
Chapter 21 Raindrops On A Hot Summer's Day

As I slowly open my eyes, I am immediately struck by a pounding headache, and fuck does it hurt like a bitch. But that is not my concern, my concern is Trinity, and as I look over to her, I am so fucking relieved that she is still there. Though still there how I do not now. So I abandon my seat in an instant and rush over to her side, as I open her door her limp body falls out from the seat. My heart stops and I cannot fucking breathe.

Fuck Trinity!

I can only utter two words as I pull her from the car and gently lay her body on the ground. It is goddamn terrifying seeing the cuts on her forehead where she hit the windscreen. She was not wearing her goddamn seatbelt even after I ask her to. What did she say, 'It is too tight, well girl that damn dress is tight.