
Chapter 26 Danger Lies Around The Edge

It is another one of those days where Trinity ignores everything I say, just a simple pass of the milk, she ignores.

Now the woman thinks that playing the silent treatment with me is going to make me change my mind; well, I got news for her, that shit just does not sit with me.

So what do I do?

I make my exit, but this time, I am the one showing those goddamn hips.

And as I leave the dining room, I hear her grunt and curse underneath her breath, "For fuck sakes, he just had to go and to do."

Very satisfied, I make my way to Vic s office to find out what the fuck is going on with the war. So as I knock, I hear a very frustrated Vic asked after me.

"Who is it?"

"Colton, Vic, but I can come back later."

"No, Colton, come in, you just the man that I need to talk to."