

Violet Meyers is the daughter of the one of top leading Mafia. Love, lies and misunderstanding contribute to her complicated relationship with her 'frenemy' Hunter Arch but what happens when her father is mysteriously killed and there are too many secrets... "She's a hurricane in human form" "He's like the first drop of rain."

AG_ · Urban
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80 Chs

Chapter 34

[Hunter's POV]

"Hunter, you're hurting me..."

I let go off her wrist instantly, coming to a stop beside my car as I dragged my hand down my face, exasperatedly.

"Is this all a joke to you?!"

"What?" Her eyebrows furrowed as she stared at me questioningly.

"You took one day of training and thought you were what? Bruce lee?"

"Hunter." There was warning mixed with hurt in her voice but I ignored it as my arms caged her, pushing her back against the car.

"You were lucky they didn't have any weapons but that's not how it works here. They see you making trouble, they shoot you in the face." I closed my eyes trying to calm down the rage and adrenaline that was still coursing through my veins.


I let out a shout, striking the window with my bare fist. Fucking Icarus.

Violet jumped, letting out a yelp of surprise, "What the hell are you-"