
Promise Me Forever

Charlotte Xia is fresh out of university looking for work. She lands a job at the prestigious Rising Sun Group, a high end jewelry design firm as the personal secretary to the CEO. President Gordon Zhou’s first impression of her isn’t great but for the first time in his life he feels his hardened heart is beginning to soften slowly. Charlotte is like a wild fire; carefree and passionate about life. She lives her days with optimism and joy and bold splashes of color. Gordon has always been known as an aloof ice berg. He keeps his distance from most people. The more Charlotte is around him the more she perceives that his cold nature is a facade to keep out loneliness and pain. She is determined to break down those defenses and promise him forever. But when a misunderstanding occurs, will they be able to find their way back to each other?

PearBlossom · Urban
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91 Chs

The Office

Charlotte took the papers from his outstretched hands and laughed with self deprecation.

"It seems fitting to start with these." She replied.

"My assistant will show you to your office and help you with anything you may need." Gordon said as a dismissal.

"Very good then." Charlotte said as she crossed the room to leave. She paused as she touched the door knob.

"President Zhou?" She asked softly.

"Speak." He replied, already engrossed in a report.

"Thank you for giving me a chance." She said, and then quickly exited.

Gordon sighed deeply. For thirty five years he'd lived behind a cold and strong wall of ice. How was it possible that a one woman tornado could chip away at his defense? He shook his head and went back to his report.

Charlotte was immediately greeted by Gordon's personal assistant.

"Good morning. I'm Mark Rong, CEO Zhou's assistant."

He led her a short distance down the hallway to a small office facing the elevator bay.

"This will be your office. Your job is to complete the tasks that President Zhou has for you. In addition, you are to carefully screen his calls and visitors. Our CEO is very busy and he doesn't like to waste his time. You and I are the only other people on this floor so it's up to us to maintain a quiet atmosphere." Assistant Rong explained.

"Understood. Thank you for your help, Mr. Rong." Charlotte said. He nodded and left.

Charlotte looked around her small space. She walked to her window and looked down. It was actually a very nice view. After a few moments she went to her desk and began retyping the documents she had ruined that morning.

The phone beside her rang suddenly. She glanced at it and saw it was an internal call.

"Hello, President Zhou's office. This is Charlotte." She answered.

"I forgot to mention that I need those documents by lunch time." The deep voice of Gordon Zhou met her ears.

"Yes sir. I'll have them to you as soon as possible." She assured him.


Charlotte waited to see if he had any other instructions but the phone reminded silent.

"Mr. Zhou, do you have any other desire?"

"No." His answer was cold. In fact, she was certain she must have said the wrong thing. However, before she could ask he had already hung up. She sighed. This day wasn't going well.


Gordon put his head in his hands and groaned. He'd been embarrassed to be caught daydreaming when he'd was on the phone just now. And when she asked if he had any other desire, his mind had turned into an direction he should not have allowed. Her meaning had been simple but his imagination painted pictures he dare not entertain.

He hit his desk in frustration. Why did she have to be so beautiful or smell so good? And why had he not wanted to let go of her when she'd crashed into him? What was wrong with him?! He normally didn't like being around women or idle talk, but just now he'd wanted to keep her on the phone longer. He was not himself today.