
Waking up.

Marian POV

Beep. Beep. Beep

"I don't know what to do anymore. I think we should take her out of here. It's almost two weeks and she won't wake up" I hear a deep masculine voice speak clearly tired.

"Then you should have left her there. Or better yet, call 911". Another masculine voice that sounded Italian retorted.

"She would have died!", the former said.

I hear them pacing round the room with the owner of the first voice muttering, "She has to wake up. I won't lose this opportunity. She has to wake up"

Ignoring the two men disrupting the room with their noise, I tried to raise my hand but it felt stiff.

What happened to me?

I opened my eyes a little to take in the appearance of my surroundings, only to shut it immediately as the room seemed too bright.

I relaxed for a minute and opened my eyes again to accommodate the brightness.

Where am I?

Taking in air, the whole place smells like antiseptic. I must be at the hospital but what exactly happened to me?

Taking in my surroundings. The Ceiling is pure white, that was the first thing I saw as I opened my eyes.

Turning to the left, I notice a window with a single vase on it. Turning to the right, I see two young men disagreeing about something, probably their former discussion.

A small cabinet is by the wall, painted white with a red cross on it. Not too far away, there's a chair and table. The whole room is painted white.

The man with the Italian voice turns to me and exclaims, "Look! She's awake". Not waiting for a reaction from the other man, he walked closer to me and asked me,

"Are you okay, do you feel pain anywhere?"

"Where am I?", I managed to say.

He nervously scratched his head before trying to speak again

"Wwwater. Water". I croaked

"Right. Coming right up". He stood up and walked towards the left, to a sink I did not notice at first and filled a cup with water before helping me to sit and handing the water to me.

The other man came into my view with a woman. I did not see him leaving the room to get anyone.

The woman was dressed with a white lab coat covering her outfit. She smiled and said. "Hello, I'm Leslie Brown and I'm your doctor, this is Mr Daniel Peters", pointing to the man who stood by her side, the man with the deep masculine voice.

Tapping the other man who offered me water playfully, she continued, "and this is Mr Collins", glancing between the two men she asked politely, "can you give us a minute?"

They both nodded before leaving. Turning back to me, she smiled warmly. "Do you remember what happened?"

I thought for a second, I remember watching Belinda leaving our apartment with her date and then up to the part where I went to get mineral water at the supermarket and then trying to check my phone before....

Helping me relax from my sitting position. She spoke, "You are just getting better, please don't stress yourself"

I told her all I remembered. Sighing, she said. "You have been asleep for two whole weeks. You had an accident on the 15th of May. Today is

the 29th. I am going to ask you simple questions, can you please provide answers?

Nodding my head, she continued, "What is your name?"

"Marian Hope". All the children at the orphanage bear Hope as our surname if our parents did not leave any.

"How old are you?"

"24", I replied quickly

"Do you live with a friend? Family?"

My mind went wild at this question, "Yes I do. I live with my friends. Please I need to let them know that I'm okay. Can you lend me your phone?"

Waving her hands, she replied, "We have spoken to them already, they know of the accident and have been visiting daily. Don't worry, I will call to inform them of your recovery right after this conversation"

Checking the tubes attached to me and the monitor by my side, she spoke. "Thank God you remember a lot. Or else things would have been complicated. You hit your head hard and would not wake up. We were planning to transfer you to the hospital soon"

"Is this not a hospital?", I wondered

"No, this is Mr Daniel's house, he was the one who hit you and brought you here. We are so sorry for the inconveniences". She apologized.

"It's okay. Please can you make that phone call now?" I asked a little impatiently.

She smiled before walking out.

Two hours later, Mr Daniel walked in with my friends.

They both practically ran to my bed and engulfed me in a hug.

Zoey had tears in her eyes as she murmured, "You got us scared, we thought we were going to lose you"

Belinda on the other hand, kissed my forehead and hugged me again.

I felt safe as they knew of my accident and have been able to always visit. I was very scared at first, this place seems creepy.

My friends settled in and told me all that I had missed in the past two weeks. They spoke of my work place, the whole staff was wishing me a quick recovery and that Mr Ben even came to visit last week.

I found out that Mr Peter could not watch a young woman die so he had to bring me to his house and get a doctor to treat me here since he could not afford to ruin his reputation and let the whole world know that he was tipsy and hit someone.

After my friends had left, I decided to sleep a little.

It was pitch black when I finally woke up, to find a man sitting by my bedside. I got startled and squirmed

"Sorry for scaring you, I turned off the lights so you can sleep well" a deep masculine voice said. Judging from the voice, I already knew who was speaking.

Mr Daniel stood up and turned the lights on. He sat once again and said, "I am extremely sorry for putting you in this condition"

"It's alright sir", I replied

"The doctor said you will be needing rest for a month. To recover. I will like to keep you here till then". He spoke firmly

I signed and changed my lying position before responding, "Thank you very much sir for saving me, but I would like to return home. Sorry for all the troubles I have caused you-"

He cut me off and replied, "please stay and recover fully. There's someone I would like you to meet"

"Who would that be?". I knew it. There's more to all of this. That's exactly the reason why he could not send me to a hospital but to keep me here. Lord, am I safe?

"Someone you would be familiar with", he replied.


I have been here for three weeks already. How time flies. My friends still come to visit frequently. I moved to a decent room and I am allowed to walk around freely.

I made a lot of friends here, Mr Daniel and I became friends and he told me to speak to him informally as friends would. The staff are very nice people. At first, they would not allow me to work but after so many tries, they relented and allowed me to exercise my muscles.

Peter owns a large property. The house is so big and spacious. My favorite places are the kitchen, the balcony-especially at night- and the library.

Humming a classical music note, I make my way to the library.

Opening the door and heading to the romance section, I stopped at once as I realized that someone was in the room too. The library is always quiet with no single soul in the room as Peter preferred to use his study and rarely comes in here.

The man in the room is a stranger, at least to me. He had his back to me as he spoke calmly on the phone.

He was talking about some shipments relating to cars. I could not help it but to watch him quietly.

He is tall with a lean stature. From his physique, you could tell that he works out frequently. He is dressed in a suit that suits him perfectly.

"Jesus!", he exclaimed as soon as he realized he had an audience.

My cheeks heated up at once as he just caught me checking him out.

My eyes slowly moved from his torso to his face as I shamelessly took in the man standing in front of me.

God! This man must be a model. With a face that looked masculine and at the same time boyish and very handsome. He could get any woman he wants.

"Hello", he said, waving his hands right in front of me. I did not realize that he had moved closer to me.

My cheeks burned deeper with the realization and smiled apologetically.

"Sorry, I spaced out. You were saying?"

With a smile that could turn heads around. He said, "I was a little startled to see you there. Are you sure that you are okay?"

You can't blame me. I have never seen such a handsome man all my life. Giving him a charming smile, I said, "It's fine. If you will excuse me, I came to get a few books to read".

Even though I would like to stay longer, talking to him, I had to mind my business.

I noticed his eyes on me as I pretended to check some books, when all I could think of was him.

He walked up to me and spoke, "This may sound forward but do you mind telling me your name? You look so much like someone I l know".

My joy knew no bounds as he was also interested in me but deflated at once as Peter walked in.

"Here you are, Mr Andrews.

I have been looking for you". Peter looked weary as he led the man out of the library, cutting our conversation short.

Ugh, Peter. Of all times? I just almost hit the mark!