
Chapter 8 Waiting For My Princess



Karlo Castaneda...

The goddam asshole just punched me in the face...And I...

Do nothing...

"What was that for?"

"I saw the way you stared at her ass."

"The last time I checked, it was not a sin."

"Ja, that is how it starts."

If only he knew...

"Are you here to see Vic? I will go call him for you."

"I am here to take Trinity out for dinner."

I look over to where she is standing and hiding around the corner. I can see her pleading eyes, and it breaks my heart...

There is nothing I can do...

"She actually just ate."

"Well, she will eat again once she has changed out of that goddamn trashy clothes."

I step two steps closer to where the asshole and his filthy mouth is standing. Today I am punching Karlo Castaneda, and I do not care if Vic fires my ass.

"There is nothing wrong with Trinity's clothes."

"Ja to someone like you."