
Chapter 28 Wandering Hands

How much worse can one day get?

Ya, I just had to turn around and ask myself that.

Now here is how it goes, my princess was touching me so intimately in the way only she does know, but this time she was different, so, yes, I will say this, but it was amazing. But not as amazing as it should be, I thought that she is just in a hurry.

So I turn around and want to slip a quick kiss in.

I should have stayed where I was. For this is what happens…next…

"My god, Alexa! What the fuck."

"Oh, come on, Colton."

"Oh, come on what? Fuck was that you?"

"What? You think I am better than Trinity. I feel flattered."

Fuck, how can she even think that? What the fuck is she even doing with her goddamn hands all over me. Damn, if I did not like my own cock so much, then I would have…ya, let us not go there, but…