
Chapter 2: 6 more hours

I melt into my chair as the door closes imagining what his body must look like under that suit when Erika comes bouncing in.

Erika: so was I right or was I right???

She wiggles her brows. I snap out of my little Day dream with flushed cheeks and a smile.

Willow: You were not exaggerating

Erika giggles.

Erika: Well everything is all set for tonight. Caterers will be here at 6pm to set up.

Your body god will be back at 5pm with what I can only hope is a whole team of sexy body gods, so come on let's go grab some lunch.

I bet he does have the body of a god. I start picturing Liam shirtless again.

Erika: uhh Willow???? Lunch!!!!

Willow: yes ok let's go.

We walk down the street to our favorite little Deli "De Vinci's" to have lunch.

Paul the owner always makes me feel like I'm at home in New York since we're both from there, though he's from the Bronx and I'm from Manhattan.

We share a love for art. His food related and mine well paint and clay.

Paul: aaaa there's my favorite girls, So what'll it be today the usual?

He greets us as we walk in even though there are two customers ahead.

Willow: Hi Paul, yeah we'll share a meatball sub and salad.

Paul's meatball subs were hands down the best in the world.

We take our usual seats by the last window where we get a good view of everyone that comes and goes from De Vinci's.

Erika: God he is gorgeous. And the way his eyes devoured you. Oh baby if you don't hit that I will.

I follow Erika's eyes out side towards the gallery to see who she's talking about. That tingle hits my center as my heart flutters at the sight of Liam getting into a black Chevrolet Camaro. For a split second it seems as if he looks our way while putting silver cool cop glasses on and flashes a slight grin.

Paul: You find something better than my subs.

The sound of Paul's voice and the plate landing on the table startled me from thought. Erika and I bury out with laughter.

Willow: Nothing could ever be better than your suns Paul. Thank you.

Paul: so tonight's the big night huh?

Willow: yep! just 6 more hours. You and Annabelle going to make it?

Paul: you bet kiddo. We wouldn't miss it for the world.

He smiles and rushes back to the other customers.

Erika: so?

Willow: so what?

Erika: so what's the deal with hiring security. You never told me.

Willow: it wasn't me. It was my dad.

Scrunching her brows together in confusion, then lifting with concern?

Erika: your dad? Does this have to do with your ex?

I put on a half confident smile and shake my head. Erika knows that I was in a bad marriage but I've never told her the whole story.

Willow: my dad being my dad, just precaution. He knew I wouldn't do it and since he couldn't make it out here him self he felt better knowing I would have some protection.

still a little concerned, Erika Nods as she finishes her half of the sub.

Thoughts of my life in New York the last year threaten to haunt me as an eery feeling begins to creep up my spine. Something catches my eye. I look out the window startled at the image of my ex standing across the street.

Erika: Willow?

I blink and take a double look and clearly now I see it is not him. I take a few calming breaths and shake it off.

Erika: Willow what is it.

I smile nervously at Erika. She pats my hand.

Erika: You want to talk about it.

Willow: It's nothing really. Maybe just a little nervous about the opening.

Erika: You know I'm here for you Willow.

Willow: I know.

When we return to the gallery there's a long rectangular box on my desk with no note. I call out to Erika and Viv her young gothic college intern asking about the package.

Viv: Yeah a delivery guy came by and dropped it off.

Willow: There was no card?

Viv: I don't know he just said he had a delivery for you and I told him to put it on your desk.

Willow: Do you know what company the guy delivers for?

Viv: He was wearing a UPS hat?

I let out a frustrated sigh and close my door before turning back to the package. Slowly I lift the lid as if something was going to jump out. My heart pounded heavy in my chest. A sigh of relief settled my heart once the lid was off and nothing jumped or exploded. I unfold the white tissue paper to see a beautiful long stem blood red rose. Still there's no note.

I sit back in my chair holding the rose to my nose wondering who it is from. Not allowing my self to think the worst I grab a vase and drop the rose in it setting it on my desk. Double checking the package for clues before throwing it away. But still noting. Tapping my chin looking at the pictures on my desk settling on my best friends face "Bryan" I snap my fingers saying his name out loud. Yeah that's who must have sent it.