

Violet Meyers is the daughter of the one of top leading Mafia. Love, lies and misunderstanding contribute to her complicated relationship with her 'frenemy' Hunter Arch but what happens when her father is mysteriously killed and there are too many secrets... "She's a hurricane in human form" "He's like the first drop of rain."

AG_ · Urban
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80 Chs

Chapter 78

[Asher's POV]

When it came to grabbing an opportunity, I had always been the one who never made any effort unless the situation was totally in my favour.

Not tonight though.

All the alcohol and adrenaline rushing through my system had brought me in front of his place. This time I won't back off.

Well, unless he told me to.

And after that I will probably curl up into a ball and die alone.

Looking up, I met his hazel eyes as soon as he opened his door, his eyes widening a bit. I guess he didn't me to show up at his door after the stunt he had pulled in the club's parking lot.


I blinked in surprise when he slammed the door in my face, before I could even finish what I was saying.

"Hey! Open the door."

"No, go away."

My jaw dropped slightly, as I stared at the closed door in disbelief. "You said I was staying at your place!"

"Did I ? I don't really remember that part." He spoke from inside.