
Protagonist test records

A supreme being is bored. So he decided to play a game(?) and started creating protagonists.

Void_of_outer_box · Fantasy
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9 Chs

Test one : Conclusion

Adam was alloted a dorm room in the academy. His room number was A17.

'It seems like boys and girls have the same dormitory.' Adam entered his room and unpacked his items.

He fell face first on the bed and recalled what he saw about Karl using [Absolute Appraisal].



- Name: Karl

- Age: 15

- Race: Human

- Class: Hero (S-tier)

- Level: 1(0.00%)

- Skill(Exclusive): [Divine Equipment Summon (SS-tier)

- Skill(Non-exclusive): [Instant Regeneration (S-tier)], [Goddess' Blessing (S-tier)], [Saviour (S-tier)]

[Additional Information]

"The protagonist of this world. He was raised to be a hero from his birth by his parents that were greedy for fame and power. Due to this, he seems to hate being the hero and handling the responsibilities of a hero. Still, he is extremely good natured, so he will try to help as many as possible."

- Alignment: Lawful Good 



"Sigh... What a fate is written for him. Greedy parents that made him hate the title of hero, and his good nature that makes him help people..." Adam sighed and started changing his clothes.

After undressing to his underwear, he looked at himself in the mirror.

"Hmm, I sure got a nice physique..." 

Adam's body was not too muscular, but his muscles were well defined and his body fat percentage was really low. He possessed natural two toned hair, left side being white and right being black in colour. His iris were also multicolored with shades of multiple colours setting together in a harmony. His facial features were perfect and phenomenal, even for the realm of gods.

"Hehe, I sure look hot. Quite a weird feeling for me, who was average all my life." 

While Adam kept admiring himself in the mirror, he didn't notice someone was peaking at him from the slight gap in door.

"S-So good..." 

Even the hidden person secretly peaking through the door wasn't able to stay quiet after seeing Adam's body. He/She unconsciously muttered the words he/she was thinking in mind. 

"What? Who's there?!" Adam heard the sound and immediately rushed towards the door.

"Hiek!" The person outside was startled and started running away.

Until Adam opened the door completely to see outside, the person had used spatial magic to escape.

'This smell... It was a girl?' Adam deduced through the slight smell of perfume left behind.

"Kyaa! S-So hot– No! Pervert!" 

Adam heard a female scream from behind. He turned around to see this screamer.

It was none other than Amelia. She was alloted the room just beside Adam's. When she heard the noises next door, she thought something is wrong and immediately rushed out of her room to help.

But, when she opened the door, what she met with was just Adam standing in the hallway... IN JUST HIS UNDERWEAR!! Her pure maiden heart wasn't able to take it, her mind was spoilt between admiring Adam's body and being embarrassed about seeing a naked man. She was almost about to faint!

Hearing Amelia's scream, Lena and Miria also came out of their rooms and saw Adam's body.

Miria's face flushed deep red and her eyes were spinning. There was even some steam coming out of her head.

Lean, on the other hand, stared at Adam's body for a long time before finally looking him in the eyes with a blush.

"...pervert." She said in a low voice.


"Sigh, What a... Traumatic experience." Adam was back inside his room, this time fully dressed.

While Adam kept wondering what to do next, he heard a voice in his mind.

"You are still not happy." The voice said in a hushed voice, but it was clear to Adam since the voice was directly inside his mind.

Suddenly Adam was reminded of the memory just before his death in his previous life.


Being a totally average person, Adam was not treated badly or bullied but he definitely wasn't treated as someone important either. His daily life was too common and boring, so boring that he started feeling suffocated by it.

He tried many times to become popular, or even become worse, just to have a more interesting life. But all in vain... 

He wished to an unknown supreme being with white hairs to give him a much interesting life, but the supreme being just looked at him with pity and sighed in disappointment. Nevertheless, supreme being granted his wish.

On the day Adam was deciding to suicide to escape this boredom, he was transferred to another world by some other supreme being. He thought he could have a more interesting life if he was the best throughout the world. 


"Heh, I understand now... Why that supreme being with white hair looked at me with pity and disappointment... He knew it would go like this..."

"A life of boredom, is not a life worth living. How stupid I was, thinking the strongest being won't be bored. Whatever, atleast now I can make my death interesting."

Adam snapped his fingers and a giant black magic circle appeared above the whole world. 

"Infinity snap." Adam used a magic spell created by himself. This spell randomly kills half of the population of the world. That half will definitely include Adam.


As the spell took place, half of the population including Adam dropped dead. 

It was an Apocalypse.

A letter appeared on every dead body with the name Adam.

This incident will be known to the rest of the world as "God Judgement". And the name 'Adam' will be left behind as the worst and most dangerous person to ever exist.



- Name: Adam

- Status: Dead

- Race: Human Chimera(?)

- Class: Variable (??? Tier)   

- Level: Max (100.00%)

- Skill(s): 999+

[Additional Information]

"You were the strongest in this world. But, that doesn't mean you should've been careless all the time. Most dangerous situations of life are those that can't be solved with power.

And Unfortunately, you lost to one such situation."

- Alignment: Lawful Evil → Chaotic Evil



In the infinite void,

"First test... Failure." The supreme being wrote down on his notepad. 

"If they are too overpowered, they will just get bored huh?" He shook his head in disappointment.

"Looks like that guy with white hair was correct. 'A mortal with any omnipotent variation power is either a liar omnipotent being, or dead'. Sigh, point noted." 

"Whatever, let's start the second test. This time, I will not give him strongest power immediately." Supreme being again focused his attention on world of lower beings to find some good test subject.


Test one - End. Result : Failure. Cause of failure : Too OP from the start.