
Prolonged Timeline

A kid who finds the simple in every day life struggles with the becoming of past and future, all driving him more off the edge to insanity.

Deamonz · Fantasy
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Chapter 2

Sounds of static fill the room, an empty room with nothing but a worn and thin chair with an old antique television, like the ones we used in schools with the DVD player that sometimes would work. "Hey, before we go on I want you to watch a film. A film where a man lived a life of crime, a horrid man who would murder for sport. Even though he murders he fell in love with a grocery story employee they battle on an endless journey to grasp love, which they both desire. Trying to find themselves in a society that hates them." Julius explained. I watched the Film wondering what he meant of it, the only thing that caught my eye was the grocery store employee. She had soft skin almost like running your fingers through the flowers in a beautiful field. Long thick brown hair put into a perfect bun. She also wore a old fashioned white dress with a crop top overcoat. It was a very bland movie, almost made me fall asleep. As my eyes shutter and fade in and out I realize one part of it that confuses me. No one in the film had a name, something that divides us from the others so we are recognized more easily. Could it be like me? A man with no name trying to find himself. A man who's name doesn't define him? What was Julius's intention of showing me this? I need more answers on who I am, I guess for now I just gotta listen and pay attention. I take out the tape of the film for investigating, the film not wanting to let go of the CD player the film slips from my grasps and I try to catch it but it makes a loud crash onto the ground chipping off one of the edges of the films plastic. The loud sound made my ears ring, cowering me into a ball. Flashing in and out, a warm and scary feeling, colors of orange and red pitter patter across my eyes. My ears circling Screaming of all ages around, my eyes open and see skin melting and then turning to a crisp almost like burnt bacon. My body was trembling and a slight limp came out of me trying to get away, I'm covered in blood but I don't think it's mine. Woman and children running and begging for some medical attention, whilst men scramble around to put out the forsaken fate I created. A simple bottle rocket felt harmless but caused such devastation. Eyes flicker and flash out. "HEY! Hey! You ok." Exclaims Julius. "Yea... yea I'm fine just a little headache." A slight moment of fear dwells in my eye and I believe Julius can see it but he brushes it off to not draw attention to the subject. In those moments I saw his fear too. To change the subject I ask Julius to tell me about his crush Kim, The look on his face when I said that to him was hysterical, I'd compare it to a cherry red Ferrari or even a fire hydrant. He goes on to talk about her beauty like he was a squire telling a story about a brave knight after a hardy battle. It made me feel better, It amazed me about how a person can preach about another person like that. It was heart warming. I shout to him "I guess Kim is your l'amour de ma vie." He is confused and asks what it means. "It just means The love of my life in French" Confused I also ask "How come she never pays attention to you. I thought every one liked you because of this prophecy or whatever?" He gave that face like when you forget where your keys are but then realizes that your driving. He goes "I uh embarrassed myself a long time ago right in front of her and I've been too scared to talk to her ever since. She gives me an evil look every-time I pass by." I snicker and wonder if she just has a case of RBF. We spend a few more hours out in town just messing around. Then back to my rundown house. Alone, a Barron, boring and unlively place. I'm used to places like that though so it doesn't bother me in the slightest. Today it felt like an eternity and I didn't even get time to take my shoes off. I crashed into my bed, like a ship when it first gets dropped into the water, and nothing but silence came from that house that night.