
Chapter 74 No Disrespecting Here

There is a dead darkness that settles over my heart as I hear the echo of a voice come from the kitchen.

Can people not fucking knock?

Well, it does not seem like they can. Guess this asshole will have to be taught a lesson.

So I reach under my pillow and take my Ruger firmly gripped in my hand.

I take the clip out to make sure I am loaded.

I check the safety and make sure it is off.

I watch as a terrified Trinity, only but raise her eyebrow as for only but a few moments ago we were making love there.

I give her a brief kiss on her soft sweet lips, "I love you. Now, please, princess, stay in the back of this closer until I come to find you." Then I hand her another gun, her body dead freezes, "Please if someone comes through the door, you shoot them."

She only but nods her head as I watch the fear consume those brown eyes. "Colton, wait," she whispers as she calls me back. "I love you."