
Promise To Be Destined

With a small smirk playing on her rosebud like lips she looks down at him, where he sat helplessly looking up at her. Not with fear but mesmerized by her beauty....... that's how they first met. Sometimes you want to see someone so badly that you wind up with only them in your heart. This narrative began with a promise. Ari Jung who has waited for thousands of years because of a promise. Will this promise last... Is she destined to be with him? Is there a happy ever after for them... A world where supernatural entities threaten the safety of humanity. Fortunately, there is a group of heroes known as Nero's squad who have been fighting against these entities for thousands of years. However, when they encounter a problem that they cannot solve, they turn to Yoo In Soo, a talented forensic doctor who might hold the key to their success. At the heart of this story is Ari Jung, who has been waiting for thousands of years because of a promise. As the squad navigates their new challenge, they begin to uncover a hidden plot that could threaten everything they have worked for. Will they be able to save humanity and themselves? However, there could be a secret conspiracy underway in the background that could threaten the very foundations of the Nero squad... Will Yoo In Soo and Ari Jung succeed?

Rainzai · Fantasy
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88 Chs

A sip of coffee ...

" Aww, how adorable are those beautiful green puppy eyes? Is it a dog thing as these humans say ?"

" You came to my place to tell me something interesting, do you remember now," he says handing her a cup of coffee.

She then takes a leisurely sip .

" oh right so.."

And tells him everything that happened there but someone unexpectedly seemed to hear it .

" Hmm hey puppy is there someone here by the way other than you ."

" What do you mean here ?"Then he remembers

" ohh my " then turns to look .

" A shaman who can see spirits has been found . That means my job will be more easy now, doesn't it "

She says with a smirk playing by the side of her lips .

"Wait, let's plan carefully … this is very important "

He gets up quickly .

" You can plan that on your own puppy phase . Let me see for myself if what this stinky goblin is saying is the truth or just playing her tricks here ."

"Wait now now who's stinky … sheesh here i was hoping that you guys will be finally happy with me . Well don't tell me you are gonna go and see that fella right now ."

She says getting closer to her .

" Ahh… please don't think that I got enticed by you and doing this , I want to do this because I want to … so get of my face already , will you"

She says annoyed and pushing her away by her shoulder .

" Hmm fine fine my powers won't work on an old vampire like you but you do need to know where I last saw him . "

She says with a smirk .

" Transport me to that place where you last saw him. I will find him on my own ."

She says folding her arms .

" Oh what else do you need your majesty …. Haah you can't even ask for help properly but i will show since I am really bored and want some action." she says opening a portal .

" Wait action … what the …..you mean there gonna be no action I mean it and I am tagging along with you "

He says in a hurry thinking I can't have them scare that person away he might prove very useful in our mission .

" Well where is that sleazy grim reaper I can't transport to long distance only she can ''

She waves her hands back and forth .

" I knew you were useless, " Ari says with a huff .

" Uh Uh not like that I am still useful, let me go and bring that sleazy grim reaper to you guys "

She says entering into the space .

After coming to her apartment Bina won was already into deep slumber .

"Waah she literally sleeps like a log ."

"Hello miss grim reaper , it's midnight already and it's not like you or I need to sleep like humans to get energy , get up already "

She says pushing Bina Won out of her bed .

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