
9. Friends

"It's better if I die," with this thought Swara tried to jump into the river but was pulled back by someone.

She turned and saw that it was Laksh.

"Are you mad, Swara? What were you doing?" Laksh asked, holding her by her shoulders.

"Leave me, Laksh. I want to die," Swara said looking at the water.

"Stop it, Swara. I won't let you die. Why do you want to die?" Laksh asked.

"Because I have no reason to live.... I lost my... dignity....." she cried and fell on the floor.

"Sshh! Don't cry... Swara.. Stop... I am with you. I won't let anything happen to you," he wiped her tears.

"No, Laksh. I am tainted. It's meaningless now for me to love. I have lost everything in my life," Swara said.

"But what happened?" Laksh asked looking into her eyes.

Finally Swara told everything about how and what Sanskar did with her. How he forced her and blackmailed her for Ragini's video. How much she was scared to lose her dignity. Even after forcing her, how he circulated their video in her society. Swara cried when she remembered his words. Swara told Laksh everything right from the beginning.






Laksh was shocked after listening to this. He was pitying Swara for being so naive and believing his threats. Laksh could understand the trauma that Swara had suffered and was still suffering.

"Why don't you complain about him to the police?" Laksh suggested.

"No!! That will not help me but rather worsen the situation. He is rich and he can easily save himself from the police. But after that he will not let me live in peace," Swara said while crying.

"It's okay. I understand what is going on with you. What he did was more than enough to traumatise you. I won't let him do anything to you. From now on I will always take care of you; after all, you are my best friend," Laksh said while trying to make Swara smile.

"But you had gone to New York? How come you are here?” Swara asked.

"Actually, the meeting got postponed. I will leave for New York in 2 days," Laksh replied.

"Ohh," Swara smiled.

"You are going to live in my house with..." Laksh's words were incomplete as Swara interrupted him.

"With you?" Swara asked in shock.

Laksh shook his head in disagreement.

"With my family. I don't stay alone. Mom, dad and my sister, Uttara, stay with me," Laksh said. "You can't deny. You have to come with me. End of discussion," Laksh concluded.

Swara smiled as she knew she had no option left but accept his offer.


Swara started living with Laksh's family. She was loved and cared by everyone in that house. Arnapurna and Durga Prasad considered her as their own daughter and Uttara considered her to be her sister. She got a family for which she had craved her whole life. She found a motherly figure in Arnapurna. In the morning, when she would get up, she would touch Arnapurna's feet to get her blessings. Arnapurna always smiled at her manners.

"Beta, can you please help me in the kitchen? Please prepare ladyfinger curry. It's Laksh's dad's favourite. I am having a headache. I was thinking about resting for sometime. Hope you won't mind," Arnapurna said.

"I would really love to do that," Swara smiled.


"This curry is so tasty," Durga Prasad said while licking his fingers.

"Swara has prepared it," Arnapurna announced.

Swara was smiling when the trio was praising her.

"Bhai, when is your flight?” Uttara asked.

"In two hours. I will leave after dinner," Laksh replied.

"Bhai, can I and Swara Didi come to drop you?" Uttara asked.

Laksh looked at Swara and nodded his head in agreement.


"Bye, Bhai. Take care," Uttara said.

"Swara! Take Care of yourself," Laksh said while hugging Swara.

Uttara giggled upon seeing them hugging each other.

"Bye," Swara said as Laksh went in.

"Looking sexy sweetheart," a message beeped in her phone.

She panicked seeing that message. She knew who sent it. Tears formed in her eyes. Her hands and legs trembled. It was like her worst nightmare had come true.

Flashes of a man holding and dragging her while she pleaded for help and that man slapping her came into her mind.

She turned back to see her worst nightmare standing and smirking at her.

"Sahil," she said out of shock.

"Missed me, sweetheart?" Sahil asked, coming close to her.

"What are you doing here? Please go away," Swara pleaded while folding her hands.

"Go away from you, sweetheart? Nah! That's not possible," Sahil said, touching her face.

"Damn! Your sexy face. You are making me hard," he said, coming closer to her.

Swara pushed Sahil and ran from there.

"Swara Didi, where were you? Are you alright?" Uttara asked.

"Wow! Sweetheart, the girl standing next to you is as sexy as you. If you want her to be safe, come to me. I am waiting for you in the parking lot," again a message beeped on her phone.

"Nooo. I can't let Uttara be in danger. Laksh has already done a lot for me. I can't let his sister get into trouble just because of me ", Swara thought.

“Uttara, actually I came across a friend here. She came back from Thailand today, so... you go home... I will talk to her for a while and then she will drop me home," Swara said.

"Your friend? No problem, Didi. I can wait while you talk," Uttara said.

"No... you can't wait... I mean, we will take time to gossip... you go home... I will be there soon," Swara tried to convince Uttara.

"Okay," Uttara finally agreed.

After Uttara went away Swara walked to the parking lot.

"Sweetheart," Sahil said, once again touching her face.

She pushed him and ran out of the parking lot . But after she had run a few metres, Sahil caught her from behind.

"There is no way you are going to escape from me this time," Sahil said squeezing her tiny waist.

Using all her strength she pushed him and ran on the road.

"Run as fast as you can. But you cannot escape me. You have to come back to me," Sahil shouted from behind her.

While running with all her might, trying to get away from the evil monster, she bumped into something.