
Promise: The Favour

This Novel focus on a person who is the a professor in a university of South Korea. He is only 30 year old, young, handsome and come from a good background family and can do anything for his promise. One day he is traveling in his car to go to a town for a work and there he found a injured girl on the middle of the road and from there comes the tragedy in his life. Follow him to know who the hell is this girl and how a tragedy come in his life. This is my first novel, so please support me and give me some pointers on comment about the storyline of this novel. Disclaimer: This novel is a work of fiction that explores historical events within the context of a parallel Earth. Any similarities to real-world historical occurrences are purely coincidental and are a product of the author's imagination. The intent is to offer an alternate perspective on history and should not be construed as an accurate representation of actual events. Reader discretion is advised. If you own the rights to the profile picture used by the author, please Let us know in the Comments for proper attribution or its removal. We appreciate your understanding and are committed to resolving any concerns regarding intellectual property rights.

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Chapter 1: The Injured Girl, Shadows of Mystery

On the night of December 24, 2023, the darkness loomed heavy, casting an ominous and bloodstained hue. The sheer intensity of the night discouraged anyone from venturing alone, especially when faced with the foreboding sight of a menacing forest. This wilderness seemed to embrace an eerie stillness, creating an atmosphere where venturing out after dark seemed perilous.

The silence in this desolate place was so profound that even the faintest sounds resonated with a disconcerting force, capable of sending shivers down one's spine. Amid this eerie silence, we stumbled upon a factory or warehouse, situated at a slight distance from the forest. A thin alley connected the forest and the warehouse, emerging from the heart of the forest, creating an obscure path slightly elevated from the ground.

Our attention was drawn to the warehouse, where a car was noticed, connected to another path that led to a well-paved road, eventually connecting to the main road or highway. Suddenly, a gunshot echoed through the stillness.


Following the sound, we observed that this sound came from the warehouse and then a figure swiftly moving towards the car in a hurry as if he wait a single second here then something might happen to him, starting it and driving away to the main road.


Simultaneously, another figure emerged, initially heading towards the paved road, possibly intending to reach the car. However, the figure abruptly changed direction, moving toward the rugged path leading out of the jungle. The figure start navigating the broken path before disappearing into the dense outline of the forest. The surroundings of the forest were so dense that imagining anyone navigating through the pitch-black forest where even for the light it is difficult to appear and this forest seemed like it can swallow anyone and to cross this path we can't even imagine .

As we continued our observation, we noticed people within the jungle, accompanied by the sound of footsteps indicative of someone in a hurry. There is someone passing through the forest path in this darkness and This shadow, seemingly returning from the factory, followed a trajectory that indicated a resemblance to the path taken by the shadow which is moving from the abandoned warehouse to the forest. Though the figure's features were not clearly visible in the darkness, the moonlight filtering through the forest outlined the silhouette of the person.

By judging the shadow of the figure we Confirm our suspicions, this figure is a girl and her shadow traversed the jungle, reaching the warehouse, the road, and returning to the jungle. Within minutes, She crossed the dense forest, because this road is a shortcut to the main road which most of the people would not suggest to take in the night but She doesn't have a choice but to do it .When the Girl comes toward the end of the road and only some steps remained to completely cross the road.

She finally saw the street lights and have a breath of sigh


"Finally there is some lightning here"

She said excitedly and then she come in the contact of light after crossing this dense and dark forest and then we noticed something there is blood dripping on the road and the blood is coming from the place where the girl have very firm grip from her hands.

"HA .. Ha.."

We can also hear the girl gasping, The girl, despite evident blood loss, displayed unwavering determination and continued her journey toward the end of the forest road.

When her figure come in the contact of light we also noticed that she is also a very beautiful girl and if not for her condition then nobody have a doubt that this girl have a body of A level Celebrity. Her Eyes shows desperateness to leave this place as early as possible yet they are beautiful because even in this situation her eyes does not conceal her beauty but add some point to it.

Exhibiting remarkable courage, the injured yet beautiful girl continued towards the road, leaving a trail of blood. Despite the severity of her condition, she pressed on, attempting to cross the road because she saw a phone booth near the bus stand. Because In this desolate area which is far from the city it is also a matter of time if there is a taxi or bus goes from here, and when she crossing the road then suddenly a honk and headlights of an approaching car disrupted her balance

"Honk.. Honk..."


Causing her to fall. 


The girl, whom is on the brink of collapse, start collecting her energy to stand up but to no avail there is not enough energy in her body to stand up again and to her surprise she managed to come from the warehouse to the road in her given condition 

By remember this she also give a thumbs up to her stamina or you can say her luck from which she can managed to come this far

And then surveyed her surroundings and saw the approaching car as her eyes being closed, emphasizing her isolation.

As the car passed, a flashback unfolded, revealing what happened to the Girl to force her to this situation and how the hell she is this much injured and what is she doing in this desolate place.

Reaching six hours into the past. The scene unfolded, revealing the events leading to this fateful encounter....

The darkness, the jungle, and the isolated highway became the backdrop to a story etched in fear and mystery, leaving me, the solitary observer, grappling with the unsettling realization that the night held secrets darker than its shroud.