
Project Zombie Apocalypse

Daro, a teenager on his 19s had a surprise, when after scaping his home town from a gang, a zombie apocalypse starts, however, before passing out, "world downloading" was visible in his eyes, follow Daro as he tries to survive and uncover the mysteries that his reality may hide.

inoffensivePigeon · Urban
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6 Chs

Chapter 2: State of Decay

The middle aged tanned lady kicked the man's head and with a sickly crunch, and standing up, she kicked the man's head until he stopped moving. Something amazing happened after that, an icon appeared at the top of the man's head, it looked like a hologram, however none of them seemed to realise since one was attending to the middle aged lady and the other was wearily looking at the bus door. Daro approached cautiously and saw that what once used to be the man's head was now just a bloody pulp, but he had been into a lot of violent situations in his time with the gang, so ignoring it, he touched the surreal icon. A screen appeared and two lines of text followed, "Mark West (dead)" and at the bottom of it the word "Inventory" was also there. Clicking on the inventory line, he could see, the items that the man had on his body, which basically consisted of his cell phone, wallet and the clothes he was wearing. Daro took the cell phone and the wallet since the clothing was bloodied and dirty. after doing that he opened the man's cell phone finding out that it was locked, he crouched and used the man's finger in an attempt to unlock it. The phone opened the phone and a screen filled with icons appeared, the first thing he did was change the password so that he could use it as his own, and after getting used to the configs, he opened the navigator. What ensued after was surreal for him, finding out that the same things are occurring everywhere around the three big powers was a shock for him. He didn't know much about geography but he knew that within Earth, after the Great War there are only three big powers, The Cheviks, a military focused government, The Sciebs a science focused government that only focus on developing knowledge, and the Maltovs, a fusion between both, and also the most powerful between both, this government was the one responsible for keeping the peace between both, and also the power that Daro lived in. However in all three of them, conflicts with these things are happening and casualties are fast approaching, the big cities are in manhem and these things are getting out of control, the military has not even close to have enough people since even their headquarters are being attacked, news broadcasts are showing riots, murder, rape and torture in LIVE from the helicopters, and the situation looks grim in general.

However what Daro did not think about was the noise that the cellphone made, and before he realised his mistake, the infected from the bus were walking away from the bus, the first one in line, a fat man with greasy short hair and a ill fitted suit was caught sight of daro and started running towards him, hearing the footsteps Daro looked at the direction of the sound just in time to see the fat man diving towards him, he ducked and he felt the scalp of his head scraping by the man's belly, he turned towards the fat man that was trying to stand up again, and quickly kicked the fat man with his black boots. Soon more infected started chasing to him and realising his predicament, he quickly unhosted his pistol, and shot them, a few shots hit the head, stomach and arms of different infected and some of the ones with shots on the head and heart stopped running falling face first on the hot asphalt, two more infected leaped on him, one was the young woman that first got bitten and the other was the man that the young woman bit. Leaping towards Daro at the same time. He rolled to the side barely avoiding the two, and turning around shot both dead with headshots.

More infected slowly left the bus because of the loud gunshots, however these ones seem to be different because they were slower even after spotting someone, they also had large chunks of their bodies missing. For these ones he just slowly backed away making sure to count the amount of infected that were left and remembering the amount of passengers that he counted when he first got into the bus, he knew that all of the infected left the bus, slowly backing away he made a lap around the bus and got inside, "the fire axes that are stuck to the walls of the bus could be useful to deal with the slow ones" he thought, already strategizing how to deal with the situation. Getting inside, blood and limbs were everywhere, he could see fingers, lungs, intestines and a morbid thought came to his head thinking that with this amount of parts he could probably make another human. Shaking these useless thoughts he got the fire axe nearest to him and was about to leave the bus, when a figure lunged towards him.