethings are just not meant to be in the humans' hands.

Sorax_Kingdom · Fantasy
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20 Chs

Cause for Alarm

Without saying a word, Father Time reaches into his pants pocket and produces the small device that I saw him showing Cato when they first arrived. With a flick of his wrist, Father Time tosses the device to the center of the table. However, before the small black device can hit the wood, it hovers in place and the top half lights up. The light then shoots up toward the ceiling and spreads out, forming almost a box-like shape. Kinda like a T.V but thinner and less solid.

Suddenly, pictures and articles start forming on the see-through screen. They appear so quickly that I can't quite catch what all of them are talking about, but one word that I did manage to see is the word 'other-worldly'. I tilt my head.

Somnium snorts, leaning back in their chair.

"So the humans are going through another 'Aliens Are Here' phase. Big deal. Don't see why this would cause such alarm."

Father Time purses his lips at the dream-bringer's words.

"Because these articles aren't about 'aliens' or those from other planets. They're about invisible beings who might be living among them with powers that they don't quite understand."

Cato clears their throat as silence follows Father Time's admission.

"What Zaman is trying to say, is that these articles, RECENT articles, are being written about us. And in great detail."

My eyes widen. So that's why they were asking if anyone has approached me. Mother Nature leans forward, a troubled expression on her face.

"Are they all by different people? Because I personally have not had a human approach me in centuries. Nor have I seen any react to me when I walk among them."

"To be fair, Ela," Exterreri says, their voice soft as a whisper yet clear enough for all of us to hear. "Humans nowadays dress quite uniquely. I doubt many would bat an eye at your attire."

My lips quirk. They're right. I have seen so many humans wearing spikes on their shoes and clothes while others cover their clothes in fake flowers. If anything, Mother Nature would fit right in with her attire.

Suvi turns toward Father Time, her eyes wide with confusion.

"Humans used to see us all the time, why are we worrying about them seeing us now?"

"Because it's not just us that they're writing about," Father Time says, growling as he lifts a hand. A single article with a small picture grows bigger on the hologram screen.

My eyes widen as the picture becomes clear. Everyone else, except for Cato and Father Time, gasp.

"Is that the Aster?" Mother Nature asks quietly, her hand lifting to cover her mouth, her eyes turning from the blue-green back to the grey they were when she first arrived and her clothes quickly following.

Cato nods grimly.

"Yes, which is why we called for this meeting. No human should know about the existence of the Aster, let alone what it looks like."

"Could it be possible that some humans saw the Aster before it was put into the Hall of Memories?" Haru asks, his eyebrows pinching together.

"No way," Ake answers just as Father Time opens his mouth. "The Aster literally fell into Cato's hands before intelligent life even formed on this planet. I should know, I was there with them when it appeared. And the only other places it has been when it's not in the Hall of Memories or here in the Temple of Time, is my place, the Moon Mansion."

Somnum stands and leans forward, examining the picture closely.

"It's almost like they managed to sneak into the Hall of Memories to paint a picture of the Aster. But that's impossible, no human has ever been in the Hall of Memories." They glance at the keeper, who nods in confirmation. "So, then, how were they able to create this with so much detail?"

Father Time shakes his head.

"That is what I'm trying to figure out."

Leaning in, I squint up at the picture.

The Aster is a very pale yellow color in the shape of a glowing star with two short points on the sides, a medium-size point on top, and a very long point on the bottom. Surrounding the Aster, is the faint outline of a glass box, the same glass box that Cato keeps it in. Or, at least, the last I remember seeing the Aster, it was kept inside a glass box. It has been so many years since I have seen it that I can't quite recall. I frown. I wish that I could bring the picture closer for a better look. Something just seems so off about it. There is this light haze over the entire thing like the Aster is constantly out of focus.

Mother Nature drums her fingers on the table.

"Where did you find all of these articles and pictures, Zaman?"

"The internest."

My lips quirk as Ake chokes back a laugh on the other side of Suvi. Mother Nature places a hand over her eyes, an amused smile on her face as she shakes her head.

"What?" Father Time asks, frowning at us. "What's wrong?"

"It's called 'the internet', my dear," Cato states, placing a hand lightly on top of time entity's hand. "But you were very close."

Father Time's cheeks color before he coughs into his shoulder and glares at us.

"Yes, well, all of you knew what I meant, so it doesn't really matter what I call it, does it?"

Resounding snorts are the only answers the keeper of time gets. I quickly drop my gaze, doing my best not to make any noise that might irritate the larger being. Cato pats his hand once more before pulling back and frowning up at the large picture.

"But knowing that all of these are within easy access to the humans makes me quite uneasy," the keeper states softly, worry lines forming in between their eyebrows. "What if they start digging deeper?"

"Most humans barely believe what's written on the web nowadays," Kaia says, waving a dismissive hand as she leans back in her seat. "For all we know, one of these humans merely had a dream about the Aster, drew or painted it, and then claimed it was real. Humans have such strange imaginations that it wouldn't surprise me that this was all just some sort of weird coincidence."

A few around the table nod a little at Kaia's words. She does make a good point. I glance back up at the picture. But a deep feeling in my gut tells me that this is no coincidence and that is no painting or sketch.

"You've been awfully quiet, Snowflake," Ake says suddenly, leaning forward to look at me around Suvi. "Care to share your thoughts?"

My heart leaps up into my throat as everyone's eyes turn and land on me. I shift uncomfortably in my seat, forcing myself to keep my head up as to not give away too much of my discomfort.

"Uh, well," I start, wetting my suddenly dry lips. "I was just wondering if...we are absolutely sure that this picture is a painting or drawing? I know humans can do a lot of amazing stuff with technology, but it just doesn't feel like some sort of digital art that a human just created on a whim, ya know?"

I bite the inside of my cheek as nobody speaks. Should have just kept your mouth shut, Jack Frost. Should have just said that you agree with Kaia. Dropping my gaze to the table, I tense as I notice frost building up around where my hands are laying. As discreetly as possible, I move to cover up the frozen water with my forearm.

"What makes you say that it's not a painting, dear?" Cato finally questions, bright, inquisitive eyes baring right into my skull. Clearing my throat, I shrug before pointing at the picture.

"Well, if you look closely, you can see the faint outline of the glass box you use to protect the Aster," I state, dropping my hand as my finger starts to tremble from all the attention. "And...And if you look just behind it, doesn't it look an awful like the chamber it resides in? There's just no way that a human can create something so spot on and still call it a coincidence. B-But then," I stammer out as Kaia lifts an eyebrow at me. "There were once humans who were able to have visions about us before we even showed up, so it could have also been a scenario like that, too."

Father Time crosses his arms, eyeing the suspended Aster photo before he glances down at the memory keeper.


The keeper hums, rubbing their nose as their face pales.

"Now that Frost mentions it, I can see the faint markings of the walls behind the Aster."

"But that still doesn't answer HOW the humans managed to gain access to the Aster if it's not a painting like Frost is suggesting, but a photo," Haru says glaring up at the holographic screen. "And if it IS a photo, why are they so interested in the Aster?"

Somnium snorts.

"Please, we all know how obsessed humans are with outer space and their concept of 'not being the only ones out there' schtick. And what do we use the Aster to do?" Somnium waits a beat before continuing. "We use it to contact other worlds and their keepers!"

Exterreri turns toward their sibling.

"You believe the humans want to use the Aster to contact the other worlds? But a human isn't strong enough to use the Aster, it would destroy their mind and then their body."

"But all of us are strong enough," Ake states, leaning forward with a troubled expression.

My stomach drops at the moon entity's words. It's true. Everyone in this room has the capability to use the Aster if needed, but we normally just leave it to Cato, Father Time, Ake, or Mother Nature. Cato mainly since they were the ones to come into contact with the Aster first. I wouldn't dare touch the Aster, I might accidentally freeze it due to nerves. Or drop it. But for sure I would probably freeze it the first time I touch it.

"So what do you suggest we do?" Suvi asks, her voice tight as she plays with her rainbow ring on her right pinky finger. All of us turn toward Father Time as he runs a hand through black locks.

"For right now, the most I can suggest is to stay as far away from humans as possible. Or, if you absolutely must be within the same vicinity as humans, such as you three," Father Times says, nodding toward the Sleep Siblings. "Than I would suggest doing so with as much caution as possible. It is one thing for the humans to be writing about us—"

"It is another entirely for them to be speculating about the Aster," Cato finishes, folding their hands neatly on the table. Father Time nods in agreement.

"Indeed. And who knows, maybe all of this is just a false alarm, but I would rather have us be prepared for the worst and have nothing happen than for us to be blindsided because we underestimated the very humans we have sworn to protect and have watched over all these millenniums."

Mother Nature straightens her hat as the squirrel and chipmunk fidget on her shoulders.

"And humans have been known to...surprise us with some of their actions, so I agree with Zaman's suggestion to keep our distance from the humans until we can sort this out."

Soft murmurs of agreement filter around the table. Father Time nods grimly.

"Very well, we are decided. If any of you happen to hear something, or if Cato and I hear something, we will let all of you know and please let us know. For we need to work together if we want to keep each other, and the humans, safe."

Taking that as a sign that the meeting is now over, everyone starts to stand. I wince as the room fills with idle chatter, my headache returning with a vengeance. I glance down at my now soaked hand, the handkerchief sopping wet. I frown. How on earth did my ice cube melt? Oh. Right. I had put it down that's why. I sigh. Turning toward the keeper, I sheepishly hold out the handkerchief.

"Thank you, Cato, I appreciate you allowing me to use this."

Cato jumps, having been in a quiet conversation with Father Time, before offering me a soft smile.

"It was no problem, Frost dear. How is the head?"

I shrug as the keeper picks the soaking handkerchief up with two fingers before daintily wringing it out. Cato's eyes narrow as they study me. Quickly dropping my gaze, I glance over my shoulder as a shadow falls over the room. A grin spreads across my face as a large blue whale gracefully floats along in the water high above us.

A yelp escapes me as fingers press against the back of my head. Clutching my head, I turn to tell whoever touched me to back off when I spot Cato with their hand raised. My mouth snaps shut at the tightness around the memory keeper's mouth.

"Care to rethink that answer, dear?" Cato asks, sweetly.

Sinking in my seat, I glance around at all the people in the room, hoping to find a way to escape. My eyes land on the Man in the Moon as he stands near the door, surveying the room. I catch Ake's eye and he winks at me before I quickly look away, frost spreading across my face at being caught. I feel the frost spread more when I realize that Haru is also watching me. He looks away when he realizes that I caught him watching me and refocuses on his conversation with Suvi and Kaia.


I flinch at Cato's hard tone and I look back at the keeper. Father Time is watching our exchange with an amused quirk to the corner of his mouth.

I sigh.

"All right, I might still have a slight headache. But!" I say quickly when Cato opens their mouth. "It barely even hurts, it's just more of a nuisance than anything. A good night's sleep could fix it."

I realize a second too late that my words might not be the best thing to say to the much older beings. The two exchange a glance. Cato turns back to me, folding their hands, patience radiating from them.

"Frost, dear," Cato says, speaking as if I am a child. "We are merely worried about you. Head injuries can be very dangerous, as you know. So please, just let us help you. Please?"

Guilt swirls in my stomach at Cato's wide forest green eyes and sincere expression. I mean. They are just trying to help and I'm just making it far more difficult than it needs to be. Fiddling with my hoodie sleeve, I nod.

"Yeah, all right. You're right. It might hurt just a little."

Cato smiles, a bit smugly in my opinion, as they glance at Father Time. The taller being merely chuckles, shaking his head as he waves a hand.


Without saying a word, Cato stands from their seat and moves away from the table. Confused, I glance at Father Time, who merely shrugs in response. My eyes return to Cato and I nearly crawl under the table as he approaches Mother Nature, who is currently speaking with Exterreri and Somnium.

What are they doing? Don't drag Mother Nature into this! Oh, why did I let Cato win this argument? I sink further in my seat as the keeper taps Mother Nature on the shoulder.

"Hey, cheer up, Frostbite," Father Time says, grinning at me. "At least Cato didn't just pick you up and bring you over there with them."

I shoot the older being an unimpressed expression. He laughs before standing and patting the back of my chair.

"And I'm gonna leave you to your fate before I get chewed out by Ela and have my head on a platter."

"ZAMAN!" Mother Nature shouts, her eyes and clothes turning red.

"And that's my cue," Father Time says, reaching up and twisting the clock around his neck. "Good luck with your head, Frostbite."

My lips quirk as a large clock portal forms and Father Time rushes through it as Mother Nature storms over. The portal vanishes and Mother Nature huffs before turning on me. Her eyes narrow and her lips form a thin line. My smile slips.

Uh, oh.