
Chapter 51 Bleeding Irises

Trinity is driving me fucking insane.

She is everywhere!

She is like the song to a thousand melodies as I repeat the beauty of her name over in endless circles of my tortured mine. Never, not even before, has she captive my soul in such a way. I am simply falling apart without her in my life. It kills me over in agony to think how much longer we are going to play this game. This is not so much of a game for me, but yet I think that it is one for her and one that she is enjoying playing far too much.

What else is not a game is the loneliness. I cannot bear to be in one minute of silence in my own company anymore. So I make my way to the kitchen to pour myself a very early morning whiskey. As I wall back into my black leather couch, the irises of my now bleeding eyes are scanning my phone, yet there is no message from Trinity.