
Projekt: Lolicon Loli

John is a Big Fat Lolicon, who likes to jack off to virtual lolis because it makes him feel special and alive. One day, World War 10 arrived and Nuclear War is at its peak. John's country was attacked and the town he lives in got destroyed, including his home and himself. One day, he wakes up in a pill tube and he looks at himself and sees that he has gone short and her voice changed. He looks at a mirror and finds that he has turned to a loli! He explored the mysterious place until eventually he was found and was sent with the others. What do you think John will do now that he's a loli?

Vivalavistamia · Sci-fi
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4 Chs

More About John

John woke up and he yawns and he immediately just went to the computer and goes to a food website for his breakfast and orders a lot of food and he checks on his favorite illegal website again where he continued his research and you might already tell, this is his everyday routine and that's all what he does everyday not unless he wants to breath fresh air.

You might be wondering, what did he order? Well as a fat person, he has the fattest desire of eating lots of burgers pizzas and fries, and his favorite. Loli pussy juice, gross but he hasn't actually tasted it before, because it doesn't exist, yet.

You might be also wondering, where are his parents and does he have siblings, to answer that.

His parents have already died. His mother died of a rare disease in the brain while his father died in a hostage situation.

His father was the robber if you're wondering.

Anyways, after that tragic moment, John has gone depressed and guess what? Lolis are the only things that cheers him up and makes him super happy, he's proud of himself and he's proud of what he does. His ghost parents are not sure but EH!