
Chapter 120 : Fishy.

'Last night was a nightmare. As soon as Shion saw them, she assumed that they were enemies, with that, she attacked them, just to Harribel stop her attack with one hand.

After that, she told me that she thought that they were prostitutes, in response, I asked how could I get prostitutes that strong. Well, Shion may be strong in this World's standards, however, Harribel was monstrous in Bleach. She is nowhere near Harribel's level of strength.

After her failed attack, Shion looked at me and said that I had to have spent a lot of money since they are high quality. As my patience was thining, I told her that they were my subordinates.

Even if this was a hassle, it can have a good outcome. Hopefully this will make Shion more determinated to improve and reach new levels. She has the potential since I named her.

In the end, it took two hours to to get out of her mind that they were not prostitutes nor enemies. And I had to listen to a lesson from Shion and Shuri. It was a huge pain the ass to deal with, but I had to let them vent out their frustrations.


Now, it is time to look at the current problems. I have absorbed a hundred and fifty thousand Orcs, with them being able to procreate extremely fast, their numbers will skyrocket in the future.

I also sent a lot of envoys with the objective of making the villages nearby submit peacefully, since I have the title of King of the Great Forest of Jura, given to me by the Dryads. If I can avoid sending the army, the better, that way I will get entire villages without moving a finger.

Moving on. Another thing that happened is that it has spread throughout the forest that I have killed the Orc Disaster. All of this have given me a lot of power and prestige in the forest.

I have a hundred and fifty thousand Orcs, since some of the Goblin village elders from the villages spread throughout the forest asked me to take them in, with this, I have around a hundred thousand Hobgoblins and five thousand Wolves.

With such massive numbers the contructions are going smoothly. With the Orcs working on building the roads and the houses, I have no shortage on any type of resources. Now, I just need to wait for them to finish building the Hot Springs and I can truly relax.

After this, I can send my subordinates to explore this gigantic forest while I stay behind, lazing around, waiting for the Dwarf Kingdom. Unlike Rimuru, I will try to get a Alliance witht them. A non-aggression pact is not enough.

An Alliance will be way better, since it will allow the trade to flow between us, together with it, I will also get in contact with another Kingdoms and Countries. I will not be isolated. But for now, I can rest.' I was proud of what I could achieve until now.

Lying on the bed, I relaxed my body, ready to sleep.

"Kuroku-sama, we have a situation." Souei suddenly appeared and said.

At this moment, I wanted to cry. A King can't relax in peace. Angrily getting up, I asked.

"What is it?" I frowned deeply.

"Some Goblins have left a cart on the outskirts of the village, there are many boxes inside it." He said while kneeling.

"What is inside the boxes?" This seems fishy.

"Enter." He said.

One of the subordinates entered inside the room with one box on his hands, then he opened it. This made me open my eyes widely.

"How many boxes are there?" I asked.

"There are twenty." Souei said.

"Prepare the army immediately." I ordered.