

Violet Meyers is the daughter of the one of top leading Mafia. Love, lies and misunderstanding contribute to her complicated relationship with her 'frenemy' Hunter Arch but what happens when her father is mysteriously killed and there are too many secrets... "She's a hurricane in human form" "He's like the first drop of rain."

AG_ · Urban
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80 Chs

Chapter 62

[Hunter's POV]

I turned around, my eyebrows knitting together as I tried to make sense of what Ash was saying, "What do you mean? Were in you trouble, was someone after you or-"

"I was drunk." He cut me off before I could think of any other possibility.

I blinked in disbelief as I shook my head, laughing, "No, no that can't be it. He wouldn't leave her like that, especially when I told him her life could possibly in danger, just because...," I took a deep breath before continuing, "Just because you were drunk?!"

"It wasn't-"

"I am sorry, Hunter." Ash interrupted Chase, taking a step toward me.

Before I could stop myself, my fist was already connecting with his jaw, causing him to fall backwards. "I don't want to see you again. Ever." I whispered staring at my little brother's face with disgust as he looked down, his lower lip trembling. I wanted to comfort him, but I had already crossed the line. He could never look at me in the same way, I was just like dad to him now.