
Promised To The Shadows

[A Reverse Harem Fantasy Romance] "Wherever there are shadows, there has to be a light" ~ Seraphina Winters, the Mafia Queen of the 21st century, dies at the age of 28 in an assassination attempt and finds herself facing the trial that will decide her place in the afterlife, i.e. - heaven or hell. However, a weird situation occurs when her bad deeds turn out to be equal to her good deeds performed during her mortal life. To solve the situation, the Council of Afterlife offers her a chance to increase her good deeds and secure her place in heaven. As for the offer - marry the Shadow Lords and revive the cursed land of Shadow City. The council even offers her their newly created system to help her with the impossible task. Dressed in an all-black wedding gown, Seraphina finds herself outside a haunted castle in the depths of a haunted city. From here begins Seraphina's journey of handling her four very hot but dangerous husbands while bringing a very dead city back to life with the help of the system. ----- For more updates about the story, follow me on Instagram: @nightsummer20 ******* Disclaimer: The book cover is mine.

Nightsummer20 · Fantasy
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204 Chs

Different Kind of Makeup

Seraphina opened the door of her room and entered inside, only to be attacked by something huge that landed right at her feet with a loud sound.

"What in the-"

Her shocked gaze locked on the broom that was laying on the dusty floor at her feet, before it turned to look at the little creature that was standing on the bed while glaring at her with a sharp gaze.

"What does this mean?" She demanded while pointing at the broom that was just thrown at her. She couldn't help but wonder how such a small creature was able to throw such a huge object wiuhout having hands.

"Pick that broom up and start cleaning this room. I can no longer handle this dirty place." The little creature spoke as it ran its big, round eyes around the room.

It took Seraphina a while to find her voice as she was left too stunned with the sudden demand. "You want me to clean this place?"

The little thing turned its gaze to Seraphina before it responded. "Or what? You possibly can't be thinking about leaving this place in its current state. Since there are no servants in this castle, you have to do the cleaning on your own."

"No servants? What about Mortimer?" Seraphina asked only for the little creature to give her a horrifying look.

"You can't possibly be thinking about making that old man clean this place. At such an old age, he's already struggling to look after four grown-up men. Now, even you want to torture that poor soul." It accused.

Seraphina opened her mouth to protest, but realized that there was nothing she could say. If there were indeed no servants in the castle and Mortimer was the only available option, it would indeed be cruel on her part to make him do such hard labor. Letting out a deep sigh, she moved toward the trunk to find clothes to change into.

She found a pair of pajama set and decided to wear them since she was about to get dirty while cleaning the room. Once she was out of the bathrobe and in the comfortable pajamas, she picked up the broom and started cleaning her room.

For next an hour or so, she removed the cobwebs from the ceiling and walls, dusted every single corner of the two rooms before finally sweeping the floor. By the time she finished, there was a huge pile of dust, debris, cobwebs, dead leaves, and other dirt sitting near the door.

"This can't do. You need to mop this place too." The little creature spoke from where it was leisurely sitting on the windowsill.

"I know." Seraphina replied while holding back the strong urge she was feeling deep within herself to throw the little thing down the window and get rid of it for the time being.

Ignoring her inner demon and the real demon that was sitting on the window, she walked out of the room and headed downstairs to get a mop and bucket of water.

Even in the morning, the main source of light inside the castle were the few lanterns that were lit up around the place. As she made her way to the ground floor, she was at a complete loss for where she should head next to find Mortimer. She looked around her surroundings, trying to come up with a solution.

"On your left. He's in the dining hall."

Seraphina almost jumped when she suddenly heard the little creature's voice in her head. She looked at her left and found a hallway leading deeper into the left wing of the castle. It wasn't too hard for her to find the dining hall after that, and as she stepped inside, she found Mortimer pouring tea in a cup.

"Good morning, Mortimer. Sorry to bother you, but I'm looking for a bucket of water and a mop to clean my room. Can you please help?"

The man stopped pouring the tea and turned to face Seraphina with a surprised look on his face. He looked completely different from the previous night. He was dressed in a black suit with his grey hair combed back neatly. Round glasses were sitting on the bridge of his nose as he stared at her.

"My Lady, what you have been doing?" The man asked in alarm as he took a look at Seraphina who was covered in dust from head to toe. Her hair, that she had tied in a bun, were covered in dust, her arms and feet were covered in dust, and her clothes barely looked clean at this point.

Before Seraphina could have responded, someone else took the leverage to speak before her. "It seems like she has a kink of a different kind of makeup."

The familiar voice made Seraphina turn her attention to the other side of the room, and much to her horror, she found all four Shadow Lords sitting around the dining table with their gazes fixed on her.

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