
Chapter 36 Tortured Escape

I have come to the final conclusion that the Stones are messed up.

That is whomever one of them a real Stone is; from where I am standing, it might be only Vic, yet he was truly married to Alexa. But she should, in fact, be a Castaneda. And Trinity? Well, I am just about to find out.

So, I am patiently waiting for Vic to tell me who the birth mother of Trinity is. Now is this man comes with something fucking drastic, well, then I can get his own damn detail. It is bad enough that he has lied to me, which has put the very person whom I am supposed to protect in danger. What pisses me off, even more is that the enemy was under the same roof the whole time.

I mean, what the fuck was the thing with her coming onto me? Guess she thought if Vic finds out, then I would be out of the way, and then she can take Trinity freely. Well, guess what. The woman still took her to god knows where.

But ya, I am waiting for Vic to answer.