

Violet Meyers is the daughter of the one of top leading Mafia. Love, lies and misunderstanding contribute to her complicated relationship with her 'frenemy' Hunter Arch but what happens when her father is mysteriously killed and there are too many secrets... "She's a hurricane in human form" "He's like the first drop of rain."

AG_ · Urban
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80 Chs

Chapter 38

"Where did you go?"

I jumped a feet in air, yelping as a shadow emerged from the dark corner of my room.

"What the hell are you doing?!" I screamed at Hunter, patting my chest to calm down my heart which was beating so loud, I could hear the blood pounding in my eardrums.

"I asked you a question."

I switched on the light only to see him glaring daggers at me. His jaw was tense as he stepped closer, an intense heated look in his eyes.

"Out." I kept the answer short and vague, unable to meet his eyes as I rotated the ring on my finger, fidgeting under his penetrating gaze.

"Didn't I tell you to stay the hell away from him?"

Why is his voice so calm? Why is he so calm?

I swallowed audibly, "What do you mean?"