

"I'll never leave you." I made a promise to my brother, but I didn't keep it. When a William Alexander, the perfect man who has a big secret in the past, an adopted son who left his younger brother to take the place of a business empire heir who has special needs. William must keep his promise to be loyal and obey any request from his adoptive father Jackson Alexander, an ambitious and cold-hearted rich businessman so that Jackson reunites him with his brother again. One time Jackson asked him to return to his home country, to become a governor in order to make it easier for him to do real estate development, for that he had to marry a woman, a twenty-three year old girl, Roseline a superstar who was loved by all the people who turned out to be the lover of his biological brother. His brother, Rayhan Adamson who has grown into a famous music producer without William knowing, he just wants to meet his younger brother as promised by Jackson if he succeeds in becoming a governor and gets a development permit then Jackson will bring him together with Rayhan. Will William be able to meet Rayhan again, atone for his sin of leaving Rayhan when he was seven years old and getting his slowly growing love for Rose? *** hi, thanks for reading my novel I will really appreciate every review and comment you give. You can contact me at: lmarlina8889@gmail.com

mrlyn · Teen
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53 Chs

Fight at the first night

The night was getting late but William and Rose's wedding party was still not over even though it was almost midnight.

"I hope to be a pumpkin at the midnight," Rose muttered lazily, she was already very sleepy while the party guests were busy dancing with their respective partners.

Instead of being Cinderella, Rose wanted to be a pumpkin because then she wouldn't have to spend the first night with William.

The man was already very perverted even from the first time they met and Rose couldn't imagine what William would do to her, especially since William looked angry at her earlier.

"Want to dance with me?" William asked who suddenly came and stretched out his hand.

"No!" Rose refused curtly but then her eyes accidentally caught Jane who was smiling at her making Rose finally welcome William's outstretched hand even though it was a little forced.

"You said you didn't want it." William tease.

"Your mother is watching us," Rose replied lazily.

"Oh, such a good daughter-in-law." William teased again as he began to tug at Rose's tiny waist and begin his dance steps.

"Couldn't have gotten too close." Asked Rose still with a smiling face but her hand pressed against William's chest to give her some distance.

"Like this?" William asked but instead of giving distance he actually closed the distance between them and even made their lips almost touch if only Rose didn't swiftly pull her head back.

"You did it on purpose?" Rose whispered furiously.

William came back and whispered, "Right, I'm glad you pissed me off."

Rose could only hold her anger in her heart and hoped that this would all be over soon, she felt uncomfortable when William stole a chance to stroke her innocent back and kissed her shoulder.

"Many people are looking at us, stop being perverted to me!"

"How can a husband pervert his wife? I just want to sip the soft scent of my fussy wife."

"Oh God, please make me a pumpkin right now," Rose asked herself, she didn't know why her body overreacted when William kissed her neck briefly. It was like an electric current stung her and made her weak.

"Looks like our bridal couple can't wait to get through their first night, then we'd better end this party," Jane said after stopping the music and making a sudden announcement after seeing what William did to Rose.

Of course, the guests obeyed the owner of the show and left William alone with Rose.

Rose felt embarrassed, she didn't dare to lift her face. All this is because of William's pervert.

Rose was about to scold William when the noise was gone and the only sound was their footsteps when William suddenly pushed herself away.

Rose was so shocked by what William had done to her, that she almost fell over.

"Are you crazy? You almost made me fall!" cried Rose angrily.

"Then what do you want? Do you want me to carry you to our bridal chamber? Is that so dear? You want to spend some intimate time with me?" William asked disdainfully.

Rose sighed in annoyance, was this William's real face? Rude and heartless.

"Who would want to be carried by a man like you!" Rose answered before turning to leave William.

"And I will never allow you to touch me!" She continued when she climbed the first stair and then walked quickly to her room.

The sound of the door slamming loudly made William close his eyes holding back the shock in his heart. Rose was really mad this time but it was better than losing control.

It's stupid, just because of Rose's scent, he was moved to take a sip of Rose's neck and now his whole body was heating up to hold back the turmoil of his desire that suddenly rose.

At first, William just kissed Rose's shoulder so that Jane would end the party immediately because he saw Rose was very sleepy but then he was trapped by his own game.


"You pervert! Who wants to be touched by him!" Rose grumbled in annoyance.

Her breath heaved up and down holding back her annoyance.

When Rose accidentally looked into the mirror, she realized that William's stroking caused a red spot on her neck.

"What did he do to my neck?" Said Rose frustrated while wiping the red spots on her neck with a tissue but instead of disappearing but instead adding to the red of her neck.

Not long after William entered the room, by lifting her dress Rose immediately approached William with an annoyed face.

"See what you did to my neck?" Pointing at Rose, she turned her head and showed William the red blotches on her neck.

Oh come on, William still couldn't suppress the desire in him, and Rose instead showed her long neck and made him want to take another sip.

Calm down, William . . . William reassured himself when his desire returned to lead him to grab Rose's neck again.

"You want me to give more?" William asked teasingly that at least Rose's refusal would hold back his desire not to go along with his wild desires.

"Don't be crazy!" Rose immediately pulled herself up and stepped away from William.

Thankfully... William heaved a sigh of relief inwardly.

He immediately took off his coat and unbuttoned his shirt button one by one and rushed to take a shower while Rose was still struggling with the net and the crown in her hair which seemed difficult to remove.

Seeing Rose grimacing a few times, William who was shirtless finally approached Rose and helped her without making a sound.

"I can do it myself," Rose said nervously, she moved away but William held her, his strong hands touched Rose's innocent shoulder so that Rose could only stand still.

"Does your leg still hurt?" William asked who was still releasing the pins one by one in Rose's hair.

"I am better," Rose replied still nervously.

William looks very handsome when he only focuses on one thing and his burly body distracts her.

"You can touch it instead of just looking at it in the mirror." William's teasing smiled meaningfully when he had managed to get the net off Rose's head.

Rose who was caught red-handed could only swallow her embarrassment and try to act normal.

"Who said I saw your burly body!"

"I didn't say you noticed my burly body," William whispered making Rose feel awkward for a moment and moved away but the long dress she was wearing made her fall sitting right in front of William.

William couldn't hold back his laughter, he laughed as he crouched down and raised Rose's hand.

"Want to touch me now?" He teased while bringing Rose's hand to his chest if only Rose didn't pull her hand away quickly.

"Don't worry, I won't touch a woman who doesn't love me," William said as he got up and walked to the bathroom while Rose continued to stare at William annoyed.

"At least until I haven't changed my mind but who knows if tomorrow I might change my mind." William continued when he was in front of the bathroom, not forgetting to blink his eyes before completely disappearing behind the tightly closed bathroom door.

Rose sighed in annoyance, she hit the floor with both hands for being so annoyed with William even though she finally winced in pain.


William had finished bathing, he was still wearing his bathrobe and his hair was still wet when he casually climbed onto the bed and closed his eyes where Rose had been sitting waiting for William since an hour ago because she also wanted to take a shower.

"You're not wearing a pajama?" Asked Rose getting up from her seat.

William opened his eyes lazily as he replied, "I'm not a seven-year-old kid still sleeping in his pajamas."

"But how can you sleep in just that? At least get dressed!"

"Wouldn't it benefit you if you suddenly wanted to see my body later tonight?"

The sea breeze seems to have made William's brain fly somewhere, how can he say that?

"Hey, I'm not a pervert! Why would I want to touch your body?"

"Because my body is burly," William said laughing with a triumphant face while Rose had lost to this ridiculous argument, she could only surrender and immediately rushed to the bathroom.

"You want to take a shower in that dress?" William asked, he tilted his body and didn't hesitate to look at Rose with a seductive look.

"Of course not, I'll let it go immediately!" Rose replied, she immediately grabbed the hook on her dress and was about to open it but then she smiled mockingly, "Don't think I will open it in front of you!" Rose said before disappearing behind the bathroom door.

William smiled again, Rose being twice as chatty and wary of him. All of that was better than Rose just resigning herself to this marriage with her heart still belonging to another man. And he can hold back his wild side that always appears when he's close to Rose. William doesn't want to betray Gwen by sleeping with another woman even though Rose is already his wife.
