
Promise To Be Destined

With a small smirk playing on her rosebud like lips she looks down at him, where he sat helplessly looking up at her. Not with fear but mesmerized by her beauty....... that's how they first met. Sometimes you want to see someone so badly that you wind up with only them in your heart. This narrative began with a promise. Ari Jung who has waited for thousands of years because of a promise. Will this promise last... Is she destined to be with him? Is there a happy ever after for them... A world where supernatural entities threaten the safety of humanity. Fortunately, there is a group of heroes known as Nero's squad who have been fighting against these entities for thousands of years. However, when they encounter a problem that they cannot solve, they turn to Yoo In Soo, a talented forensic doctor who might hold the key to their success. At the heart of this story is Ari Jung, who has been waiting for thousands of years because of a promise. As the squad navigates their new challenge, they begin to uncover a hidden plot that could threaten everything they have worked for. Will they be able to save humanity and themselves? However, there could be a secret conspiracy underway in the background that could threaten the very foundations of the Nero squad... Will Yoo In Soo and Ari Jung succeed?

Rainzai · Fantasy
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88 Chs

Day to day...

As Lee Min Ho searched for Dal Rae Ha to apologize, he couldn't find her anywhere, not even in her favourite spot. Despite feeling disappointed, he remained determined to make amends and even went out of his way to make her favourite apple pie.

However, since he couldn't locate her, he decided to focus on his work and fulfil his commitments.

He checked his watch and realized he had a bouquet to make for a bride and delivered it on time. With that, he rushed to his shop, ready to tackle the task at hand. 

 " Ahh.. where did she even go … I even made her favourite apple pie." he scratches the back of his neck and looks around one last time before returning to his shop.

Lee Min Ho checked his watch and realized he had a bouquet to make for a bride and delivered it on time. 

Meanwhile, Ari Jung who was roaming around in a quiet and abandoned building saw someone's shadow and hid behind a door.

" I thought no one would be here… who is here at this time?"

She smiles happily as though she has finally found her peace.

" Ah... it would be fun beating some sense into these fellas"

Yoo In Soo who came to work early as usual started to work diligently again.

Since he had taken a few days off his work had piled up but he still felt happier as he saw the lunch box on his table. Later savored the homemade food and felt grateful for the new people in his life.

 He knew that he had a lot to offer and was eager to use his skills to make a difference in the world.

"Ah… homemade food is the best…" he sighs happily looking at them.

My sincere apologies for not updating for few days everyone.^^

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Rainzaicreators' thoughts