
Prophecy Failure: Mr. Reckless NOT Harbinger of Death

One's trash is another's treasure. Varun may have failed and died after being the Prophecy hero, the end of the chaos, Rahambose... but he wishes for another to rise, after he falls. By telling his story of the Prophecy Failure, he uses the last of his breath and hope, hoping for the real hero to rise. A secret superhero. A Psychopath. A nightmare causing dragon. The last survivor of the second strongest intelligent beings. A normal college student, barely ever travelled in his life, summoned to an alien planet and given powers. A normal city, never having seen snow, covered in ice. A normal friend group, who quarrel amongst themselves, left to fight against things beyond their wildest dreams. A normal girl, who can't take care of self, forced to be the queen of Pluto. A Prophecy Failure, worth telling. Will a story be enough? To bring about a hero? Or just another Prophecy Failure? At least heroes are real. But so is he, Rahambose. And so is the fact that: in the end it is ALWAYS Rahambose.

MrParadox_2020 · Fantasy
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53 Chs

CHAPTER XV – Countdown… (10…)

Jiant was at the edge of the portal as he had lost grip from the ground. He saw Aria running towards him but a portal came in between them and he knew for sure that she had stumbled into it.

Jiant just fell inside the portal as he realised that he was at the edge of something else… a tower. He started free falling from above and he felt the temperature rising around him.

Jiant saw everything happening in slow motion and saw that the tower was just beside some castle, and the place was pretty dark. He fell and fell deeper as his face faced the bottom of the tower.

Jiant knew how this would go, but couldn't do a thing surely. He saw some kind of light now, in between him and the bottom. He went into the light as he reached the bottom. He heard something in these last moments… some kind of scream but he couldn't make out what it was. Or who... Aria?