
Promise you will love me

Chantel has always being a bright girl. Her parents are well to do but she never let that get into her head. Right after her junior high school, she attained a full scholarship to study in one of the best senior high schools. There, she met Kevin, who promised her heaven and earth. But things did not turn out the way she expected it to be and she had to leave school. She hated Kevin for ruining her life, and vowed never to love again. Years later, she met Kevin again. But she could not forgive him. Kevin made his quest to get Chantel to love him again, like she used to. Will he be able to get Chantel to love him? Will Chantel give Kevin another chance to prove himself? Find out more from this intriguing story.

Maame_Efua_Quainua · Urban
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59 Chs

Preparing to go home

The program ended well. Chantel enjoyed herself just like Cynthia and Adiepena did. Kevin being there made her happy as well. She had just experienced her first kiss, and she could not wait to experience more things with Kevin. This boy whom she had known in a short while, has become the great love of her life, her first boyfriend.

The school had given them just three weeks to spend their vacation. Most of the form one students did not want to go home, since the vacation was short. They had decided to spend their vacation in school and study for the next term. Chantel, however wanted to go home and be with her family for two weeks. She misses them, and wanted to see them, her father especially. Adiepena and Cynthia stayed back in school, to enjoy their vacation.

Chantel spent the first week with them and spent the Saturday with Kevin before she left home the following week. Being with Kevin was joy and satisfaction to her. Kevin took her out that weekend, to a restaurant to eat. Since it was vacation, they did not need permission to go out. They arrived at the restaurant and sat down to enjoy one of their favorite delicacies, Banku with okro soup.

After they had finished eating, they decided to take a walk around town. They just walked around town, holding hands. They had no where in particular in mind, they just felt like walking round the city and go sight seeing. When Kevin brought Chantel back to the dormitory, it was already evening. They met Cynthia and Adiepena sitting on the bench, having a good conversation.

"Hey girls," Chantel called out, and waved at the girls.

"Hey, guys. How did your outing go?" Adiepena asked.

"It went great. We just got here and saw you girls here that's why we came."

"Hello girls." Kevin greeted them.

"Hello Kevin. Hope you are good?" Adiepena asked again.

"I am good."

"So, how come you guys are now coming back? I thought you said you would be here, earlier," Cynthia said.

"Oh yes. That was the idea, but the thing is, we lost track of time, that's why we are late. Anyway, we are here now. That's all that matters."

"I should go now. It's getting late. Chantel, please, call me when you get home, okay?" Kevin said and held her hand.

"I will let you know, as soon as I get home."

"I am going to miss you, darling."

"Me too." They hug each other, in front of Cynthia and Adiepena. Both girls just looked at each other in surprise, then turned back at them.

Kevin left right after, and Chantel sat down with the girls.

"Eii, so you guys now hug?" Cynthia asked, still surprised.

"I bet they have already kissed," Adiepena added.

Chantel blushed as soon as Adiepena said that, making both girls gasp in surprise.

"Wait! You guys have already kissed? When?" Cynthia asked her.

"I want to know too. When did this happen?" Adiepena also asked.

Chantel's cheeks were all flustered. She realised she could not hide the truth from her best friends, so she had no option than to confess it to them. She nodded shyly.

"Yes, we kissed last week, during the entertainment program."

"What?!" Both of them shouted at once.

"Wait! Let me get this straight. You two kissed during the entertainment program? Was it during the time both of you disappeared?" Adiepena asked.

Chantel nodded slowly again. Both girls gasped again.

"But I thought you said you went out to get some air. How come?" Cynthia asked, being the most shocked of the two girls.

Chantel did not know what to say. She felt bad for lying to her friends. But, since both her friends now knew the truth, she had to apologise to them.

"I am so sorry girls. I did not know how to tell you. I just did not know how you will take it," Chantel said.

Adiepena sighed. "Chantel, listen. You know we love you, right?"

"Yes." she nodded.

"That's why I and Cynthia have been warning you since this relationship started. We gave you our consent because you promised us you will be careful. But, kissing a boy whom you have known for just two months is not the best way. Please, Chantel, be careful. That is all I can say to you."

"Yes, Chantel. I have been opposed to this relationship ever since it started. But, I decided to accept it, because you told me you trusted Kevin and that you believed he won't hurt you. But please, be careful. I don't want this to end in tears in the long run. It will hurt me a lot," Cynthia added.

Chantel sighed. "I know you girls love me that's why you have been talking to me ever since this relationship started. Kissing Kevin was not planned, it just happened. I promise to take care of myself from now. I am very sorry I hid this from you."

"It's okay, girl. So, are you going to start packing now, or you are going to wait till tomorrow?" Cynthia asked.

"I will wait till tomorrow. I am so tired now. I guess I will just go back inside and rest," Chantel replied.

She excused herself and walked away towards the dormitory. While Cynthia and Adiepena continued to talk.

"I don't know why, but I don't trust Kevin."

"I know why you feel that way. But, I think we should give him the benefit of the doubt and trust Chantel to take care of herself," Adiepena said.

"Hmm, if you say so." Cynthia shrugged. They both continued to chat about what they were talking about earlier and started to laugh amongst themselves.