
Chapter 4:At the banquet

"Wanna dance... my lady?" Dreux offered

"Me? really? I'm not really good at dancing... you know .. " She looks upset...

but Dreux hold her chin up ... he looks like he's about to kiss lily...

"Its fine my lady .. I will teach you .. since both of us are unknown to the public... no one can ever noticed you "

"get your hands off with my sister" Louie grab his hands and throw it like a trash

"you ... you really are an overprotective brother.. it's up to your sister to decide... so how about it my lady... can I have this dance?"

"Yes ! and Louie it's my choice... just find someone else to dance ... "

"ok let's see tsk. " Louie murmured

Dreux is a fine man... He got red hair , golden eyes , pale skin and have a nice body... that's why when I first saw him... I assumed he's a pervert or a womanizer... he's a type of a guy that can attract not just a woman but can attract man as well. it's my first time to feel this kind of overwhelmed sensation.... I hold his arms tightly.. he noticed it...

I don't know why he noticed me when everyone around us just ignored our family since we are low class noble. but we're rich.

I have green hair with golden eyes, a pale skin and average height. yet, I have a nice body like a goddess. and maybe he noticed it first.

We wait for the crown prince and princess to finish their dance and we proceed to the next dance.

but before that...

The crown prince ask the daughter of duke Nirvanah. to be his next dance....

She's the famous promised love, she really got a perfect life. Even the crown prince likes her.

"I heard that she's one of the candidate to become the next empress. actually there are four of them. " Dreux said.

"Really, cool... I hope she will get chosen. and whose the other three ?" I ask

" Rheana, a Marquess daughter, Sofia, a dukes daughter and the last one is still unknown. "

"wow! I don't know about them , their family seems powerful to be chosen as empress candidate...are you really telling the truth? then how do you know all of it?" I ask...

He stared at me ...

His eyes is really beautiful and mesmerizing

"I'm the empress nephew, don't ask me anything about her ... just leave it at that" He's serious ..

"I understand.... but as you said that you're not known in the noble society? Sorry if I ask you something I'm curious about "

He's really something else...

" I see... you're getting comfortable with my presence now. am I right? "

" Maybe I can tell you more about myself next time. If you would accept my invitation to go out ... I'll open up myself to you. Just you my lady..."

the next song start and we dance he teach me how to dance... we dance at the edge of the crowd so no one can noticed us. we're having fun ... that's what I thought.

when the last song start playing... That guy .... came to me ask me to dance.... that is Promise love brother.... I was overwhelmed... I never thought he would noticed me....

"I'm Vincent, the son of duke Nirvanah... can I have your last dance?"

I was excited and nervous at the same time ...

he's the son of the famous Nirvanah couple and my favorite story.... without a second thought I accepted his proposal...

This is it...

"S-sure, it's my pleasure... I'm Lily from the house of baron Victoria"

"Dreux thank you for tonight! " I said and left him

he looks upset...

sorry Dreux....

"Ahm... I'm looking forward to meet you soon... so don't get upset" I gave him assurance that we could still meet... and with that he's face lit up....

" I noticed you from afar coz you keep watching on our direction. and I thought your weird but... the moment I observed you talking and dancing.... you are really different. "

We caught up the attention of everyone when we started dancing...

of course... he's one of the main character for tonight. .. and because of that I became known to the society...

they named me the girl who caught up the attention of the sleeping prince ...

I throw the newspaper...

"What is this? I thought.... My favorite character lives is completely forgotten.... but they are in the news everywhere... they're famous.... "

I'm still in the capital... I will stay here for one month ... My grandparents granted me and I don't know what changed their mind. they even gave me a place to stay in the palace while I'm here in the capital... and of course my brother is also here with me ....

There are a lot of maids in the palace that I'm staying at .. every time I go out to the garden ... they are following me ... and every time I go out .. one maid and two guards are guarding me ..

what nonsense is this ... I'm hoping I could see him once again....