

Violet Meyers is the daughter of the one of top leading Mafia. Love, lies and misunderstanding contribute to her complicated relationship with her 'frenemy' Hunter Arch but what happens when her father is mysteriously killed and there are too many secrets... "She's a hurricane in human form" "He's like the first drop of rain."

AG_ · Urban
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80 Chs

Chapter 68

[Asher's POV]

"I expected you to be the last person to save me."

I lifted my head, not believing my ears, as I stared at the familiar figure, grunting, trying to sit himself up.

"You are awake?" I whispered in disbelief, while Chase tried stretching his arms, before groaning in pain.

"I guess so."

Without a second thought, I flung myself onto him, holding him tight, as I let out a sigh of relief, "Oh my God, you are okay."

"I-I really appreciate the gesture, but, " He grunted, before continuing, "You are kind of cutting off my air flow...and....I....am very close...to fainting...again."

I immediately released him, letting him fall back to the bed, "Shit, sorry. Are you okay?"

"I have been better." He winced, adjusting himself, before he sat up again with a start, "Wait- what about Mr. Black and Violet? Are they okay?"