
Chapter 47 : Nnoitra VS Nelliel.

We were at front of the Mansion, prepared to deploy our forces.

"Rukia. You will stay. Your mission is to not let any of the slaves do what they want. Even if you were friends with them... Listen everybody. Our mission is to kill that fucker called Nnoitra Gilga. He dared to plot against Nelliel before she was healed. He was one of the reasons that she was injured, he, together with the Numero 8, Szayela Aporro Granz. We will deal with Granz later, for now, focus on the target.

I sent Nelliel to hunt him beforehand. You will have help each other. We are a team and I am your Leader, in a battle if you mock each other in the middle of a fight, it can cost you your life. As I will not let this pass, if you do that and one of ours are injured, you will regret being born and going against my orders.

You may be my women but before that, you are my subordinates, one mistake can cost a life of someone. This is for everyone. Even the ones that are not going to fight. Are we understood?!" I said all of that with an extremely serious face with my hat in my hand.

"YES, MASTER!" They shouted in return.

"Good. Let's go!" I said, putting the hat on.

["You have 4 unseen notifications."]

'Show me.'




•Succesfully enslave Orihime = 500,000 X-Coins.(Claim)

•Succesfully get a wife = 300,000 X-Coins.(Claim)

•Succesfully kidnap Yoruichi Shihouin, The Flash Goddess = 1,000,000 X-Coins.(Already Claimed)

•Succesfully enslave Yoruichi = 1,750,000 X-Coins.(Claim)


•Succesfully resurrect an Arrancar = 2,750,000 X-Coins.(Claim)




'Hmm. This will be extremely useful. Claim all of them. Damn 5,300,000 coins will help me so much. But I still need time. Orihime is not trained, neither Yoruichi. Also, the Soul Society's reinforcements are coming too. *Sigh*. I need time.' I thought to myself.

Then I sent a pulse of Reiatsu, to find where they are fighting. When the pulse came back, I knew exactly where they were.

"Come. Follow me." I said before vanishing from my previous place.

I had to delay a little as if I used all my speed they would eat sand. But once we reached there, I saw Nnoitra taking a heavy beating, even worse than the one he took in the manga.

'Hmm? Why is he stronger than he was before? Maybe he came across an event that increased his strength... But what?' I asked myself.

Both their "Resurrección" was not activated, but when we came we heard a shout.

"I will not die! I will not die! Not in this way!"Inore(Pray) : Santa Teresa"!" He screamed.

An yellow aura focused on him, then he lifted his half-moon axe and the aura exploded with his command, sending a strong shockwave to us. When the light show ended, there he was. He had three pairs of white arms, each one holding a scythe and a crescent moon ornament on his head. His Reiatsu grew even more stronger than before.

""Utae(Praise): Gamuza"." Nelliel calmly used her release.

Then an big pink explosion came from her, creating a smoke curtain, when it cleared, we saw an Centaur on the place that Nelliel was. As a Centaur, her lower half was replaced for four horse legs, together with a tail. Her arms was coated with white armor, it extended until her neck. On her head, there was two horns pointing down, similar to that of a goat, on her hands, a silver spear, the edges of it were thick, the tip thin and sharp and on the middle there was a place for her to hold.

"You know that this is over... Nnoitra." She said.

"Over?! This is not over! Your death is just beginning!" He said while rushing to her.

Then he attacked with frenzy, from up, down, diagonally, he even thrusted with it a few times. But Nelliel always blocked it using her spear.

"Ahhhhhh! Why won't you die?! Die! Die! Die! DIE!" He screamed, attacking even faster.

'Six arms sure are helpful. That way I would have a way to pleasure six women at a time. Hmm. Interesting.' I thought.

"Master, why are we not attacking?" Apacci asked.

"Hmm? Oh, I have to see if she is strong enough. I don't need weaklings." I said to her.

She then got punched in the head from Rose and Sun.

"Ow! Why?!" She asked.

"Shut up.!" Rose said.

"I can't die here, I have to help Brother Īsan. He saved me." Nelliel said, calmly.

If you only heard her voice, you wouldn't think that they are battling with 'their' lives on the line.

"Īsan?! That fucker?! The Numero 3?! Why the fuck are you following that trash?!" He asked while

'Hey! I haven't done anything to you! At least not yet.' I planned.

"You don't have the right to call him that!" She said, after he attacked her with all his arms at once, she simply thrusted her spear with strength, breaking all his arms.

Aftet that, he tried to back away, but she was pressuring him. She did not left any space for him to heal his arms, so he had to keep dodging.

Looking at the side, I saw Ichigo, passed out.

'Hmm. He probably passed out mis fight with Nnoitra. As he fought Grimmjow, he was really tired and could not resist the fight with the 5, he also did not had anyone to help him like before...' I was interrupted by an explosion.


... Oh, great! I was lost in my thoughts and lost many parts of the fight. Thank you, Ichigo.' I finished my train of thoughts.

The gigantic sound interrupted me. Looking to see what happened, I saw that Nnoitra kneeled, his ornament broke and all of his arms and weapons broke.

"Fuck! I could not see the fight becausesome orange haired dumbass interrupted me!" I said, looking at him.

Returning to look at Nelliel, I saw that she had turned her back as was walking away. But he followed her sneakly and tried to attack her. Vanishing from my place, I appeared behing Nnoitra and my right hand found it's way to inside his chest.

"Why don't you die, fucker!" I said to him.

"Who dares?!" Nelliel said loudly.

After she saw that it was me, she came running, which is terrifying to see and Centaur coming to my direction.

"Brother Īsan! Good to see you!" She said after coming near and hugging me, well... Before, her hugs did not worked. Now, we fell on the ground as her body is heavy and big.

Before her hug, I threw Nnoitra's body to the side. But now, she is squeezing me, and not the good kind.

"Master. Why did you had to kill him?" She asked after releasing me and getting up.

"Nelliel. You must always finish your opponents. They will not be as merciful as you, they will be treacherous and evil. They will attack you if you show any openings or weaknesses." I said to her, doing the same as her, getting up.

"But Brother Īsan, Nnoitra is too weak to kill me." She said innocently.

"Your reckless behaviour have costed you your mask before. Stay focused, Nelliel." I said to her.

"Yes, Brother Īsan." She said.

In the end, we came here for nothing.