

nwosuchisom_nicole · Fantasy
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Love? What do you believe is the meaning of love?

Promise? What is the meaning of this word?

Lifetime? What's that too?

Everyone has their different opinions of love?

Of a promise?

And a lifetime too?

But we had ours but ... it's all shattered now...

Ride or die? What's the true meaning

Can you die for your better half?

Aurora Max was a shy, timid and naive young woman who has millions in her account and was sheltered her whole life but ran away to go start a new life at Los Angeles (California United States), her life has been pretty good, walking in a corporation firm owned by Juan Carlos( one of the richest billionaires and was known as a player) He's also ruthless, merciless and cold-blooded when you mess with his family or firms but was playful too

Their lives changed when they crossed paths, Carlos wanted to get into Aurora's pants but was refused so his obsession for her began.

They said when you fall in love, you will know the true meaning of pain, joy, success and happiness but our love for eachother pushed us to our grave or rather my grave.

Because.... I died for the one I loved... He's my life and my kids were my world... Together they're my strength

A tragic love story between a player and a naive innocent girl


Join us on our journey loves❣️😘