
Promise To Be Destined

With a small smirk playing on her rosebud like lips she looks down at him, where he sat helplessly looking up at her. Not with fear but mesmerized by her beauty....... that's how they first met. Sometimes you want to see someone so badly that you wind up with only them in your heart. This narrative began with a promise. Ari Jung who has waited for thousands of years because of a promise. Will this promise last... Is she destined to be with him? Is there a happy ever after for them... A world where supernatural entities threaten the safety of humanity. Fortunately, there is a group of heroes known as Nero's squad who have been fighting against these entities for thousands of years. However, when they encounter a problem that they cannot solve, they turn to Yoo In Soo, a talented forensic doctor who might hold the key to their success. At the heart of this story is Ari Jung, who has been waiting for thousands of years because of a promise. As the squad navigates their new challenge, they begin to uncover a hidden plot that could threaten everything they have worked for. Will they be able to save humanity and themselves? However, there could be a secret conspiracy underway in the background that could threaten the very foundations of the Nero squad... Will Yoo In Soo and Ari Jung succeed?

Rainzai · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
88 Chs

Something eerie..

"I came back for a very long while… you guys done the interview.." Ari said in a quiet voice from the back seat of the car.

"Yeah .. he answered very absurdly and avoided talking about his wife and her first marriage. Also as a bonus our new team member also found many things which might miss our sights but not his" 

Lee Min Ho says this almost very proudly about Yoo In Soo. 

"Heh… look at you bragging about his skills .. what did he see anyway." there was an eager tone to her voice as if she was curious to know something. 

"Well, not what we hoped for but we can confirm it's him but we need solid evidence to get him arrested by police." 

Yoo In Soo added this note with frustration in his eyes.

"Well, I confirmed it a long time ago.." Ari says in a quiet tone.

It was Yoo In Soo's turn to be surprised this time.

"Huh did you find concrete evidence"

"Yes I found it" she says in a huffed tone

"Then where is it"

"...where is it.."

Both Yoo In Soo and Lee Min Ho speak at the same time in excitement and then look at each other.

"Hmm… Well it's on its way, walking Oh no running to the police station .. who knows" she says as an amusing smile plays on her lips

"Walking "


They both look at Ari Jung with confusion.

"Alright sit inside the car, we have a show to watch, anyway keep the camera ready," she says looking in the direction of the house again.


They both nod and do as they are told. Lee Min Ho takes the driver's seat this time and Yoo In Soo takes the passenger seat beside Ari Jung since the passenger seat is closer to him.

"So what gonna happen," Yoo In Soo asks looking at her.

She turns her head away.

"Didn't I tell you? You will see it soon. And be quiet for at least once now."

"What do you mean that I talk too much ??"

While inside the house. The man switches off the lights in the house and looks out hiding behind the curtains. Then closes them after he confirms no one was out there.

"Ah.. finally those guys are gone out of site. Hm, I should go to the kitchen to cook her something … she refused to eat anything I gave her."

 While the man talked to himself the black aura surrounding him started to grow bigger his eyes were losing their humanity and something dark was replacing it.

"Oh.. guys could you see that house it's becoming more erie as time passes. Almost as if someone is sucking away the good energy and … " 

Yoo In Soo shudders a little at the site of the house.

"I can feel…. Feel that negative energy from here itself now."

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